I think you should take it to Sup Forums
Stop fucking reaching and posting facebook cancer, this is why it's impossible to discuss Rick and Morty in Sup Forums
the show is 6/10. has some entertaining things and some absolute cringe crap; but shit like this is the worst. I hate fucking hate fandom.
Actually discussing a cartoon as if it has some deep plan. fucking hell.
lol look on the right, it's rick if he was a black dude, haha
Jesus fucking christ, can't you idiots just enjoy the fucking cartoon?
>>>/rdt/ - Reddit
You really do need to get into the mindset of a Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty
How are these retards failing to realize the point of the show is that there is no real point? There are an infinite number of universes and possibilities, by that logic everyone's gay ass theory is correct. It truly is the ultimate reddit experience.
You guys get triggered easier than tumblr. It's embarassing to watch.
Rate my ink
>Stop fucking reaching and posting facebook cancer, this is why it's impossible to discuss Rick and Morty in Sup Forums
Yeah, it's definitely not because of the gutter monkeys who, in their endless retardation, can't stop chasing the ribbit boogeyman around.
It's because the fanbase has a loud majority of people that are obnoxious, call everyone who doesn't like it a contrarian, handwave every criticism thrown at them and then parade the show around like the second coming of Christ. They even behave like that here, posting it in the wrong board.
It's a shame, because I really like the show.
Something I don't like?
Something popular and well received?
Can't come up with an argument of my own?
I cant into critical thinking but still want to participate?
Embarassing levels of insecurity coupled with a superiority complex?
>It's because the fanbase has a loud majority of people that are obnoxious, call everyone who doesn't like it a contrarian, handwave every criticism thrown at them and then parade the show around like the second coming of Christ
Where is this fanbase you're talking about, all that show up are reddit spouters.
If calling something reddit is such a dense entry in discourse, why does it trigger so many people?
It would be easy to ignore someones opinion if you say that its such a dumb statement to make. And yet... the shoe so often fits, doesn't it reddit?
I hope you know no one is going to read all of that because no one cares what you think about some cartoon.
what are you talking about you retard
you disgusting fucking blob
But I just wanna laugh at the dumb jokes.
>wants to enjoy something
This is what redditors actually believe.
>silly comedy show that doesn't take itself seriously
>normies and redditors injecting their god awful lore theories and 2deep4serious fanfics to every little detail
>Sup Forums getting triggered by the show being 'edgy'
the fanbase of this show is the fucking worst thing since jojofags
Whatever you say guy who's posting about what cartoons strangers should like on a shitty Sup Forums thread. I'm sure you have it all figured out
*BUURRRRP* "God's not real Morty"
>the redditor begins to chuckle
"L-life is pointless Morty, your *URP* parents are fucking idiots"
>the redditor laughs out loud, spewing Cheetoh crumbs all over his desk
"W-wake up fucking sheeple, everybody is an idiot but me"
>the redditor can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
>The redditor starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
"mmmm get schwifty"
>the redditor's heart explodes and he dies
Is any fanboy of the show no matter how autistic ever going to come up with something more cringy than this? There's autism and then there's contemporary Sup Forums
Really fucking awesome man, also good idea to have that extra layer of fat on to protect yourself from batons when you're going toe to toe with the fucking pigs at the frontlines at the Protect Trans Youth of Size rally.
Clearly on Facebook, where the OP picture is from
How is that even close to being as obnoxious or retarded as tv posters
every fucking thread. shut up about reddit already
Woah did you just..... I mean did you just seriously do that? I mean I don't even ..... Did you even think before posting? I mean I'm speechless right now..... I'm literally speechless.... Just give me a minute I'm heaving right now..... Woah.... Wow..... Did you really just do that? You just posted a Reddit show on MY BOARD...... WITHOUT a TRIGGER WARNING...... Just had to eat another bar of Snickers..... Almost cried when I saw this
>Check out reddit for once to see what they have to say about Rick and Morty
>They don't even like it, "it's too white"
I forgot that Sup Forums is always wrong
A genuinely well thought out and observant post.
I appreciate it.
stop reading into this too much. It's a humor cartoon show. The creators/writers are literally fucking around while being drunk/high/both.
Could be evil morty from S1 in disguise?
This. They are making shit up as they go now, just roll with it.
