
>Fifty Shades Darker

Mike "I cant make movies worth a shit" Stoklasa

I want to see her and Shaileen Woodley lez out, average faces mashing together and all

You got that right

Mike "Disney money in the bank" Stoklasa


>nobody can like things I don't like and if they do they're PAID

We're DChads, mate. Don't go down the route of the Marvcucks.


I was disappointed that she didnt get BLACKED. Fucking misleading titles.

Have some patience. that occurs in the third installment


>Calls blockbusters and superhero movies "endless trash"
>Will end up loving and giving good reviews to most of them

RLM is a joke

>Calls blockbusters and superhero movies "endless trash"
>Makes Space Cop

Don't be silly.
He keeps his money in his neck sack.

they're intentionally bad so you can't judge them!

So they are immune to critique?
That is simply stupid.

>yfw Horse Ninja clips were better than all of Space Cop

This is the point where someone gets pissy, because too many people like the thing they like?

They know that people watch them because they talk about Superhero movies, and crappy blockbusters, I think if they only talked about artistic movies they would have way less views and subscribers.

I can't wait to hear what the director of space cop thinks of the film industry