What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
are those pissbottles
What was his name again?
(Serious question looking for the torrent)
where is the hair ripping scene or threatening to have his Dad arrested?
I watched the entire episode and the only juicy part was him putting his own piss on the floor
Steven Assanti
Also his mother has come out to say that everything said about her was bullshit, she had a drinking problem while pregnant with Steven but after that she quit
Steven only uses "I'm going to go stay with mom" as a way to threaten his dad when he doesn't get pizza
Say his name
fat cunt who is clearly a sociopath
>son is a colossal disaster
>still manage to look genuinely happy to be around him
that slightly restored my faith in humanity
Cheers cob
Gonna enjoy this fatkino
He never grew up.
imo he should just be put down, for the sake of everyone else.
>threatens to have dad charged with assault
>dad offers to buy him a large pizza
>steven drops the charges
i didn't think there was a bigger scumbag than james k, but then steven appeared
She seems more rational and stable then his father anyway
That last seen with Stevens father getting pissed off at Justin when Justin said he should stop buying him Pizza, the dad just yells "You should mind your own business, think about that"
Made me realise the dad was as fucked up as his son, when he can't justify his actions he just tells people to shut up
James K is a manchild with actual mental problems and can't seem to connect that junk food = his health getting worse
James seemed very concerned and worried about his health, but couldn't stop eating
Steven on the other hand, knew perfectly well what he was doing, but he didn't care about his healthy, twice in the episode he says that all he cares about is getting what he wants
When he sends the nurse out to get him breakfast on the road trip, and then tells his dad he needs him to also go get breakfast he justifies it to the camera "lying gets me what I want"
james didnt do shit wrong, its his laygs that failed him. the leeeyyyyyhuuuugggs are to blame, not james
it's her fault that he's like that, she kept leaving fast food with him and his brother while she went out to get fucked by BBC every night.
Because Justin has no right to talk when he's that fucking fat himself.
His perspective is so skewed just because his brother is that bit worse than him, he's barely mobile himself and hurt his leg just getting in a van for a road trip.
Justin is a fat fuck too, but he is less of a fat fuck
He's about 150 pounds lighter for most of the episode, he is shown to at least walk a block or two a day and have interests outside of drugs and eating
He also isn't shown yelling or screaming for food
More importantly Justin was 100% right when he said his dad was making the problem worse by sending Steven money for pizza and drugs
James wasn't even much of a Scumbag. He was a dumb fat hillbilly surrounded by equally dumb hillbillies. Steven is legitimately a bad person, narcissistic, and a sociopath.
>b-but I'm only dangerously morbidly obese, not immobile!
such a fucking dumb rationalization.
Justin is in denial, you can tell by the way he denies help and pretends he is living normally.
Notice how he was keen to talk to the doctor before they got to Texas but when they got there he couldn't leave quick enough and didn't want medical assistance.
Being there made it too real for him, he wanted to consider losing weight instead of actually being in the same league as his brother who he hates.
His hobbies are still just indoors, he still eats too much and is dangerously overweight.
They're both playing the odds, Justin could die before Steven just by chance.
I love the painting, what artist?
Of course Justin is a fat fuck, but he was still right about there dad being in the wrong for sending Steven money
I can't remember the exact scene, I think he was in the hospital and getting more pain pills but he was talking to his aide and he let his guise down and just smiled this sociopathic "I outsmarted you" smile towards the aide and it unnerved the shit out of me. 100% the guy is a sociopath, I could tell immediately.
Yeah he was right about the dad enabling him, but the brother was 600lbs. It's not like he was a fitness enthusiast, I'm sure off camera that prick was eating plenty of pizza himself
it's a Rembrandt
was sad and hilarious at the same time. why did he even bother coming with his dad for that roadtrip anyway?
he probably felt he got trapped into getting almost admitted to the hospital but hes such a spineless manchild he cant speak up and say fuck off. so it resulted with him on his phone all the time and not even talking to the doc face to face, instead through a camera haha wtf
>Lisa, I'm Dr. Now
>The diet plan I just filed with TLC, this is me, my nurses, Lisa here, but only one of you
>First one to lose 100lbs gets to stay in my hospital
>He didn't diet so good
>Tell me about James, why does he consume 15,000 calories a day?
