Reminder that Yang Wenli, a true hero of democracy, refused to seize power from ineffectual democratic governments. Even when he could've secured the continued existence of the Free Planets Alliance.
Reminder that Yang Wenli, a true hero of democracy, refused to seize power from ineffectual democratic governments. Even when he could've secured the continued existence of the Free Planets Alliance.
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>mfw rabble-rousing Soros-funded "activists" think Jessica Edwards should be president just because she's a woman.
...and that led to the efficient autocracy conquering his republic, your point?
i read some historian and he said that there isn't a word for "coup d'etat" in english language, hence the french word for it. or a german "putsch"
and it speaks a lot about the strong democratic foundations of the anglosl. democracy won today.
If only Kircheis were here....
Go watch the show to the end, don't return until then. Its the only way to not be spoiled.
.... And that autocracy agreed to adopt a constitution and give Heinessen autonomy. Yang's team "won."
It was the manliest assasination attempt ever tbf. Bazooka hidden in corpse = radical.
Reminder that Yang Wenli's autistic ideals would have seen him thoroughly thrashed much earlier if he wasn't a mary sue as well as having unbeatable melee troops. I mean what the fuck even was that? The empire had zero good melee units and they just get stomped but Yang conveniently forgets to use them all the time even when they'd make him win?
>Black Lancers are the most badass fleet in the Empire
>lose pretty much every fight and get their asses handed to them except for like one or two times
What was that about
That's because Bittenfeld was retarded and refused to adhere to basic tactics/listen to his commander
>The empire had zero good melee units
They had that one guy....
tbf they're the also only imperial fleet that is shown to have badass moments
>implying deliberately walking into an ambush not being the greatest level of tactical skill
I need to finish this show, think i got to like ep35 or something, with the movable moon station.
Disgusting cockroach.
He did NOTHING RIGHT either. Also, all of his military victories relied merely on him fighting retards way below his level, or Reinhard being too honourable to use all of the methods available to him.
In the end, although I liked him as a person, Yang was just a pathetic KEK.
Hoyst anbefalt, serien holder seg god fra begynnelse til slutt.
Skal ta meg tid gjennom ferien til å se den ferdig.
kos deg Anonsen