Coup forces have COMPLETE control of Ankara. Coup forces have also executed the entire CNN Turk news team
The happening hasn't even started yet, you dumb cucks.
Coup forces have COMPLETE control of Ankara. Coup forces have also executed the entire CNN Turk news team
The happening hasn't even started yet, you dumb cucks.
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> executed CNN Turk
Link? I only saw the anchors saying that they were getting off the air on main CNN
too bad Obama wasnt in Ankara
CNN Turk livestream
split turkey when
CNN Turk wishes they were important enough to kill
All I hear are angry Turks, I don't get it. I thought they brought them in front of the camera and killed them
This is gonna be an interesting stream to keep an eye on
Wait, is this real? Did they actually execute an entire CNN team?
Niiiiice. Watch, this coup is fucking with NATO interests, which is why Obama is backing Ergobab. It's a smart move on theri part to start destroying western propaganda outlets. My guess is that Russian is gonna support the coup.
>Implying OP isn't full of shit
I'll translate if i can hear something that matters
>I'll translate if i can hear something that matters
what are they chanting about Erdogan?
Whats with the chanting? Is that the soldiers in the studio or some feed of protesters?
As Britain had the War of the Roses we are alive now to see the War of the Roaches
That is the sound of a very bloody war beginning.
If they only want to control Ankara then this becomes West (Erdocuck) vs East (Military)
And the military has nukes in the city airport that have a max yield of 360kt
I only hear ''allahu snackbar'' sound. it's fucking annoying tho.
All I can see is an empty desk with yelling in the background . Did they force CNN off air?
Yes, scrub back and you can see them hurrying out.
Ball sack doot doot doot
somebody says. akp supporters and military forces are fighting.
What did that random dude say
''we're airing again'' -pink guy
>the revolution will not be televised
it will be streamed.
oh shit that nigga looked tense
who is that? what is he saying?
I heard multiple Allahs, it's happening.
Nobodys dragged him away or shot him yet so I guess the soldiers are gone.
he says. cops are fighting against military. after that he said allahu snackbar. it's fucking annoying I cant stand this shit.
coup guy said aloha snackbar?
its probably a pro gubermint guy.. use your brain.
no the pink guy have said. I swear I want to kill that pinku
Are they shouting allahu ackbar?
Where did they go?
so the Turkish military is finally taking action and removing the islamist Saudi Arabian-owned occupation agents in their government?
god speed, Turkey. Trump will come soon and get rid of the ISIS sympathizers Obama and Hillary soon.
unfortunately yes.
Leftcucks want to import this.
pink guy was shot in the head and is behind the desk
Kek. Are you a snackbar?
some reporter said. Call the erdogan. fuck they are hopeless ahaha
Can they pull it off and save turkey? I am concerned about how this will affect thanksgiving dinner this year.
>tfw shitty country but comfy as fuck
nah I'm a non-muslim. That's why I want to help you guys to understand the situation.
You better protect Anzu. You're now personally responsible for the health and safety of her. I will never forgive you if she gets hurt.
What's that guy saying off screen
Shut up Texas
Good on you.
are they saying anything important now?
she is still in japan f4m
I still don't know who behind this. seculars or fetullah.
if seculars did this. yeah there is a hope.
if it's a false flag or some shit. we fucked up.
How long will she be able to stay in Japan? Can she claim refugee status? She's practically Japanese by virtue of being a literal anime character.
YOU are the distraction, nobody cares about your pathetic little country in the middle of some backwater continent
he says ''we took the control''
I don't even like but I'll try user.
the fuck do i know? i dont waste my time in whores, get a hobby bro
Do you think the coup will succeed? Are they secular?
false flag.
now it turns to AKP meeting
If you had to guess what are the odds it is not secular forces?
Any thoughts on the potential for insurgency from pro Erdogan elements (or other Islamists) if this is a secular coup?
Just got back home from vacation, only got bits and pieces from the radio. The coup forces losing would be a bad thing, right?
Something about first and second floor.
I bet your granny cared when bug bad Hitler was huffing and puffing. You'll care in a few months when you need to renegotiate trade deals
What is happening? All I know is the coup is fighting the pro erdogan Islamists or someshit. I heard the president fled to Istanbul? Have they really gained control of Ankara? Are they going to Istanbul? Someone please fill me in in the info and shit
Yes, it will demoralize other insurgents from rising against the government
I don't think there will be a islamic revolution. but the coup fails, what's gonna happen to us.
>If you had to guess what are the odds it is not secular forces?
I think they are probably secular.
Bad thing if you're not Muslim, yes. Unless of course you want to watch the world burn.
I'm gonna go sleep. This is all too confusing now. There's probably going to be no credible info for the next 6 hours.
You sound like a federalist to me
Bet you can't wait to join the American Union
Don't forget to renew your TV license.
Not that long. I think they'll have daylight in 3-4 hours.
Its always been Ankara dickheads.
what is happening on cnn turk now
the bulk of the media coverage (95%) is in Istanbul
Ankara 100% in control of the army. Army from surrounding towns is coalescing around Istanbul to prepare for a final push
Erdogan will be dead by the end of tonight
>this delusion
wew lad
the coup is over. Erdogan said so.
Who are these guys, did CNN retake control?
Don't to get to vote for Hillary
At least that way you won't have lost
>Erdogan said so.
this is fucking crazy
>did CNN retake control?
Yeah they did.
>mfw Americans insulting Turkey when their head of state is infinitely whiter than Obama
I'm pretty sure it's over senpai
What the fuck they're fine? So no execution has even happened? Can anyone translate?
Protracted civil war confirmed!
Entire news team? then I was right when I said this woman was probably dead.
Would fuck 8/10
but she supported a dictator
and thats what you get.
Would have popped cum 50 times inside
Except like 20 milions of refugees to Europe.
>serious amount of death
as opposed to a casual amount of death or a comedic amount of death?
1000 conservative turks are on the streets in Beringen in Belgium, jesus fucking christ, just drop a bomb on these primitive idiots
Um, they're losing ground, how is it not over for them?
This is like Germany loses everything in 1945 and saying "we have total control of Berlin still!"