This. Didn't read any of it, I just know.
Upvote, my good friend. I'm new to this site, but how do I give gold?
>don't believe this user
>check reddit for rick and morty
>lots of love for it
>tons of discussion and theories
How sad are you to try to get people to not call it reddit by pretending they hate it?
The majority of reddit doesn't like sjws, retard.
>dk mode morty in the back
not even memeing, my mind is blown
Looks more like a lizard
But then what is the Sup Forums baby supposed to feel superior about??
I still have no idea what this fucking cartoon is about or why it is constantly posted here. Who the fuck watches children's cartoons?
>Who the fuck watches children's cartoons?
>children's cartoons
You answered your own question you fucking baboon, no wonder you "have no idea" about seemingly anything
jesus christ
I was going to check out the place because the discussion here about this is so shit but I don't think I will now
>I used to wear blue pants
but that was all part of the ruse
>jesus christ
Are you allergic to any kind of discussion or what's the deal, why is everyone going so autistic over people coming up with theories? Who gives a shit if it's a comedy cartoon
>jesus christ
So you just watch shows and give them zero thought and consideration ever. No effort goes into trying to connect dots or figure shit out. Cool, thinking is for reddit faggots anyway.
I'm not sure which tattoo is more embarrassing.
Why dont you fuck off to redit then
dumb theory, you can tell it's a Rick with a mortyish face.
>impossible to discuss reddit: the cartoon on Sup Forums
hmmmm really made me think
It's a pasta
It's a silly comedy show that doesn't take it seriously (unlike it's fans for some reason) making some fanfic 3deep 'lore theories' is autistic is fuck.
It's Sanic the Hedgehog Original Character Donut steel tm -type cringy bullshit
>reposting a reddit post reposted on facebook
its like you want people to hate you
And I thought the Dark Souls fanbase was autistic
It actually does take itself seriosuly but clearly you aren't smart enough to understand the plots and themes of the show
>>*BUURRRRP* "God's not real Morty"
>>the redditor begins to chuckle
>"L-life is pointless Morty, your *URP* parents are fucking idiots"
>>the redditor laughs out loud, spewing Cheetoh crumbs all over his desk
>"W-wake up fucking sheeple, everybody is an idiot but me"
>>the redditor can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
>>The redditor starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
>"mmmm get schwifty"
>>the redditor's heart explodes and he dies
I love these posts
>It actually does take itself seriosuly
See, this is exactly why this discussion started, the fans of this show actually think this is the case and that's why some theorycafting reddit page about the show just does not appeal to me the slightest.
Or maybe he simply comes from the dimension where Mortys look like Ricks
Obvious samefag. Embarassing.
Yeah which was why that whole ticket theory based on a single shot of a ticket number turned out nothing right.
oh wait, no that entire theory pans out
Heh, it'd be cliche as fuck. Hope not.
Not taking yourself seriously doesn't equal there being no connection between anything and it just being a boiling pot of random shit, get your head out of your ass.
You're like the retards who say literally anything is possible in a certain specific fantasy universe just because it's fantasy. Most things have a structure whether they take themselves seriously or not.
>mfw people actually fall for this meme reductionism when trying to make actual arguments
I hope this guy gets curbed stomped by a riot cop one day
Jesus. Being you must be awful. Are you actually capable of enjoying life at all?
>mfw people actually have to resort to these kind of posts to feel smart
>Not having greentext+reaction pic posting as your primary method of ego boosting
Have another (you) for validation.
I don't like it because it's not funny and it has failed to make me care about the characters in any way. Banging on about existentialism in your show will do that, "what's the point" indeed.
Reddit is going through the same ideological evolution this site was going through circa 2010-2012 ish.
Nothing wrong with pasta.
my ego can't get any bigger, friend
>doesn't equal there being no connection between anything
Yeah but there not being connection to anything in the show does equal there being no connection to anything.
It references old jokes from the show, that's pretty much it. Please do tell me a single fucking 2deep "fantheory" that actually turned out to be true. But you can't because it's not that kinda show, there is no consequences, there is no deep lore behind everything, it's just fun show that doesn't take itself seriously.
+1 desu senpai
>2deep "fantheory" that actually turned out to be true.
