Protect them from what?
Protect them from what?
Other urls found in this thread:
from people like you
HOLY SHIT SO FUCKING DEEP!!! Fuck!!! Damn dude that was so inspiring you fucking faggot! Wow!!
the suicide rate of being post op i guess
From people that bash them because they're sexually confused and project it on others
Look at them nostrils. That nigga is practically stealing oxygen. What's the percentage of oxygen stolen by niggers?
Liberal pizza parlors where they rape them, cook them, then rape them again, then eat them
lol. This just made me racist
you fail at science
Hurt feels.
Got to it before me, damn.
Pedophile rapists, most likely. What kind of dumb-ass question is this?
I'll have you know, I have a masters in Niggerology.
but at what age to protect them since they have no idea they are trans until probably 15
Internet meanies
Di you consider yourself a Niggerist or a Niggerologist?
Shut up nigger. Stealing is bad.
Welcome. That's been a thing here for quite some time now.
>Protect them from what?
they're genitals
Shut your nostrils, Mongo.
From republicans.
Jokes on them, republicans win!
i am genitals
Long falls off of buildings.
Things cuckservatives believe.
For our future! Flush out the degenerates, to a better Sup Forums!!
Who's gonna protect me from strawmen?
this may depend of weather or not they are autobots or decepticons....
As a 53 year old trans-8 year old, you wouldn't believe the number of strangers that try to talk to me on my way to school. And the teachers quite a bitch as well.
Our lord god jesus keeps them protected. He has even given us the knowledge to improve upon his design. My sister was thought to be a boy when born but God has put in her heart what he wants her to be and now I accept it as it is as God has also. A miracle
From opportunistic predatory identitarians and perverts
AKA protect kids from trans brainwashing
From parents who don't want to let us give them hormones, fill their heads with bullshit, and ultimately fuck them in the ass and mouth.
Is... is he warning us?
people keep getting offended enough to beat trans people to death for their petty problem
you're in as far as the people you malign
look at this fool
look at him and laugh
Fuck that.. protect yourself, stop being such a pussy
Fuck off
Shut up nigger. Best put that lower lip away.
Fuck. I was gonna say that. Based as fuck.