Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Telling a black man to respect anyone is like telling a fish not to swim
> Sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiit

So it's good advice that goes ignored by pc retards who think that the world can be fixed by telling people not to be mean?


this is the equivalent of "white women/nigger cocks" bait



Telling a black man to respect police is like telling a black man not to rape white women


Wow it's almost as if both of those statements are completely true.

>Really makes you think.
That that dude is a fucking retard, yeah.

I agree. Both are reasonable


Interested to see what Sup Forums thinks of this

I'm generally ok with racial profiling because niggers, but this is video proof Patrick dindu nuffin

both are true though

if i walk through a ghetto I wouldnt be wearing gold chains around my chink neck with cash sticking out of my pants

if i get robbed it'll be really my own fault

the government tells women to do so in europe
i dont see what he's trying to say

He's exactly right.

Your move, sluts and blacks.

Not really though. Ou don't masturbate to resisting arrest videos

So sound advice?

Yes. 9/11 pages leaked!

yeah second post best post holy shit

>hey honey, don't poke the alligator with a stick it might hurt you
i wish the government would euthanize pc retards. death camps when?

>I was aggressive towards the police and I was attacked wtf?

Well walking around half naked does give a rapist more time to rape her.

why is this guy always going crazy laughing?

A black man resisting arrest and reaching for his gun, leads to him getting shot. A woman making herself look attractive, and then wandering the streets alone at night, may lead to her getting raped.

These people live in a god damn fantasy bubble where nothing bad can ever happen.

Dude I forgot that rapists were government workers that got our tax money to do legal things haha really makes u think huh

Sup Forums pls help, I'm looking for that nigger name roller where your post number determines your nigger name.

Women are allowed to dress like whores

You're not allowed to use violence towards police

>telling someone to not act inappropriately so that nothing bad happens is like telling someone to not act inappropriately so that nothing bad happens

"You're mistaken, I'm not the person you're looking for." then tell them to check your ID. I don't know, I'm generally of the opinion that we should systematically slaughter blacks so this doesn't seem that bad.

White House response on the petition to designate BLM as a terrorist organization:

In the wake of the tragic recent events in Dallas, Falcon Heights, and Baton Rouge, the President brought together law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, activists, faith leaders, academics, and state and local elected officials this week to encourage frank conversations about the steps we can take together to build trust and ensure justice for all Americans. As part of these conversations, the President directly addressed the concern that the "Black Lives Matter" slogan, social media movement, and the associated protests are somehow inherently anti-police:

"I know that there are some who have criticized even the phrase 'black lives matter,' as if the notion is, is that other lives don't matter. And so you get 'all lives matter' or 'blue lives matter.' I understand the point they're trying to make. I think it's important for us to also understand that the phrase 'black lives matter' simply refers to the notion that there's a specific vulnerability for African Americans that needs to be addressed. It's not meant to suggest that other lives don't matter. It's to suggest that other folks aren't experiencing this particular vulnerability.

"And so we shouldn't get too caught up in this notion that somehow people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow, automatically, anti-police, are trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game, just because that's not obviously what is intended."


This is a difficult time for our nation and this is a charged debate that stirs deep emotion. Speaking at the memorial service in Dallas earlier in the week, the President emphasized that progress requires, in part, Americans on all sides to “stand in each other’s shoes and look at the world through each other’s eyes.” He added:

"With an open heart, those protesting for change will guard against reckless language going forward, look at the model set by the five officers we mourn today, acknowledge the progress brought about by the sincere efforts of police departments like this one in Dallas, and embark on the hard but necessary work of negotiation, the pursuit of reconciliation.

"With an open heart, police departments will acknowledge that, just like the rest of us, they are not perfect; that insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals. And I understand these protests -- I see them, they can be messy. Sometimes they can be hijacked by an irresponsible few. Police can get hurt. Protestors can get hurt. They can be frustrating.

