Should I go back to my ex gf?

Should I go back to my ex gf?

We broke up about 2 months ago, we dated for a whole year and we honstley fought a lot and I thought about breaking up with her multiple times. I never really thought it would be this hard, I haven't been happy since and it feels like the only solution is to go crawling back to her.

what do i do Sup Forums, i just want to be happy.

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give me your ex's contact info. ill help you move on

THIS IS THE FIRST STAGE. Of course you feel like shit.If you thought about breaking up with her before then this should be okay, right? You got used to being with her and doing things with her. You basically got out of your comfort zone. The minute you get back with her, you'll start thinking you want to dump her AGAIN. This is part of moving on. Or be a bitch and cave in to what you feel and crawl back.

Crawling back is the absolute worst option. If you fought a lot, you will likely always fight a lot. Lifes too short for that shit. Use your time being single to improve yourself, learn shit and for fucks sake lift. You're better off without her faggot.

Thats what i thought, but damn it hurts a lot man.

and im going to the gym and trying to distract myself but at times i feel like thats a mistake.

stop being an emotional retard and move on


Do not crawl back to her, i felt horrible for a couple months, but i can assure you that you'll start enjoying life without having to take dumb shit from some dumb bitch, rediscover old passions, do some LSD, whatever, but don't fucking go back to her

Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Get on some dating apps, go out with your friends, hell you could probably bang a stripper if you really wanted