>What happens if we pop his leg boils?
>Lotta loyalty for a former cheating wife
>At least you can walk, who are you?
>If I pop those leg boils, will you die?
>You're a big guy
>Was getting fat part of your plan?
>Well congratulations, you got fat, now what's the next step of your master plan?
Honestly man, real talk. If he wasn't 800lbs I think he would have murdered someone by now.
two works of art sitting so close, isn't it a wonderful world
would you hit it Sup Forums?
fuck no. those cheeks and jawline are unnerving
her body is ruined
I'd jerk off on her feet as long as they don't have loose skin hanging off them
She looks mentally unstable
with a cinnamon bun maybe, some people are just better off being fat
Wouldn't you be living half of your life as a human deep sea exploration pod?
All fatties lie and blame others for their problems because they're weak faggots.
Anyone who actually believes these brothers is a dumb ass.
Looks like the father is the enabler for BOTH of them, despite what Justin says.
And god damn it, Justin looks and acts just like this fatty I know. He's sweet to strangers, but once you get to know him he's a selfish, lazy cunt.
I dunno, I know a couple of fatties and their daily routine is pretty much self blame + self hate.
I wish I could sleep until Wednesday.
Society failed him
Nah, she looks like someone who didn't lose their weight naturally so her face hasn't drained out like it's supposed to. I never thought I'd say for this real, but those cheeks are too puffy.
Self hate is natural for a fatty.
But once you try to get them to change their ways, suddenly it's all
>I'm going through a lot at home
>my ____ is really mean to me
>my ____ only buys junk food
>my feet hurt because my boss won't let me sit down, so I'm too tired to excercise
>its not my fault fast food is cheaper
>no one taught me how to cook
>this is all I've ever known
>my parents were fat so it's genetic
Everything I've learnt from you guys about Steven (haven't watched it-not sure if broadcasted in the U.K.) convinces me that he should just be forced under ECT, just at the hope it changes him.
fear of change
No, it's just pure laziness.
Maybe the difference comes from my fatties being european fatties, when they are confronted with changing their ways they pretty much go with admitting to what weak fat sisters they are.
Ain't nothing gonna change him because he has personality problems and isn't really looking to lose weight, just to guilt trip people into doing things for him. His brother might be a more viable case for help, but he apparently suffers from horrible social anxiety.
Has the program stated if they are on anti-depressants?
Having a drinking problem while pregnant with him is pretty bad.
His brother is a liar too.
>I walk a few miles to the park
>hobbles slowly
>park is probably a block from his house
>says playing with an RC car is outdoor activity
It was ruined before, now at least she can walk not die from hearth attack
I don't know about that. My sister in law's exactly type, and she's English.
Because you don't really see many morbidly obese people here in Europe, maybe in UK. Sure, beer bellies here and there, but nowhere near that hambeast form.
Continental europe, bongs are too inbred to be considered as similar beasts.
I don't understand how obesity is not raised as number 1 concern everywhere considering that world is getting fatter and fatter.
I just checked, and that park is 0.2 miles away.
Before or after?
Are beer bellies actually a thing or is it really just the shitty snack bellies that people jam down their gullet while drinking beer?
before, silly
Problem is there's no simple solution outside of educating people and that will take a while. Highly processed food is everywhere these days. Key thing is MINDSET because even if you force someone to lose weight they'll just bounce back if they don't change how they think about it.
>That last seen with Stevens father getting pissed off at Justin when Justin said he should stop buying him Pizza
I'm pretty sure Justin was coached to say something. Usually somone who depends on an enabler is very slow to challenge their enabling of someone else. Also Justin doesn't really give a fuck about Steven and wants to make sure that he doesn't come back to their house. If he has any complaint about buying him pizza it's probably because it takes money out of the funds that feed him. All these years and they're still competing for food.