"But even those who dislike the phrase 'Black Lives Matter,' surely we should be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family … and know that his life mattered to a whole lot of people of all races, of all ages, and that we have to do what we can, without putting officers' lives at risk, but do better to prevent another life like his from being lost.

Nigger on probation, doesn't cooperate, acts like a nigger, gets tazed. I see nothing wrong with this.

You can't make this shit up

>dressing like a slut is equivalent to stealing and hurting people


"With an open heart, we can worry less about which side has been wronged, and worry more about joining sides to do right. Because the vicious killer of these police officers, they won't be the last person who tries to make us turn on one other. The killer in Orlando wasn't, nor was the killer in Charleston. We know there is evil in this world. That's why we need police departments. But as Americans, we can decide that people like this killer will ultimately fail. They will not drive us apart. We can decide to come together and make our country reflect the good inside us, the hopes and simple dreams we share."

The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations. The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations, and therefore we are not able to address the formal request of your petition. We encourage you to engage with your community in the ongoing discussion of how we can better build trust and safety in our communities.

Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform. We'll be back in touch soon.

-- The We the People Team

Really makes me think about how many times this has already been posted

How dare we expect them to act the same as everyone else in civilized society.

No it doesn't you fucking shill this is the gorillianth time I've seen this post this past week

Leave it to blacks to equate respect with not pulling a gun on someone.

Wtf I hate appropriate dress now.....

>He thinks that rapist logic is the same as the federal law.
Jesus Christ. People like this Down child are the reason of modern racism.

Telling a black man to stop breaking the law is like telling a child to stop biting people.

He's right.
Both of those statements are very fucking true.

Yes, exactly.

Don't act like niggers and don't act like sluts.

>i'm not the person you're looking for

then carry something that proves it or be waylaid until you can present something that does

cops are never going to calm down if people protest and kill them

>telling someone to sacrifice a trvial amount of freedom of expression so they don't suffer grave consequences in a particular situation is terrible and """oppresive""" advice.

And who protects women against rapists? The system of law (and the second ammendment).

Police are a necessary part of functioning society. Fully Black countries have them. Respect the job of police work that someone in this world needs to do because without them there'd be a lot more rapists.

>Cops are the equivalent of Rapists


I don't even know where to begin. Is he arguing against his own position here? What kind of multidimensional chess is this?


Resisting arrest does not equate to wearing a fucking dress.

>we shouldn't get too caught up in this notion that somehow people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow, automatically, anti-police
Nah when they say that police are hunting blacks, they don't want white police or any police in their communities, they want dead cops and when they drop cement blocks on police officers and attack police stations that's when we get the notion that BLM is anti-police.


Every time I laugh my left hand hits my chest. I literally cannot help it.

Actually it is like telling a woman to be careful around strange men, not too get sloppy drunk and not to be alone with strangers. Which is all good advice.

And we tell all citizens to comply. It's not like it's a rule for just blacks.

Pic is Alton Sterling

Terrible analogy, that analogy is working under the presumption all men want to rape, when in fact that truth is only applicable to blacks

>looking for a michael
>my name is patrick
>officer doesn't ask to see his license or anything
>instead says they have a warrant
>but doesn't mention its for a michael clay
Come on man. Can we for once not act like contrarians nor bootlickers? Especially since this shows the whole video without cuts?

A nigger would have smacked one of them in the face and ran

except police have a license to kill

>Really makes you think.
that really has ended in me made to be thicc


es vara.

All he had to do was let the officers cuff him without putting up any resistance. They would have checked his ID and let him go without tasering him. Why can't black americans understand that you have to comply with police?

>I'm generally ok with racial profiling because niggers, but this is video proof Patrick dindu nuffin

Patrick dindu was acting the fool. Thats what got his black ass arrested.

>Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform
They may as well have written "blow it out your ass".

The fact that telling women to dress appropriately is called sexist is one of the true memes of our time. I'm a man and you wouldn't ever catch me out without my 9mm after dark. Should I have to carry everywhere I go to deter cultural enrichment? No. But I'm not going to leave it behind and put my faith in niggers

Sure isn't.