Sup Forums The world will end in 2019

Users of Sup Forums, you are currently destroying the entire world.

What you call "Meme Magic" goes by many names, but I simply call it "Mass Intelligence Sporadic Creation."

Let me explain. Kek did not exist before Sup Forums began to believe in him. MISC tells us that human thoughts are inherently weak, but when groups of humans believe in the same thing in /exactly/ the same way, it becomes real. So why doesn't the Christian God exist, then? You might ask. Like I said, the beliefs must line up "exactly," and all Sup Forums believes about Kek is that he desires chaos and shows his divine favor through repeating numbers. Since your beliefs matched (there is no Protestant Church of Kek, for example) Kek was willed into existence. Or rather, he always was.

I have studied Egyptian Mythology ever since I got out of high school, and let me tell you something. I looked at every single Egpytian God in the records, and there was never a deity known as "Kek." The name "Medjed" was also absent form any records. Are you understanding this? You created a GOD. And not just any prissy goddess of love or god of wine, you created a FUCKING CHAOS GOD.

Do you want to know why there are so many "happenings" in 2016? The "entity" known as Kek has become stronger and stronger. Every time someone types "Praise __k" or a picture of that stupid green frog, He gains strength.

Look at this world. Look at the terror that has been wrought! If you keep going at this pace, I hypothesize that the world will be erased by Mutually Assured Destruction by 2019.

If you have any respect for your fellow man whatsoever, stop believing in this memetic being. I can't stress this enough.

You might think I'm joking. By the end of this year, you will not.

don't think of a pink elephant

fuck off shillary

praise kek

It's our own meme version of a WAAAGH!

Praise Kek, Brothers.


it's too late now, we can only keep going.
The fire rises.

I believe it inserted itself as Pepe first.

This has nothing to do with politics. I don't think you understand that we are all going to die.

Very funny. You do know that the more you say his name, the better he can see you?

world is pretty shit desu, needs a good destroying
Kek vult

We do all sorts of things asshole.

I won't read that block of text, fuck you.

>tfw we are the frog plague

Will he be merciful to his followers? I mean, he needs our support to grow.

Take this shit to /x/ assburgers.

We created an EGREGORE

Let it happen

Praise Kek!
May chaos rain down on the earth
May we be reborn in his darkness!
Unto the light of a new world!


why the fuck do we need to wait so long? i'm so fucking tired of waiting. i might not make it, Sup Forums.

Kek is our mighty Lord you cuck, plus if the ride go way too far, we can still blame 16/2chan for this

dubs say this user is not full of shit. kek wills it all

Praise Kek. The world has brought this upon itself. Let oblivion create what intelligence could not. Praise Kek.

The emergence of Trump shows that Kek's will is more than just chaos, it aligns with Sup Forums's will. Remember, meme magic started in March 2015 with the Germanwings crash (Arguably even before) and Trump announced his run for president in June. Kek's will is ours and it is more than just chaos.