Israel supported the coup

Are you happy to see the Jew-backed coup failing?

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They are. Sup Forums needs to realize that islamists of our friends, let's destroy the establishment first, then deal with each other.


Israel knows the coup will win.

Erdogan was clearly a kike puppet in the past, so this is probably some disinfo.

why is this a jew-backed coup?
what do they gain out of this?

One less Islamist piece of shit.


>israel meets up with russia
>suddenly coup
one can dream. all I know is that if the coup is actually backed by either israel or russia it will cause a lot of damage so lets wait and see

Woolsey just said on fox news, possible false flag.
> would know the signs

i get that, but turkey is majority muslim - also are there some sources that israel's behind this particular coup or is it just speculations for the time being?
either way it's good desu
fuck roaches

I haven't seen it failing yet, Ankara seems to be totally theirs

And it's not failing you stupid burger
Fuck off paliscum

Two weeks ago Erdogan was an Israeli puppet, now the coup is an Israeli puppet? Cognitive dissonances ftw

>Erdogan was clearly a kike puppet in the past
so it makes sense that they attacked him

no, i just always noticed israel is normally on the winning side.
They will probably help the coup.

>Israel supported the coup
Source when burger

jews > mudslimes

>And it's not failing you stupid burger

Delusional to the bitter end.

more like

It's hard to see what's going on. All the shit Erdogan did in the past against Israeli interests was transparently irrelevant.

A photo-op cruise to palestine, it's fucking nothing. Replace Iran as Hamas funders, this actually helped Israel.

Erdogan getting back into bed with Russia and Syria though ... that seems to be anti-Israel, but it's early days. No idea what he will do next, apart from building lots of stuff with his name on it and tearing down stuff associated with Ataturk.

Sunni Muslims are an unwitting Jewish army.

Are you sure?

This seems to be the opposite of what Israel would want. Erdogan works with them.

Jews are the devil we know. We haven't lived in a time where we know just how bad mudslimes can get.

Yeah, because they don't want another radical islamic state as a neighbor.

Israel and our interests coincide.


Currently on Sup Forums threads saying Jewish government backed the coup

Currently on Sup Forums threads saying Jewish government backed Erdogan

So which is it fags? Both? Neither? Both?

God the tin foil fuckwits on Sup Forums piss me off sometimes.

>(Nobel Prize)

Id rather secular govt vs islamic because there is no possible way to spin "behead the infidels and cut off their fingertips" into a moderate philosophy, thus they are fundamentally, in the medium and long term, incompatible with western gov. No EU for u

israel support'd both sides

what did he mean by this?

dont lie kike, you all need to be gassed


I don't know who's Couping who.

This. Y'all are implying Israel only wants one side to win. The coup seems like it'd be the naturally more beneficial outcome for them but depending on whether Erdogan goes full Saddam that could help them out too.

Poor egypt is gonna get blamed hard though

Hate intensifies...
