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>Someone from Western North Africa shouldn't Play someone from Eastern North Africa
>Someone from Western, Sub-Saharan Africa should!
She looks good in that pic but honestly she looks more attractive as the mummy.
Oh boy it never ends does it?
>Ancient egyptians were black
Why do people think this?
Some people think Greeks were white. What can you do.
Its as simple as "Egypt is in Africa, black people are from Africa, therefore Egyptian people are/were black."
Its an American thing.
Africa=Black to the majority of Americans
Because Black people in America are largely ignorant to where they came from, partly because the Public School system sucks.
They think Africa=Black People, and Egypt=Africa=Black People, despite the fact that the Slaves came from Western Sub-Saharan Africa, which was never even close to Egypt.
As for why they want to be Egyptian, it's because they want to have a grand History.
They don't want a Sub-Saharan Empire like Mali, they want a big one like Egypt.
> niggers
> people
Ancient egyptians had north african ancestry anyway. Also, ethnic egyptians didn't disappear or anything, not all egyptians descend from arabs who settled in Egypt.
Do the same black people that claim to be decedents of ancient Egypt also admit that those Egyptians were slave owners?
One of the dynasties was black which is enough to kick off the conspiracy theories.
wuz mens and shit. Seriously what the fuck is that chin.
The misconception that Egyptians=Arabs, is due to the impression that all conquests were like Europe's conquest of America.
In reality, most conquerors usually have little genetic impact on the native population, and what little they have is due to admixture, not population replacement. Most Britons are descended from Celts, not Anglo-Saxons or Germans
>if your ancestors were slave owners you should feel guilty
Fuck, how will white people recover?
Yeah, but those Black people were Nubians, which aren't even closely related to the peoples Slaves came from.
Slaves came from Tribal Peoples, not civilizations
If Eygptians were black, then why did they always depict foreigners as black and themselves as tanned?
Why did the Greeks say you could tell an Eygptian from their Nose and hair style? If they were black wouldn't the Greeks point that out?
>tfw not a nigger
>US suicide rate surges, particularly among white men
>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report did not offer an explanation for the steep rise.
>The suicide rate declined for only two groups: black men and all people over 75.
Am actually just curious. A common thing I see from black people here in America is that white people owe them for slavery and go on about how it's a horrible thing and we should pay for it and it's our fault, so it doesn't make sense to me that the same people would worship a civilization that also utilized slavery and be proud of it. Unless the two groups don't overlap it doesn't make sense.
The Greeks also called Black People Ethiopians, not Egyptian
unlikely. most afrocentrists aren't aware of that. plus they believe figures like ramesses and cleopatra vii were negroids
it's literally just delusional revisionism
the usa's public school system really doesn't suck. niggers are literally subhumans and no one wants to teach them because for the most part they are unteachable apes
You sure? 'Cause it sure as fuck sounds like you made up your mind already and you're just asking Sup Forums for an agreeable answer.
>Something like 100 years out of 3000
I guess you didn't get the joke (that isn't really a joke come to think about it). This:
is all you'll ever get for asking that question. Don't search for logic in liberal's mind. You won't find it.
>both times the dynasties were Nubian, it was a time of turmoil and unrest
I would fucking love it if this were true, I am not googling, I want to live the dream
I really don't want to hate black people but they try so hard
The woman in the top two pictures has her face angled upwards which of course produces the appearance of a far more prominent chin. The woman in the bottom two images is looking straight ahead and her head is level.
I'm going to need you to improve your shitposting a bit, you're falling behind this quarter.
I really like this, but the koreans are better
what do i search in youtube OP
The truth behind black americans claiming to be the ancient egyptians is that it's a power fantasy. Black americans wish they were powerful and had slaves of their own, because this is what people generally desire in their lives: to be superior to others. Being conscious of a history of being treated as inferior only makes this desire stronger.
>This still hasn't been made a mod for CK2 EU4 or Total War
100 years during the period after the Bronze Age Collapse.
Kush conquered a greatly weakened Egypt that would never become more than a Shadow of its former self.
