is it safe to buy weed online?
Is it safe to buy weed online?
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yes. i buy gun parts all the time.
grow it
$400 of equipment and a few months = pounds of bud, even kilos with effect and investment, nobody sees smells know or can know as long as it's done correctly
Find a dealer like everyone else u fag
List of equiptment?
Yeah skyrocketing electricity bills are not suspicious at all
LEDs you fucking mung, this isn't the fucking 80s
I do it all the time and then pick it up at the dispensary. I also grow my own, in plain view, and no one does shit. I love legal weed.
What about those growing boxes and shit? Or ventilation? Not needed?
look at /r/microgrowery but remember that most of them are idiots with no real education or understanding of botany or horticulture, just stoners doing what the internet says is good.
600w of lighting (at least enough for a 1x1m tent, if not larger or with a lower wattage using modern LEDS) running for 18 hours a day = 10.8wk a day < standard ~2000w electric oven being used for 6 hours a day... yeah, tell me about all hose busts over indians cooking curries every night or bitcoin miners with 4 200w gtx 1080 cards running.
I don't know how to do that
Wal around downtown at weekend nights and look for groups of people who seem to have fun
600watt LED grow light (full spectrum)
Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil
Fox Farm Nutrients or a GroBox
PH Tester for your water
I use for all my questions & issues. Fantastic resource. You bumbling faggot.
Get a part time job at a restaurant if you're nervous. Make friends with and go on break with the person that always goes to their car for break.
There is always a smell and space requirement for growing, not to mention the time and effort required to actually grow decent weed.
How would one hypothetically obtain some in a state where it isnt legal online
Yeah it's really that simple, but the time and effort isn't worth it at that scale. You'll yield less than a half pound at most for months of work, and using only those resources as a beginner, the quality won't be very good. This is coming from someone who owns a grow property and has been doing it for 4 years now
Charcoal air filter is as important as anything on the list. If you've never grown weed, it fucking stinks bro. You will definitely get noticed without an air filter. You can get a dimmer switch to turn the blower down so it's almost silent.
Yeah this is just stupid. It sounds so easy when u say it like that, but it isn't that simple. On a scale like that he's better off buying from someone.
Get your hands on some seeds, grow it, and smoke it. Best way to do it if you're in a state where it's illegal. Of course, the smell is impossible to hide, so don't bring anyone over who will rat you out. Plus it's just that much more satisfying to smoke your own home-grown weed.
If you choose this route, I hope you like indica since a sativa tree will most likely not fit into your house.
gorgeous yield there
This absolutely is not the best way to do it. Unless u want to waste a minimum of 4 months of time and effort to yield a few ounces of some bullshit. Just buy the weed from a dealer.
Thanks man. All organic no till living soil. That's my yearly greenhouse grow, I also do indoor on a smaller scale 3-4 times a year. This is sour tangie, my main crop. Smells so pungent
I spent $400 on a closet and got my money back in one haul. Second run equals free weed. Getting feminized seeds (or automatic) simplifies things. Just understand you shouldn't do a Sativa like Pineapple Express in a closet, learned that the hard way. Always read the sizes of the plants on the seed description, probably go with hybrids. Keep the orchard the same plants so your lights aren't uneven. Don't see whats so hard about it. Get Ed Rosenthals How To book, and you're ready to go. Read some forums of seed to harvest on Grass City. Its pretty simple once you sit back and stop being so horny to harvest. Plants grow at their own pace, you can't rush a 90 day schedule.
This makes sense as like a hobby that you enjoy. But if you just want to just smoke weed it isn't the best way to go about it. Not to mention there are tons of shit that can go wrong, from pests to disease. You broke even on a 400 dollar investment after how many months of daily tending? It just isn't worth it on that scale once you factor in the hours. But like I said if you enjoy doing it it does make sense, and can be a very rewarding experience. My first grow was in a closet in Colorado. I ended up losing much of the yield to bud rot, not understanding how much ventilation is really needed. And it really stinks up your whole house.
From a darknet market from a reputable seller, yeah. But it might get intercepted.
Or just do it in a state like Colorado where it's legal to grow. Now, it's not legal to grow kilos, but unless you're an idiot, nobody will know or care.
depends entirely on your state and country.
solar panels my dude. i run my whole house off of 2 panels.
