Hillary must have sent people to infiltrate Trumps inner circle and give him terrible advice. a real low energy pick.
What are you whining about?
He supports all of donald's liberal positions.
He's a towel head lover
I think the thing is, it doesn't matter who Trump picks. He isn't worried about who his VP is.
What's wrong with Pence?
Seems like a nice guy :^)
is that the guy that is even more orange than Mr. Trump?
the thing is, you're a faggot trump shill who can only post damage control
Go get shot
>fucking leaf
He's going to cause problems
See even a Turk whose busy dying for nation knows enough to appreciate the Pence
Pence will unify the Republican party at the expense of some independents. Did you notice how many obsessive Cruzmissiles there actually are? Its a large base. You don't need 'damage control' to understand why he picked Pence. A unified Republican party will easily beat the Democrats.
And I'll admit he wasn't my pick but I'm also a fucking neo-nazi.
Fuck you.
Pence was just shilling the party line at the time. I bet if you asked him today he would be all for kicking out the mudslimes.
>implying the veep has any power
What has Biden accomplished?
>implying Trump would pick a veep who would overshadow him
>implying Trump would change his policies that have brought him here
top kek, m8
Mad liberal detected
Trump confirmed as a failed candidate with this pick. Why do Republicans keep trying to appeal to the little 4% slice of extreme Chrustfags when most of the country is independent? This is how we lost to a nigger in the first place
>implying the care about the presidency
So long as the control the House and/or Senate, they're content with keeping the US as a third world country
>>What has Biden accomplished?
received a lifetime ban from all 55 Dave & Buster's locations
It's a signal for the party he has alienated. Pence is highly appreciated by many Reps and serves as counterpart for trumps more liberal positions e.g. at abortion or conservative e.g. immigration.
Rcp explained it well.
Trump was told to pick that guy.
He's a Koch shill.
Trump is a useless cuck, don't know why you all put faith in a capitalist.
I trust the Koch brothers more than George Soros.
Nah. he's pretty good. Was worried it would be Newt for awhile.
Pence is the one who bent the knee. He'll change his tone quick.
>united republican party will easily beat the democrats
I dunno, Trump's unpopular among a lot of republicans.
And even then, what makes you so certain they can win "easily"?
Primary turnout.
I thought more people vote in the general than in the though?
>I could be wrong though, anyone have the chart comparing 2012 to 2016 primary turn out?
Wouldn't you guys be bitching if he picked a VP to stroke his ego instead? I can guarentee you Hillary is gonna pick a parrot to be her VP.
lol you're basing your hopes on a few million crossover democrats who aren't going to vote for your manchild in november?
Trumptards are delusional.
> I can guarentee you Hillary is gonna pick a parrot to be her VP.
oh yeah whatever, she's gonna choose chief queef alot
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in.
GOP establishment probably demanded a cuck on Trump's payroll.
He needs to look like he can work with people who disagree with him (and to be fair, they agree in a ton of different policies)
>$.15 has been donated to your account
t. Clinton Foundation
It's all good fun my friend :^)
We should all go back to 2015 when we could have had Trump/Cruz. Man that would have been great. Illegal immigration is the biggest issue for me and them together would have been great.
If Hillary chooses a literal parrot she may swing my vote. Or a toucan.
Most of the people bitching are shills or people who are genuinely uninformed about political dealmaking and the current rifts within the GOP.
People shouting for Webb, Flynn, and other obscure choices are delusional. While a Christe or Moonman pic would be met with similar levels of complaining...ect
never seen another hoosier on this state, where you from friend?
He's the good cop to Trumps bad cop.
He's the establishment shill to Trump's freedom.
765, you?
You want to really know why your guy is going to lose?
This is the best you can come up with to defend him. It's why Romney lost. It's why McCain lost.
Low energy faggots who can't come up with a single argument in favor of the liberal they nominated other than "he isn't hillary."
The republican base is utterly pathetic.
Because Trump can't win without someone to mellow out his message. We won't win anyways but at least it's a smart move.
You designed this didn't you?
I like Trump because of his stance on trade, immigration, gun rights, and anti-globalism.
And because he isn't Clinton ;-)
> youtube.com
Fuck off cuck, Pence is fine
Christie is my gov and he's been disappointing.
Get serious.
Trump picked the most boring, bland, cuckservative VP possible
I was hoping for based Flynn.
Trump/Flynn sounds better anyway.
That's it
I am now a #JohnsonRider
Tariffs are retarded and are going to destroy the economy.
Touchback amnesty will lead to permanent democratic control of the federal government and be the death of the Republic.
>gun rights
No due process bans for people on arbitrary government lists. Awesome.
If you believe that, you are the king of useful idiots.
So basically you're a liberal. Might as well vote for clinton if those are your issues.
Thanks for your input friend!
I really don't get the need for you liberal faggots to co-opt the Republican party. You clearly have the numbers to just win as democrats.
Who will win?
