Friendly reminder that any women without proportions like this or better is defective and should be destroyed for the...

Friendly reminder that any women without proportions like this or better is defective and should be destroyed for the good of society.

Attached: Perfection.jpg (367x600, 24K)

Says the autistic faggot.

Attached: Sophie_Brussaux.jpg (990x1595, 190K)

t- fatass drinking mountain dew and doritos smoothie

Attached: 1569869015289.jpg (405x582, 49K)

user, you know photoshop exists right?

user, You know legit Beautiful Women exist right?

Says the defective female.

Attached: 1568387883167-1.webm (480x480, 921K)

No one made you the boss.

Friendly reminder that anons that think plastic women are real should kys.

Agreed. I destroy my fat wife every night

Attached: Perfection_2.png (401x669, 313K)

picture of the fat wife

Attached: 24ds4.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Attached: Perfection_3.png (982x521, 640K)

Attached: Perfection_4.png (603x643, 382K)

Before Photoshop.

Attached: Cynthia_myers.png (453x681, 375K)

Attached: Bettie_Page.png (586x771, 393K)

Attached: 56363688_306790429995493_3402443994887468397_n.jpg (1080x1238, 178K)

reminder that this bitch had Drake's baby in secret and got enough money to never tell anyone about it. She's set for life. Quite impressive for a butterface like her.

Attached: classic.gif (250x208, 1000K)

Prime Breeding stock right there.

Attached: Dem_Hips_Do.png (568x734, 566K)

Attached: sakovaboobfight.gif (367x206, 1.84M)

Merilyn Sakova?


merilyn sakova, and i think anna song is the other goddess

Attached: sakovaclassic.gif (295x215, 1014K)

But user, I like skinny girls with flat chests. Should I die too?

Attached: tachibana-slender-kuko-001-2-768x1024.jpg (768x1024, 109K)

any name?


Attached: 1570675069791m.jpg (1024x768, 59K)

Attached: 1570675029296m.jpg (1024x768, 63K)


Rami Malek.

You got me

Attached: amberbouncy.gif (350x361, 1.89M)

I like A and B cup tits.


amber what

that makeup is awful

it's amanda love, I misnamed the file

Attached: amandalove.gif (330x317, 1.9M)

I like concave tits

Attached: xxxx52 concave boobs.png (1045x1142, 492K)

Nigger, I...

Wanna fill those invertits up with cum?

Attached: 1558812294794.webm (960x1706, 1.37M)

Nahhh, takes all kinds.

Attached: 1556483899125.jpg (796x1024, 61K)

Attached: 1557599569767m.jpg (576x1024, 46K)

Attached: 1561052511412.gif (260x410, 1.78M)


its funny, because you dont even have a fat gf and you are expecting all women to be top models. you dont go out of the basement do you?

Attached: 1558379855027.jpg (500x667, 68K)

Attached: 1559180055484m (1)8.jpg (625x1024, 62K)

ahhh, the same should aoply to man. Obly muscular fit guys with straigth teeth.

Ow shit, now we have to destroy you.

Isn't your containment area, or whatever they moved it to?

Destroy 95% of all women? Why you have to be a sick faggot eh, why can't you try to just be a normal fag?

Attached: 050.jpg (1600x1200, 196K)