>You should quit enabling Steven
>I should quit enabling you, you plastic model building sack of shit. Get the fuck out of my house
>Reeeeeeeeee *hides behind phone*
It would be awesome though.
It's very real if you drink regularly and it creeps up people like a motherfucker because they think "oh, I'm just getting couple of beers with my friends every now and then". If you want to lose weight or cut out calories beer, especially dark beer, is almost up there with soft drinks.
>James seemed very concerned and worried about his health, but couldn't stop eating
Why follow a diet if I can't get help.
Says the guy who has been told that following the diet will get him help.
That's pretty much me, I'm nice to people, but deep down I'm greedy and selfish.
Because fat acceptance
I don't make those excuses, I know I'm just lazy trash and I should change, but I don't.
it's real in that it can make you put on weight, it's a myth that it specifically goes to your belly though.
Did he gain the wait to play robotnik in the live action adaptation of sonic the hedgehog?
true, but most men pack weight on their belly first. for women it's their thighs.
An evening of drinking can easily add up to 1000 calories or more. If you ate that much candy regularly people would think you were a glutton, but with booze it's different.
and one for yourself
a fifth of vodka is around 1600 calories. on top of that, you also have to eat something. and with being drunk, you tend to have a bigger appetite and shitty judgement so you eat a lot of junk
t. alcoholic
What others have already said and keep in mind most of "drunk foods" are greasy, fried or salty aka fast food. My choice would be kebab.
>preexisting condishuns
Two questions:
1. When is part 2 airing?
2. Why does every Italian-American family have a family member that is either a drug addict, in jail or morbidly obese?
You realise that was in the script right
just like them having to claim Steven lost 160 pounds and was 3 months in the hospital to fill the suspense curve when neither was true?
As a sciencefag without sounding edgy but are there any reports/papers etc. about dissection of fatties like the one in OP and James K?
Like it's not even "hahaha cutting up fat person", I'm actually curious on the composition of the skin flora and how skin being in rolls and covered in pustules that leak pus at the slightest touch would affect it, also stuff like the state of the organs and what the digestive system is like after being a 600 lb planet. Shit is actually legitimately fascinating to me, in a morbid mad scientist way.
>you need to lose X pounds before I'll operate on you
Is the doctor just doing this to fuck with them or do your really have to be under a certain threshold to qualify? Is it just to reduce risk?
She is an attention whore just like her son
Probably a legit thing since fat also accumulates in your organs if you become a ham planet
Wednesday night
>you're a big guy
>Why does every Italian-American family have a family member that is either a drug addict, in jail or morbidly obese?
>Muh mafia
>Muh goodfellas
>Muh nana's cooking which combines American style quantities of meat and cheese with impoverished immigrant style quantities of inexpensive pasta
TL;DR muh culture
It's almost as bad as black people and soul food
Pacific Islanders are probably the worst with this though.
>Han, ma bookie, baldo nee anna dodo da eena.
You have a location for the house and the park?
>just like them having to claim Steven lost 160 pounds and was 3 months in the hospital to fill the suspense curve when neither was true?
That was true.
No it wasn't
So how long was he in the hospital?
Isn't that the plot to a Greg Egan novel?
Dan Schneider
Sorry if I sounded like I was being an edgy faggot friend, it's more morbid curiosity given that I have an interest in microbiology despite training to be an toxicologist.
Just think of all those pustule covered fat rolls creating small microbiomes man.
Dr. Now was sued by a relative of some fatty who he performed surgery on.
I believe she was 800 pound and she died a year later.
So now he makes them lose weight first.
Hmm. Okay, could be.
I will only tell you the park is by Gladstone Street School in RI.
I don't want to post his address, but it's piss easy to find.
>Just think of all those pustule covered fat rolls creating small microbiomes man.
i-i'd rather not user