>Tariffs are retarded
Find the nearest cliff and jump off it
>Touchback amnesty
dumb meme
>If you believe that, you are the king of useful idiots.
>Might as well vote for clinton
kill yourself, globalist kike
Trump is the only candidate for nationalism
you sound like yet another libertarian open borders faggot
Eject yourself, Cruzmissile. Go protest an abortion clinic.
I don't know what is more annoying. The Trump supporters who lie about what they want or the fucking useful idiots.
The man's own words:
>I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.
His son's words:
>The point isn’t just deporting them, it’s deporting them and letting them back in legally. He’s been so clear about that and I know the liberal media wants to misconstrue it, but it’s deporting them and letting them back legally.
>muh touchback
kek yeah good luck getting back in when you're already out of the country
If navigating the labyrinthine US Citizenship process was easy everyone would have done it already
>they'll just make it easy to get back in
sure they will.
It's sort of ironic
Reagan fell for the whole "we'll totally build a wall" bullshit from leftists and now leftists are falling for the "we'll totally let them back in" bullshit from Trump.
You're contradicting everything Trump has said on the issue.
So are you a useful idiot or a liar?
not even on his platform
are Cruzmissiles still getting paid to shill?
I posted a quote from Donald Trump that directly calls for touchback amnesty. I posted a quote from Donald Trump son clarifying that his father supports touchback amnesty.
What difference does it make whether he listed it on his website. He has repeatedly called for it.
So, useful idiot or liar?
Is he still doing a Fox News interview at 10?
Pence is a cuck!
Trump is a cuck you should have known that already with all the pandering he does to niggers and wetbacks
>So, useful idiot or liar?
why do autists always post the same thing over and over again?
>He has repeatedly called for it
one time a year ago very early in the primaries.
Nice of you to finally admit he supports amnesty.
So why all the lying about it?
Why support a guy who wants to import 15 million new democratic voters?
Good thing Hillary won't do any of that.
What are you even shilling for anymore?
Trump should have got Jesse Ventura or Dwayne The Rock
ventura hates him fyi.
>Good thing Hillary won't do any of that.
lol. That's a really convincing argument for voting for Trump.
>Vote for Trump's amnesty or you'll get Hillary's amnesty
How come people keep saying this? It's objectively not unconstitutional. America had extremely strict immigration policies up until the 60s.
If the candidate supports the jews, you lose.
>tfw Trump is just a kike sucking faggot
>Hillary is a kike sucking whore
>bernie wasn't
>he supports amnesty
as usual Trump says something vague (we'll let back in "the good ones") and his critics infer whatever they feel like.
>bernie wasn't
He has to be working with shillary. This will alienate independents. He already has enough christcucks. Somebody who does this clearly does not want to win.
There was absolutely nothing vague about what he said.
His vice presidential candidate supports it too. The Pence plan. Go back to Mexico, apply for Workers visa, get it in a week. Six years later you choose to go home or become a citizen.
I see. This is your first election. Get used to disappointment kiddo.
I've seen plenty. I just think it's beyond hilarious that the best you trumptards can do is steal the old McCain/Romney strategy.
And why not? It was so successful when the rinos tried it, it's sure to pan out even better when an actual democrat uses it.
If that screenshot itself didn't give you any ideas, you sho is dumb as a rock.
Alright I'll assume your not a shill and want a real discussion. What makes you think the current GOP election strategy is flawed?
They nominated a progressive democrat from New York whose supporters have literally no other argument to vote for him other than "he isn't Hillary, he just supports most of the things she does."
Seems pretty flawed.
And you think thats not a winning move because its too similar to what they did by nominating McCain and Romney?
Who should they have nominated?
You monkeys had 17 people to choose from, some of them actual conservatives. We listen to you retards moan on and on between elections that you never have a chance to vote for actual conservatives.
So what do you do? You pick the liberal democrat who has higher unfavorability ratings than Hilary Clinton. Fucking bravo.
The republican base is retarded to a degree that defies understanding.
So personal attacks aside who should have been chosen?
As long as he doesn't pick Newt Gringich, that guy is fucking crazy and dumb
>implying the sexual imagery isn't 100% on purpose in the first male vs female race
it's orcish for "lol" retard
Congratulations retards. This is the dipshit you wanted.
Abortion should be mandatory for non-white and mixed shitfetuses.
Well Biden's advice did get a guy arrested for illegal discharge of a firearm.
*Krispy Kreme
t. Southerner
What difference does it make? The base has spoken. They got their democrat.
Just kill yourself, Christfag. All the real "conservatives" you're talking about have much more in common with Shillary than Trump.
The only reason you're saying Trump is a "liberal democrat" is because he doesn't come off as genuinely religious. Why don't you just go live under Sharia law, cuck?
765 is like half the state lol.
I'm not a christfag you dumb fucking cunt.
Yeah all those other guys had way more in common with Hilary than the guy who donated to her campaigns, is a gun grabber, and wants amnesty for 15 million mexicans.