I just had a thought. For all of the huge cultural impact that Star Wars had...

I just had a thought. For all of the huge cultural impact that Star Wars had, I don't think I can name a single other piece of work that I can point to and say "Yep, this is definitely building off Star Wars."

That's not to say that there aren't elements of SW in many artistic pieces, pretty much every sci-fi film since its release has taken something from it, but I can't find any one thing that is undeniably a retelling or reimagining of the SW story.

I know I'm crazy though. I know they're out there. Can Sup Forums help me out?

Space Balls


Damn. Was one minute too late to say this.

The Lord of the rings

Eragon, for starters.

Plus, note the plot structure of various movies and shows. Note the portrayal of villains in lore.

The Hidden Fortress

The original Battlestar: Galactica was basically an attempt at a Star Wars TV show.

Oh yeah? How so? I've never read the books, I just have a vague understanding that it's about a boy who meets a dragon.

>I can name a single other piece of work that is building off Star Wars

That's because Star Wars is character-driven. It's not about the Empire and the Rebellion. It's about Luke's personal journey, Han's personal journey.

There isn't much originality in the plots. Much of it is borrowed from shakespeare.

Didn't blockbusters spawn from Jaws and Star Wars?

That's because star wars is just the classic heroes story but in space, anything with the same themes will attribute them to the creator, most likely tolkien.

That's a side-effect of its greatness.

No one could attempt a copy because it would only be seen as a Star Wars Copy.

Even the OT's own prequels and sequels are suffering from comparison.

TFA is panned as a crude copy of its own movie series on this very board all the time.

>published in 1954


What the hell are you on about?

Eragon and sequels are precise beat-for-beat, character-for-character copies of the original trilogy of Star Wars.

.. Is the bad guy Eragon's dad?

No, he's actually Eragon's brother. This is revealed as a big twist right at the end of the second book. At the end of the last book, he turns against his master (the emperor, the ultimate bad guy) and helps Eragon defeat him.

Battlestar Galactica (1978)


Stars wars was a generic fantasy movie. It wasn't sci-fi, it wasn't a groundbreaking storytelling. It was generic medieval fantasy.

Young farmer, meets with retired knight, decides to become a knight himself, then fight on a war against the evil empire, and the evil knight, which is the henchman of the supreme evil lord that knows how to shoot lightening off his hand. There's absolutely nothing special about Star Wars. They just took a cookie cutter medieval fantasy movie and put it in space.

Adam's Ark was inspired more by Star Trek's popularity and old wagon train shows,, not Star Wars. It was only after Star Wars did studios finally go with Larson's idea.

You dropped your hat.

I find it more interesting to puzzle out Lucas's influences... The Bible, Dickens, and Flash Gordon?

Which Dickens story is it most like? Great Expectations?

Larson was also affected by Chariots of the Gods in the late 60s, and tried to work a story around that idea, which also used some elements of Mormon cosmology. Similarities with Star Wars are fairly superficial. Some special effects and characters were similar (like Han vs Starbuck), but the story was markedly different.

Putting the idea into space is not as small of a leap as you are making it out to be. George Lucas is the first to admit that he used elements from classical mythology and fantasy.

You can't really build off it or reimagine it too closely or you'll get your ass sued off

>"No Neo, I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready... You won't have to!"

There's dozens of Italian trash that copies Star Wars beat for beat

Star Wars was already an amalgamation of a lot of different Western, science fiction, fantasy and samurai films and other media.
George truly got lucky in that he was just the first person to do something like it.
Also, Guardians of the Galaxy is pretty much Star Wars.

Oh yeah, I assumed there would've been countless low-budget clones.

Good lord, that's almost adorable

I'm writing a nazi germany adaptation right now

I remember when I was a kid I spent so much time looking through our local video store for something else like star wars. I never found it. it's a 1 of a kind masterpiece OP

For example?

>Theyve only seen the movie