So Sup Forums
the world is actually going to end in a few months. The world is going to be nuked to death
wat do
So Sup Forums
the world is actually going to end in a few months. The world is going to be nuked to death
wat do
come to peace with yourself, your conscience and the universe
feels good, man
Help people in need.
and stop posting those fucking chinesee cartoons you amerifat cuck, are you 14 or what? damn
anything cool you're doing?
I'm probably going to visit a country that isn't cucked
it's escapism you fucking dick
you can't even escape the reality the proper way
just read some fantasy books or play Dragon Age instead of watching cartoons for chinesee fucks
wtf is wrong with you people
>chinese cartoons are shit
>gay ass medieval hurr durr knights are wayy better
fuck off poland
get right with Yahweh
it's not you fucking idiot, get out of your echo chamber. people have been saying the same shit since this boards inception.
>military coup in possession of multiple nuclear warheads
insert egg into anus
Don't you have some Russian cock to suck, Poland?
This. And don't forget Yeshua.
>implying this never happened before
bamboozle goyim, get money
At this scale?
Well rukia,might as well quit jobs and watch animes 24-7.
You think NATO isn't running the nuclear silos?
I'm a programmer atm
comfy as fuck, just watching the world burn
Who said anything about silos?
Okay guys,so do you think that ww3 is coming thorugh?
Should i play the final countdown,right now?
So good to live in the most stable country in the world man.
Hope I go to the Soul Society and meet a cutie like Rukia.
>meme man union jack-off writes a few paragraphs means it's true
Also, turkey is in possession of ~90 B61 Nuclear Bombs which could be dropped from anything. Don't need a launch code for these mamajammas
p-post anime?
I wish
One more 6 and you actually would have done it. Kek is warning us. This power is not to be abused.