>Sup Forums literally against discussing character development
>Sup Forums literally calls observation of background elements in a cartoon reddit
You niggers are some of the most insightful cunts on Earth, and you totally 180 on R&M because it's got a fanbase you don't like. Fuck you.
Is evil Morty gonna come back?
> most insightful cunts on Earth
Did you time travel here from the past? what fucking insightful cunts, they've all left long ago
>replying to old stale copypasta
Kill yourselves
But it hasn't actually been confirmed true in the show you dingdong, it's another plausible theory because the fans have their heads too far up their asses and take a COMEDY show too seriously.
You can't prove that the entire show is just hallucination of Morty cause in the first episode the seed caused him to collapse, that's another "plausible" theory that is equally retarded
>replying to replies to old stale copypasta
how do you live with yourself
>character development
But there is none in the show, it returns to status quo after pretty much every episode. The divorce is like the only 'character development' in the entire series and I'm guessing that will return to them being married eventually as well.
Well shit nigga, might as well dismiss everything that hasn't been personally confirmed by the creator. Wonder how many fucking movies and tv shows no one would be able to talk about then by your retarded "standards"
this tbpfh u nail the mindset of millennials. screw this show
Unless the image is photoshopped - and I don't care enough to check right now - it's a pretty interesting take on the series.
>might as well dismiss everything that hasn't been personally confirmed by the creator
No, I'm saying there is nothing to dismiss unless it is in the show. It's a silly comedy that has lot of self referential jokes, nothing 2deep about it.
>your retarded "standards"
No need to reflect your insecurities on me m8 I haven't talked about any 'standards' I have, nor have I told anyone to stop talking about something.
I mean the dark and edgy rugrats and ed edd and eddy theories seem to be popular as well even though they are completely fucking retarded and dumb as fuck.
Are you being sarcastic? Because I just looked up the theory and it didn't pan out
skull cracked in by glorious boys in blue when?
>that is equally retarded
literally everything about that theory is rational and has strong evidence to support it. hallucination is an asspull of a false equivocation.
you're so convinced your right, that you're actually arguing in favor of being retarded. you're literally arguing in favor of disregarding evidence.
>I'm saying there is nothing to dismiss unless it is in the show.
Do you even know what a theory is? If the show went and outright told you what is what then there would be no room for any theory. You connect pieces of information and then try to logically connect them to certain outcomes, do you need a fucking handwritten letter or an idea narrated by a british voice actor for it to be something you might consider?
Plausible theory means jackshit in the context of comedy show that returns to status quo after every episode.
Did you not watch the newest episode? It was literally making fun of the fans that try to find this kinda 3deep shit in the show and take it too seriously.
>If the show went and outright told you what is what then there would be no room for any theory
Exactly, and then we would have something to discuss cause it happened in the show.
I never really was too big on fanfiction.
>You connect pieces
Yeah because this show is just absolutely fucking full of these things that if you connect them right turn out to be correct and insane twists in the later episodes right?
>the only group that autistically picked apart TDKR
>the only group that autistically picks apart well received films and TV shows
If there's a better subreddit out there link me to it faggot
>season 1
>Morty is a bitch
>Rick is a cunt
>season 2
>Morty is more adjusted to Rick and is nonchalant about a lot of things
>Rick is fleshed out (maybe)
>Summer comes on adventures and is the new bitch
>Season 3
>Morty is thinking like Rick - playing the long con (keeping Rick gone so Summer can be normal)
>Summer is now similar to season 2 Morty, who enjoyed Rick's adventures
>Rick (maybe) developing more and facing his demons
No development here.
>returns to status quo after every episode
it doesnt though.
for instance, i know what you mean, a show like family guy or american dad if some crazy shit happened, its just a one off and never referenced again, theres no regard for continuity. what i like about rick and morty is that there IS continuity and a regard for whats happened.
they acknowledge the fact that summers rick and morty died violent deaths and come back to that last episode, morty has a mini existential crisis one episode thinking about the alternate dead version of himself buried out back. they acknowledge the fact they destroyed a whole world last episode. these weren't just haha thats so funnyrandom moments done only as a gag bit, they actually did happen and left a lasting impression on the characters.
>Unless something is explicitly and blatantly shown, I don't have to think about it
No wonder capeshit is doing so well.