
OP, unless you're behind a proxy and are using proper configuration at the access point you could actually go to jail for being such a fucking retard. you could literally post her legit rape porn and be safer than doing this monkeybrained horseshit. have fun getting a summons in a fortnight

send user to jail thread, commensurate

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Other urls found in this thread:


this is a new thread
that makes you the OP
being a moron isn't a jailable offense
they figure you'll be miserable all on your own



Suit yourself for not telling me why man. I was going to be going through on my way to Dawson to see my parents and leaving some eggs or paint wouldn't be a hassle but I'm not going to if you don't tell me

OP of this thread is obviously referring to the OP of another thread, dipshits.
>reading comprehension
>you have none

yeah yeah any fag with a demibrain knows how this shit works. OP's still a ' fungi ' for doing it.

I can definitely refer to another OP while being an OP on this thread. but again we all know this so. sage or bump, your choice.

yes, they're referring to some asshat doxing thread that was already pulled. by they, I mean you. stop pretending anyone cares to defend you op.
the thread died. you just wanted to keep ragging that faggot, and missed your chance.

Some buttmad sperg attempted to doxx femanon for unknown reasons. It seems reasonable to assume she rejected his spergy self and thus incurred his beta-male wrath.

yeah. seemed obvious enough but what do I know. I MEAN, I AM OP AFTER ALL.

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