ITT: Suggest shows or movies that have great commentary tracks.
Currently going through the golden age Simpsons episodes and its 10/10 commentary and bantz
ITT: Suggest shows or movies that have great commentary tracks.
Currently going through the golden age Simpsons episodes and its 10/10 commentary and bantz
Here's an easter egg for you on the season 3 DVD m8. There's a hidden commentary track on "Stark Raving Dad" if you change your audio options during the episode.
Armageddon has a great commentary track if you want to hear Michael Bay go on autistic rants.
PTA - Boogie Nights
Blade Trinity. The first commentary track I listened to actually. I fucking love them now.
shit really? I'm on season 3 right now, what audio options?
that's a great suggestion, is it funny or more sad/insightful?
Anything with Arnie.
will check out, thanks for the recommendation friendo
I've seen the youtube videos but do you have any specific recommendation?
If you play the episode and get the menu up, you should be able to change to "Audio 3" or something like that. It's a hidden commentary by mike reiss. There's a few easter eggs on the dvds
Futurama had pretty great commentaries as well but it was a lot of the same guys
where can I download full seasons of shows with commentary tracks? been looking for a good simpsons torrent but never found one with commentary
will check that out when I get home.
Cheers mate thanks for the tip
I liked the Total Recall one quite a bit. But really, when I say anything with Arnie, I do mean anything with Arnie, even in his shittier movies, listening to him goofily describing what's happening on screen is always fun.
seinfeld commentary us good but not on very many episodes
when larry david is commenting he's just whining about how hard it is to commentate
no worries m8.
Specifically John Millius & Schwarzeneggar on Conan the Barbarian + Paul Verhoeven & Schwarzeneggar on Total Recall
Also anything involving John Waters
>absolutely everything with Kurt Russell and John Carpenter, the kings of commentary
>anything with Bruce Campbell
>Moon's technical crew commentary
>Refn films if you want to get all wanky about it
>Blade Runner production commentaries
>Rick and Morty's guest commentaries inc, WWE's Shamus, Gaben and more
The Neon Demon has kino commentary senpai,
wait what? Gaben did a commentary track on an episode?
Yeah nobody seems to know about the guest commentaries.
The got Gaben and some other Valve writers, Shamus and Abed Gheith, and Sal Governale with Richard Christy (of Howard Stern fame) to come on. All pretty much friends of Harmon and Roiland
oh wow really eh? I'll have to look for a good torrent with the commentary then
Here's a DDL if you want
Kenny vs Spenny
thx mate, this really takes my mind off my life