Can we have a thread where we post ugly people who act like they're hot

Can we have a thread where we post ugly people who act like they're hot

I have only ever seen americans look like this

Attached: 64402222_10219103333523167_3741210569751920640_n.jpg (960x960, 120K)

Attached: 67889424_2426257634313954_7619578510624948224_o.jpg (1048x1051, 151K)

Attached: 68818398_10219570941173066_9042917886401708032_o.jpg (1536x1536, 166K)

Trump Supporters

Attached: 72954954_2416749995206770_3337755768760827904_n.jpg (720x960, 173K)

Would bang. Fucking love Becky's

Attached: 1571155205058.png (500x490, 151K)

Why is that illustration more attractive that the photo

Cause the girl in the illustration is actually cute.

What a scraggly looking faggot with a receding hairline. Then there's they guy - oh boy is he gay looking too.