Is it treason?

Did Obama tell the National Guard to stand down, let the dindus have their day of rage, and let the cops fend for themselves?

Other urls found in this thread:

>that webm
when did that happen? link to news story?

Wtf is this? Source please?

It's likely treason.


Destroit police station shootout


Just a typical day in Detroit

Thank you

Detroit police station attack by a dumb nig, no cops were harmed. Blax Payne got blasted. This happened a while ago.

Blax payne

Looks so comfy

> People on Sup Forums will believe this happened today
> Will do no research or digging
> Day of rage was for August 2014, Sup Forums thinks it's today

Stop being so fucking stupid. Reddit literally comes in to post false info and laugh at how quickly you all believe it.

Fucking children.

>Though their injuries are severe, all 4 officers survive the vicious attack.
The nog was killed by the way.


>no cops were harmed
4 injured, man
>30 jan 2011

>What is?

This has been posted on Sup Forums for months or years, you cucks.

I meant to say killed.

This is from 2011. Guy kidnaps a girl, rapes her for 10 days in his basement. She escapes. He realizes it, says "fuck it", goes in to the cop shop and opens up with a shotgun. Four officers wounded, but all survived. The cops didn't even connect him to the a girl until the next day.

the nigger did leap over the counter blasting shotgun shells like fuckin Max Payne.
you know that was tight as fuck even if hes a blackass

I will make it treason

Oh dear lord...

>be prepping for day of rages
>full tank of gas
>all the magazines are full and the guns clean
>look in mirror
>khaki cargo pants and blue shirt with pistol belt

I thought I was just a redneck... Am I actually an MK Ultra controlled CIA asset?



>This has been posted on Sup Forums for months or years, you cucks.
>you cucks
when you use cuck for everything it loses all meaning

Isn't the BLM movement a wonderful legacy for the US' first black president? Prepare for lefties blaming all this shit on Trump in a few months!

I'm not seeing RoboCop shooting the perp in the balls.

Of course it's fucking treason. As well as aiding and abetting a domestic terrorist group with intent to harm.

But nothing will be done because we live in a fucking dictatorship where the president and ruling class are exempt from law.

Obama has zero control of the national guard.