What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
Tommy was gettin fuckin fresh
He was just breaking balls
Now, now, he insulted him a little bit
He needed a shinebox and he thought his old pal Tommy would help him out and let him borrow his.
Tommy was a real jerk.
He was just kidding around. Now what are you drinking? Give this thread drinks,on me!
Well sometimes you don't know when he's kidding you know there people around
>just get out of prison
>went in for the sake of the family
>get out
>first thing you wanna do is get a drink
>have a few
>feeling good
>having a great time
>little guy who used to clean your shoes walks in
>say hey, bust his balls a little
>he starts getting disrespectful
>fuck him
>bust his balls a lot
>lil shoeshine kills you
Billy Batts didn't deserve this death
Yeah well you've been away a long time you haven't heard I don't shine shoes no more
No no no the drinks are on the house