A doe just plopped dead next to my garden

a doe just plopped dead next to my garden
we threw the body into the bushes and left it to decompose (I wanted to skin it first but they wouldn't let me as it was ridden in ticks)
I'll have a pretty neat intact skeleton of doe in a couple of months, any cool ideas what to do with skeleton once I obtain it

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Put it on display in winter like a reindeer

will try
unless it fails to decompose before cold winter

cover it because it will stink

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could've just bought flea powder and sprinkled it over it, shame user

it's deep in bushes where it doesn't reach anyone living close
since theres no predators in the woods it will be rotting away safely

aw man know what, if the vertebrates don't rot away I'll make me a spine necklace

>since theres no predators in the woods
Are you fucking retarded?

it wasn't my call, I would've skinned it even with fleas but them wouldn't let me

bury it and forget about it...its nature so its karma.

forgive my english I am paragraphic
what I wanted to say is despite leaving the doe in the wild in the forest, there is no risk of it being eaten or otherwise ravaged by wolf or some other beast since there are only hedgehogs and snakes in our forest

the bones are mine if they don't decompose immediateky

You're an idiot if you think that's the only predators in ANY woods.

How do you know that? Fox can easily come from different forest if they smell the rotting body. I buried cow's remains in my forest and foxes dug it.


Dude you are underestimating how badly those things stink as they decompose

Just leave ut

You are mentally ill. Humans can eat dead bodies just fine. We were scavengers in the past.

depending on the location and time of year bugs will absolutely devour it, in as quickly as a week

Put it on the hood of your car like a redneck.

I wouldn't touch the doe any further, it could be contaminated with the chronic wasting disease.

Get you some carrion beetles, you can order them online for taxidermy. Faster, less stink and much cleaner skeleton.

Shits going to stink

this. no idea what they are but it's best to speed up the decaying process if you don't want your backyard to smell like dead deer for two months

pretty good thread

call the fucking DNR, you retard.
They keep track of this shit to keep an eye on CWD for a fucking reason.

The devil's sixes has spoken
Shits going to stink

Not many people would think that a dead doe is a cool thing to have. You're weird, dude.

So, where are the timestamped pics of dead doe with OP's cock pointing at it?

Use vines as anal pleasure tools
Post pics with time stamp

fuck you man I'm not weird

That thing is gonna fuckin stink, i remember the time i went fishing and came across a bag of dead ferrets
2 months later i went back and the stench was still there

Although tbh i think they turned to liquid in the bag

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it is a bit man, but if you're serious about doing something with its bones, then carving them into knife handles works pretty well

knife handles, chopsticks and guitar pics
yeah I could se that happening

I will make another thread later when I get back there

put your dick in it for shits n giggles, dont be a faggot OP

You can bleach the skull and hang it up on your wall.

Well wtf can you do now to prove you're not a fuckin' robot?

>a doe just plopped dead next to my garden
>it was ridden in ticks


That deer was obviously diseased, you fucking ignorant nigger! Get it off your property, and have authorities dispose of it properly without delay!

Doesn't look very old I'd be worried about what offed a seemingly healthy young deer and if you really want to be that close to it.

>The devil's sixes

Your two thirds on target for hitting full retard and one third away from being correct in the number of digits you require. That is, three digits, which incidentally is not the number of digits that would accurately reflect your IQ, sub-seventy-nigger.

i'd count that as a part of decomposition
but yeah, animals are really good at avoiding humans, especially during the day. There's always more of them than you think

The past is in the past.


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>just plopped dead
OP is already dead.


try fucking it

can we please take up discussion back to the original topic

What the fuck does that have to do with the smell of a decomposing deer.

>a doe just plopped dead next to my garden
>I wanted to skin it first but they wouldn't let me as it was ridden in ticks
>>just plopped dead

>back to the original topic

"They" who?

OP here, I'm afraid that the doe won't start decomposing anytime soon
look at this bird
this bird has been here for atleast two weeks
fresh as ever
so fresh you could almost eat meat as beef of tartar

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>so fresh you could almost eat meat as beef of tartar
>two weeks
>dead bird and dead doe
I'm beginning to think OP actually killed them.

people who glow in the dark

Depends where you live, if its cold it will take months to decompose.

>I'm afraid that the doe won't start decomposing anytime soon
It's already decomposing, dumbass.

I don't kill shit I just find dead shit
I have a dead snake up in my attic
found it on the road, looked wholesom and fresh
put it in a bag with salt
left it at the attic for 3 years
I noticed that the salt got pretty wet
I am afraid to open that bag and look into it, I'll waith two more years atleast

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Doe, bird, snake. And you carried the snake from the road to your attic, after preparing it for keeping.

yeah, as I implied
I mean the people have started complaining for the weather being bitching cold

Prob because it's not on dirt

what is your point
I don't understand what are you asking

>what you are asking

put the snake salt into little baggies and dot them around town


Bones don't stay together without ligaments, the skeleton won't be intact until you put it back together.
So, I'd say get some 9 inch screws, and a nice high speed drill.
Then, put the doe on the end of a sled, on your front garden, once you've posed and fixed the bones as an archeologist would.
Furthermore, if theres a doe, theres probably its natural predator somewhere nearby too, so that body isnt unlikely to be disturbed by an animal, the bones get claw marks, and scratch marks, and will likely be displaced.

Where are you? Lincolnshire?

fuck it open open the snake bag, you got me really curious now

Of course its wet, it's pulling all the moisture out of the dead snek, as for the doe try and preserve the bones so you can mount them in the correct positions on a frame or something, it would look good

Never waith.

The salt needs to be replaced, especially once it's been fully saturated, you should've taken the snake out as quickly as possible, and put it into fresh, dry salt, to continue the process of pulling the water from the snake. Because you've left it, the snake is likely now partially decomposed, and partially dehydrated, but soaking in liquid is gonna make a mess.

the snake salt bandit
mix the salt with regular salt and distribute it all around the city as a regular pack of salt somebody dropped

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Decomposition of animals will bring several bad decease, be carefull to be really far from it, mosquitos and fly will carry bad stuff

yeah but mate it should've been dry by now it's been three years and still wet, it gives me the hibby gibbies
like that one time I pissed every day on a bunch of frog eggs some kid pulled out
and then after two months I found a moving jelly that acted like a huge amoeba
then the week after that it was just weird insects and no trace of the slime more than a thin film on it's former resting place
I'm getting the same creepy vibes for the snek

This is like the beginning of a movie where the whole world dies from some kind of plague...

No. No it shouldn't. You just don't understand how salt WORKS. Salt adheres to water, making it impossible to evaporate on it's own, only under heating circumstances will it evaporate fully. The salt is not just gonna grab the water and evaporate it, this isnt how osmosis works.

Why did it die do you reckon?

are you one of the men that glow in the dark

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