But do you really have to spend $400? Couldn't you just buy cheap equipment and make shit that's just or almost as good?
Also, if you got seeds from a place with decent weed, you could make money selling it at a high price in rural areas of states with heavy prohibition.
less than half a pound is still a shitload, especially if you're used to making an 1/8th or 1/4 last a month
>And it really stinks up your whole house.
Thats why above, I'm the guy who said to get a charcoal filter.
I completely agree its a time consuming hobby, but I've been into weed for about thirty years. Never grew it, though. Eventually it became hard for me to get, so I just did it the hard way. Worked great. I think it took me about three months to harvest. Not much work, building the closet was harder than growing the plants. First grow I fucked myself by growing Pineapple express, but it turned out really good. Second grow I did the Big Bud strain of indica, and they were more squat, like fire hydrants. Fuckin producers, yo, very dense. But those two grows lasted me almost two years worth of weed, because I don't sell it. Probably got 8 ounces between both grows. Now I just drive to a neighboring state and pay up, but I'd grow again if I needed to. I enjoyed it.
If he's doing 90 day cycles including veg, he's yielding no more than a few ounces per plant. Go for it if you think it's a good idea, but I'm telling you.. Unless u really enjoy this as a hobby, you're much better off buying it. Especially if you can make a quarter last a long time. Go buy an ounce for like 150-200 and not worry about all of this extra bullshit.
You need a couple things that cost some money. A LED full-spectrum grow panel, probly costs about 200 bucks, the filter, probly about 125 with the blower. But you really need nutes, $50. And Feminized seeds, $5 each.
Don't get greedy with selling it, you'll run out of weed faster than you can grow it. And it's not worth getting busted, think of yourself having good dope, or being in a world of shit to make a couple hundred. I'd pick the weed.
this color but smaller the color of the skin is precise too
400 is cheap equipment, and if all you're doing is putting the plant in some premixed dirt and watering the quality will be subpar. Decent shit at best. Give it a shot man you may enjoy it. Start small and see how it goes. If all you want to do is smoke weed and you don't enjoy growing, you will regret the investment. The resale value is decent on equipment though at least.
>you're much better off buying it.
His problem is he can't buy it because he doesn't know anybody. I had the same problem.
1000% safe. U always get primo product. The Internet does not lie.
Damn that's a shitty issue to have. I live in an illegal state at the moment and more than half the people I know smoke or know where to get it. Weed is extremely easy to come by in my experience.
Well, where I live, "dope" is meth, and most other places, it's heroin.
Which I've also thought about making. They're stupid easy. I wasn't thinking about doing it long-term, though - that's how you really get into trouble, either with police or people who wanna kill you because you're taking their market share away.
No, I was thinking, make some, go to a place where drugs are expensive, unload it, and just leave before things get sketchy.
Ya, there's even places that will deliver it to your house. (In Denver)
Couldn't you just jack nutes from a store? Couldn't you beg seeds off of someone who grows? This is Colorado, so I can't imagine that seeds are that impossible.
And then, yeah you could get LED lights, but light also often comes from the sky at no charge.
OP don’t do this shit...I tried it and it was a waste of money and time because I didn’t know what I was doing. People just say this and make it sound easy, but there’s an art to growing and you should know what your doing.
But the investment eventually pays for itself, several grows down the line.
>the quality will be subpar
How come? I'm no expert, but I thought that how good the weed was came down to genetics. Are there ways to maximize THC, specifically?
I thought that you might just get less yield, if anything.
Anyways, if it did turn out shit, bubble hash is easy to make. I'm a bit of a weed snob, so quality would be an issue. I won't even buy anything if it's lower than 20%.
Like I said, I'm older. Alll my friends moved away, and the ones that could score were dicks about it. Like it's the fuckin 80's, it took a few days, they'd strike out, make a federal issue of it. I didn't want to be involved with those scrubs, so I started a closet. And it really did turn out good, sticky, better than bargain ounces of outdoor shit from a dispensary. Not as good as the primo shit I get now, but still damn good.
This. Hell, I could walk off an airplane and find some within two hours of arriving at any major city. How can you not find weed? Even in rural towns, everyone knows who to ask.
Sometimes when people have specialized knowledge, they put it on paper and sell it bound together in a large volume, which also eventually find their way into computer formats.
Find one of those and use it.
