24 years old and depressed as shit with what looks like no end in sight. Should I expect this to go on forever?

24 years old and depressed as shit with what looks like no end in sight. Should I expect this to go on forever?

Attached: Bart_Simpson_Sad_Edit.jpg (335x188, 7K)



i was like that at your age. I'm 28 now and nothing has changed.

Put your penis in some vagina and drink alcohol or smoke weed.

Well if you're like me, then for the most part, yes. There will be very brief periods of intense happiness. Mostly though, it's just this forever as far as I can tell.

Great! Thanks

Yeah, sorry. I'm bring cynical, obviously but... yeah.

Seriously though, I know that feel and I'm sorry.

I'm 28, and if you're like me, you'll go thru waves of depression followed by waves of contentedness. it's an endless cycle

i'll be depressed as all hell for months at a time, then relatively fine for months at a time. sometimes i almost feel like i'm happy, but then i wonder if i even know what true happiness feels like.

the lows are really low and the highs are medium-ish. all in all i've learned to deal with it for the most part

not op, but smoking weed just makes my depression worse. alcholhol is hit or miss, it'll either make me happy and have fun for a few hours or make things worse

getting laid is truly the only (temporary), the first few days after smashing some puss has me feeling like how i assume most people feel most of the time