Turkey coup is a gigantic hoax

Hey Sup Forums i am quite late to this i know but i didn't have time to say this. The entire "Coup" is planned by the one and only Erdogan. This is a propaganda for him to go and say "SEE ? IF YOU DONT VOTE FOR ME THE ARMY WILL DO BAD THINGS TO YOU ! LET ME BRING MINISTRY TO TURKEY SO I CAN "SUPPORT THIS COUNTRY" BETTER". Sad that these all happened and it was all a hoax. The people are just like sheep here. (fucking muslims and their religion) GG Erdogan well fucking played you fucking genius cunt. Way to fucking go

Other urls found in this thread:

esiweb.org/pdf/turkey - Operation Cage (Kafes) Action Plan (English translation).pdf

So what's his endgame here, roachbro?

>muh hoax
Enjoy your last hours on earth, roach

How do you know?

Who cares? It isn't like you're human any way.

must suck being a ro*ch


More memes to power Israel's iron dome.

My exact thought

>Bring ministry type management which can lead him to bring back sultanate.
>Profit ???