Also, I made my first wine without knowing what the hell I was doing from a couple of internet tutorials, and it turned out drinkable. The time needed to learn a new skill shouldn't discourage you, and initial results will probably at least be passable.
I wouldn't manufacture meth. I wouldn't try to unload weed, either. I'm just not wired that way, but I don't need money or fame. If you can go places, just go where you can buy the weed and get your bag. You can't make much money off a closet grow these days. This is a solution for someone who is isolated from the drug world. Probably the best way to prevent yourself from getting busted, TBH, so fuck selling it.
Jesus, nigger. Stay legit. Why are you stealing fifty dollars worth of shit? And if you know someone who grows, just buy the weed from him. A grower is not gonna give you seeds. Think about it. Why would he give you something that would take thousands of dollars out of his pocket? Besides, most real growers have mother plants and they take clones from it, and probably don't even have many seeds.
Growing outdoors is for niggers. Good luck with that. You'll grow buggy garbage. If you're in CO, just go buy a dirt ounce for a hundred bucks. I'm outta here.
an ounce is a month's supply if you smoke all day e'rry day.
>ounce for 200
i wish :/
>>the quality will be subpar
>How come? I'm no expert, but I thought that how good the weed was came down to genetics.
If you're a noob, it might take a few tries to get it right. You can burn it with nutes and fuck up the drying, or get mold on the buds. Shit happens. At the very least, you can get fluffy buds that people will think look absolutely shitty compared to dispensary weed.
anyone have a .onion for a site to buy weed online
how easy or hard weed is to get depends entirely on where you are and who you know.
if you're new in town it can be hard to find weed even in a place where it's everywhere, unless you're willing to ask literal randoms on the street or risk asking a homeless person.
or you could know half the town but if you're in a place that's dry or with strict laws/penalties then you're basically shit out of luck.
I've lived in towns in the same state where in one town literally everyone smoked and you could just walk around smoking a joint and it was no big deal, but you drive 2 hours down the road to a different town and even mentioning the word "weed" had people dialing 9-1 and getting ready to press 1 a second time.
My boss is surprised he has never been raided or at least questioned about it. He has 12 massive fish tanks and pays for it. He claims he breaks even selling the babies but he is full of shit. He pays over $3k per month just for the cleaning.
Anyway my point is that not everyone is raided. It’s only if you are in a poverty part of town.
I buy my ounces for 100$ lol
best i've gotten here in NZ is $50 for an 1/8th
feels bad man.
I miss getting $4/gram for top shelf when I lived in Vancouver.
I don't live in a major city. I'm glad you think you're the king of the streets, but I have no interest in walking around the nearest downtown trying to meet scumbags. A couple hours worth of work got me two years worth of bud. And probably better than the biker trash I'd find if I actually did score in my shit town.
It must really blow to live in a state where you cant drive 10 minutes and buy weed from a legit store, legally.
It does. But imagine this- living in a country where it was not legal anywhere. That was the first forty years of my life, and it SUUUUCKED.
Interested in trying to set up a small grow in my shed but my big problem is getting seeds, anyone have a good source?
I know it's a lot of work but fuck I hate having to jump through hoops and play phone tag just to score a bag of green, got my fingers crossed that we can get recreational weed on the ballot and legal next year
Yeah, go google "dutch seed company" and surf it. Not being shitty, you need to browse. They're all probably pretty good. Look for ones that you can buy individual seeds, and always get feminized. Read the reviews and cross-ref it with leafly to see if it's a popular strain here. (That means people are buying it and having success with it). Watch for things like difficulty to grow, mold resistant, and how tall it gets. You'd be surprised how tall some weed gets.
yes if you follow the right procedures
>Why are you stealing fifty dollars worth of shit?
Because I don't have fifty dollars to spend on shit.
>A grower is not gonna give you seeds. Think about it. Why would he give you something that would take thousands of dollars out of his pocket?
I'm pretty sure plants make lots of them, and selling isn't legal if you grow. Sure, some people ignore that rule, but there's not a whole lot of profit to be made in selling weed these days. I don't think a seed or two is going to take thousands of dollars out of anyone's pocket.
>dirt ounce for a hundred bucks
KYS. Fuck dirt weed.
>If you're a noob, it might take a few tries to get it right
I mean, I did figure that, but at least I could read some books on the subject and have a good chance of coming up with something smokable.
