Finish this sentence;

Finish this sentence;

Taxation is...

Attached: B7EA9D74-B31A-49D7-AC87-67357151AA8B.jpg (640x476, 50K)

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Justified entirely

standard practice

Necessary for a stable and fair society.

How a civilized society funds the services it provides to its citizens.

If you're one of those anti-taxes fucking morons you're probably also an American Liberterian and a complete fucking retard with little to no understanding of economics or world politics.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

Way too low for the ultra rich

..the cost of democracy


We are plagued by these morons, it's an epidemic

These dubs

Attached: faggot-identified.gif (500x333, 150K)

a dogwhistle for idiotic libertarians.


.... a 20th century invention.

how we fund police, firefighters, the military, roads, and schools, among other essential services.

lol, umadboi?

i can see you went right for the ad hominems instead of answering the simple question.

part of the social contract to live in civilization.


Attached: you.jpg (450x594, 77K)

not always fun but probably the best solution for public funding.

What got your family out of dirt hobbles and serfdom

I'm anti tax and neither American nor a libertarian.


We're still serfs, just to banks and the modern state rather than feudal lords.

Taxation is the price you pay for accessing the services of a state. Are retailers oppressed because they have to pay the mall owner to open shop in the mall?



Nobody forces you to open a shop in the mall, you fucking moron we pay the bills.

The reason you still have them and why they're now emerging elsewhere is because you also exported the white guilt industrial complex and open borders bullshit world wide. Nobody wants to be taxed so that their savings can be redistributed to an infinite supply of consumers, while big business does, as every penny saved is a penny they can't access.

do you drive on roads?
do you call 911 when thees a crime or a fire in your house?


>Nobody forces you to open shop in the mall
Ok what about land? What happens once all the land has an owner? What happens once there is no more land without a landlord? Is nobody forcing you to live on land? Is land ownership anti-freedom? How is this any different from how states function? Nobody is forcing you to live in a particular state except for globalists, which ironically is a position often held by libertarians (muh open borders one world market state). As long as there are multiple states with different taxation politices for the different services they provide, there is a market of states.

>Stable and fair
Meaningless buzzwords just like muh freedom that only serve to obscure the truth for political expedience. What's seems fair to some is always unfair to others, probably even to most.

Taxes are tolerated because they are innevitable. Abandon the taxation state and the landlords simply evolve to fill this now open niche. Sure it will start off more fine grained, but it will coarsen over time, and the late stage behaviour will be exactly the same as the taxation states of today. The only thing that is acheived is wasting tons of reasources resetting everything just to end up exactly where we started from after a generation or two, but now with less resources due to what we wasted. The only way abolish taxation would make sense is if it was also coupled with some strategy to prevent the coarsening, but this is never proposed, and would most likely require something like communism's perpetual revolution to maintain society in the freshly reset state. I do actually think that a societal reset could bring benefits, for the same reason reproduction wins over immortality in biology, and in some sense the USA was this for Anglos, but there is no way to do this without conquest, as there is no unclaimed land in which to start the fresh society.

Theft bc banking is theft