>I would love this if it were true
Spoiler: It's not
The image is meant to be lampooning those "DID YOU KNOW" images which are basically conspiracy theory tier ideas about how Shakespeare didn't write any of his own work.
I'm not sure why you derive such glee from literally being willfully ignorant but that's another discussion altogether
>conspiracy theory tier ideas about how Shakespeare didn't write any of his own work
Hate to break it to you, dude, but there are literally Anti-Stratfordians in high positions in Shakespearean Societies.
One of the pioneers of the rebuilt Globe was one.
I was going to let the nigga dream
americans have a way of looking at the world as entirely black or white. so in their mind, africa=black. this is why all diversity means in america is more blacks.
Did the slaves even contribute enough to make all this shit worth the headache?
Holy shit she's hot. Thank God a we wuz nigger wasn't cast. No nigger can even come close to this actress
Ötzi think he slick
He dabbin XD XD XD
hnnng alert
Hell no.
>pretending to be a retard
>expecting people not to treat you like a retard
That's not how it works.
Celts or Romans.
Hell no. They were nearly obsolete in the North before the Revolution and acted more like maids than anything else.
The South was the only place that used them frequently. It was actually a bone of contention for the Revolutionaries who were abolitionists, but were more against Britain than they were the South.
The South was more Royalist in General, so they took pains to not drive them away
i alwyes knew that slavs are niggers, now this at least explains it
I don't know who this guy it but it looks like he's made of CHEESE
Most "Romans" in Britain were native Britons
wtf i love arabs now
kek, i didn't know we had a greek colony
>black people take credit for civilizations they had nothing to do with
>purposely ignore mali
It should be Suomen Keisarikunta
what is this?
american education
>that skeleton with all the golden blink im Bulgaria
>that retarded looking skull in England
dunno, seems like it might be true, niggers trully were in Europe
black people are fucking stupid
They had been pushing that for decades, now is time for us to use the same ridiculous argument
trailer for movie called atomic blonde
Black people don't want to believe that they were noting but spear chuckers or slaves throughout their history. I can't say I blame them. Also the sphinx looks kind of like a black person.
hol up, hol up... is you SAYIN...?
Post the scientific progress during Finnish-Korean protowar
Considering that only 1% of American's (mostly very wealth land owners) actually owned slaves during slave times the chances of a running into a modern white American male that has a slave owning ancestor is close to 0%.
Just food for thought.
>niggers are now claiming that all people who are tanned are one of them
wew lad, im not going to a hollyday this summer
I thought most of them were from the surrounding provinces.
>tfw my cousin's high school history teacher tells them Cleopatra was black
>When informed the principal said there studies that back this so the teacher isn't lying
Fuck these last generations
yall crackas need ta learn da true history they aint teach u in school #MelanoidGods
He's obviously talking about the "Shakespeare's plays were written by a nigger famous for shaking a spear, hence the name", not the nincompoops who just don't think an uneducated man could write well.
It's funny because the kikes hate niggers but they converted an assload of them to build up their numbers.
wh*tey BTFO
Greeks are lazy hairy monkeys
Yeah. I find it funny because some Swedes on Sup Forums post that picture as definite proof that Finns are "we wuz" -tier, when the pic obviously wasn't made by Finns. "Suomi Kreikka" and "Konstantinopolin" is also wrong.
dude niggers lmao
this shit is getting boring
Ill make sure not to get a tan then
>paying even the slightest bit of attention to anti-stratfordians
living examples of into the trash it goes
We wuz jews
Have black people ever contributed positively to society throughout recorded history?
Worlds most known ancient egyptian royalty, does she look 'black' ?
Americans are really the least educated in the world
Egptian Blacks had better technology then we have now until europeans destroyed all they had because their religion feared science back then.
Sad honestly though few people accept the real history of the world... stay watching their cartoons blind to the truth blind to the real history.
I always wondered what that bitch's ethnicity was.
Just assumed she was brazillian or something.
Learn something new every day.
*eats mämmi*
*sets sauna on fire*
*developes alcoholism*
*commits suicide*
*stands in line at the bus stop*