I don't care how the weed looks as long as it smokes as good as dispo shit. I've had Peruvian weed that looked like Mexican brick, but it was better than any dispo weed.
> you're willing to ask literal randoms on the street or risk asking a homeless person
This is what I do. It's always worked for me.
I don't know what this faggot:
is on about, but that's how you do it.
>how to get your teeth kicked in 101
>Because I don't have fifty dollars to spend on shit.
Try getting a job. You're sounding a little like someone who is too young to be doing drugs.
If you knew anything about weed, you'd know growers are usually growing from clones. They're usually not too interested in growing male plants which can ruin their whole crop. No seeds. Growers want to sell pot, not seeds, and by giving you seeds, every ounce you grow is an ounce they don't sell.
By a dirt ounce, I'm talking about outside weed. Which you just said you're gonna grow. So, I think I won't go fuck myself.
The more I hear from your imagination, the less capable I think you would be growing pot. It takes time, patience, nutes, the knowledge of how to harvest and dry and cure the buds. Some of that is where the looks come from. It tightens up when it dries, and if you don't flush the nutes and chlorophyll it'll taste like the shit you scrape out from under your lawn mower.
I still don't understand why you're approaching randos if you live in Colorado. But if you like hanging with scumbags, I'm starting to understand you better about walking off an airplane in any city, but don't have fifty bucks for nutes. I think you're just making shit up, kid.
Heres a pic I took in a bar.
Jesus Christ. I'm gonna post a much larger rant about this in a second, but I want to start off by pointing out what an absolute flaming faggot you are for thinking anyone gives a fuck at all about the bars you go to.
Of course your disrespectful, don't-know-what-the-fuck-he-is-talking-about ass is an alcoholic and a biker.
>Jesus Christ. I'm gonna post a much larger rant about this in a second,
Who gives a shit? You asked advice about growing weed, which I provided, then you went on to nigger it all up with stealing the nutes and growing outside, and making bullshit claims about being king of the streets but you don't even know basic shit like why a grower wouldn't want to give you seeds, think dirt weed I'm talking about mexican brick, and has fantasies about growing terrible garbage for a profit in a state where literally everyone is allowed to grow, or buy from a reputable dispensary. You want to dick around with a money making outdoor scheme, go ahead, you're just gonna be wasting your time, and end up with a big bag full of the worst garbage anyone west of the Miss has seen since 1958. Go hang with your homeless scumbags and score some meth, thats where you're headed.
Yeah, Seattle is the city I was thinking of when I said that, actually. I got on the ground and I had weed, like, immediately. Found some black guys selling in a park downtown.
You are a biker, and you should stay in your areas of expertise: drinking beer, talking shit, getting into fights at the bar, and thinking that you're somehow better than me because you hold a job even though you're involved with a group of organized criminal scumbags.
I'm a Juggalo, and I'll stay in my areas of expertise: being a general street scrub, hanging out in the streets, and doing drugs with scumbags.
I've probably smoked more and better weed than you.
> and by giving you seeds, every ounce you grow is an ounce they don't sell.
No, you absolute retard. There are more seeds in this world than there are room for people to (legally) grow them. You know what? I'm going to find some, just to prove a point now.
>If you knew anything about weed, you'd know growers are usually growing from clones.
I do know that's how a lot of gardening in general is done. I don't give a flying fuck what "most growers" are doing, you cock-cobbling idiot. I want to learn to do it for myself, from scratch.
I do know about the differences between male and female plants.
I... I don't even know. Fuck. Bikers always rub me the wrong way. My Uncle's a Pagan (not tryna set trip or anything), and there just seems to be this rhythm to a biker's soul that rubs me the wrong way. (And no disrespect to him, either, it's just... something that's hard for me to express with words right now. Maybe once I have some coffee.)
My idea was to grow some shit and take it to a different state, probably one of the ones where gangs like yours still run shit and can get away with selling whatever I want.
>Go hang with your homeless scumbags and score some meth, thats where you're headed.
I will.
And meth... well, I do have to admit I love the stuff. I only binge on it once every few months, but you're probably one of those people who looks down on meth and glamorizes cocaine. Just reinforces what a complete piece of trash you are. At least I admit I'm a scumbag. The fact that you look down at me is the real fucking joke.
>anyone west of the Miss
You should kill yourself, just for using this phrase.
How many pounds do you pull in one year?
You mean on the dark web? Probably not
Nice pair of tits there
yes, tails or jails
dont order it to your parents house
Try the goblin, i get my mdma Coke and hash from, nothing compares to his shit after years
>brags about how easy it is for him to get weed
>in a legal state
What a fucking tool. Why are you buying from niggers in a park when theres thirty dispos between the airport and downtown? I'm not a biker, I don't wear anything identifying my preferences. I'm just a guy who fits in anywhere. The last thing on earth I'd be is a Juggalo. I have taste in music and I don't like hanging around dipshits. If you smoked "more and better" weed than me, I hope you started early. You can probably find seeds, but they're gonna be bullshit. I've always bought mine from Amsterdam. If you get 'em in a bag, you can fuckin piss on 'em. Especially because you're not acquiring nutes, so they'll fucking turn scrub and die. If you want to learn shit, do it right. Growing pot in a pile of dirt will result in absolutely nothing. They probably won't even bud.
If you weren't a dick, I would've told you how to make legit money fast, but you can go fuck yourself.
I look down on you because you have no interest in learning. Probably because you are fried like a fucking french fry and incapable of learning. You sound like a fucking tweaker. I don't do any drugs except pot and a few beers and a sidecar on the weekends.
You should suck my dick for even telling you this much. I'm sorry I told you a goddamn thing.
Wasn't legal when I was there. That was definitely implied. This was... '09? Maybe 2010?
I don't even smoke that much weed anymore, tbh.
>I have taste in music
I challenge this. Music war go.
Post ten songs you like. Then I'll do the same. Biker faggot vs, Juggalo. We'll let Sup Forums decide.
> I've always bought mine from Amsterdam
I've always bought mine from Mexican bangers and people who buy from dispos.
>If you want to learn shit, do it right
That's the idea. That's why I'm asking for advice and downloading books. I don't know where you get the idea why that's not the overall goal.
>If you weren't a dick, I would've told you how to make legit money fast
You started it, homie. Anyways, where the fuck do you think you are?
Of course you posted Ozzy. Jesus Christ, you're a stereotype.
You sound like a fucking alcoholic biker.
I really want to try that now
>I'm sorry I told you a goddamn thing.
Me too, tbh, but I'm srs about music war. Here's the rules:
Describe yourself. Then post picture of you holding paper with timestamp. Along with 20 songs. Then I'll do same (and you can see how "fried" I am). Sup Forums will decide which of us has better taste in music.
Because I take issue with your statement. I wager that a scrubbalo Sup Forumstard has better taste in music than you.
I meant to type 10 songs, with JewTube link.
20 songs is also acceptable. I'll match whatever you post above 10.
Or other link if JewTube link is not available.
Be carful. Police can use thermal cameras to search for grow lights.
Yep, nobody will know.
>I've always bought mine from Mexican bangers and people who buy from dispos.
Right. Then why are you asking? Keep larping faggomodo. I'm not playing your bullshit games, go play with the Fuego brigade. You're automatically gonna call all my stuff shit, and same goes backwards.
You should read this thread, right from the beginning, you look like a spastic dumbfuck thief. BTW, Medical Marijuana was legalized in Washington in 1998, so scoring buds there was about as simple as falling off a bicycle.
He's in Colorado. He literally couldn't get arrested for weed if he walked into a police station with his dick out and an ounce in his pocket.
This is a good point.
Well, you can always drape some thermal blankets from the ceiling around the grow. Maybe buy a thermal camera for your Android phone (~$200) to make sure it can't be seen. Or maybe post on your public Facebook about how great your indoor tomatoes are turning out with pictures.
>You're automatically gonna call all my stuff shit, and same goes backwards.
That's why I say we let Sup Forums decide. What are you scared of? How long would it take?
I just wanna disprove your bullshit stereotypes about Juggalos, and prove all my stereotypes about alcoholic bikers right.
Saying I don't have taste in music, them's fighting words, mister.
>so scoring buds there was about as simple as falling off a bicycle.
Yeah. Like it is in any city with a population over 1,000. That was my whole point.
Even in towns with population 300, it's not hard to find.
Being able to find it doesn't make me "king of the streets", it makes anyone who CAN'T find it a fucking retard.
I am that. And you think you're better than me somehow, that's the funny part. But we been through this already.