if rick and memey is reddit
and steven jewniverse is tumblr
is ATHF Sup Forums?
If rick and memey is reddit
Stop trying so hard to fit in
And stop obsessing over cartoons, you infant
>stop trying so hard fit in
>uses an Alex Jones meme
Wrong country buddy.
nigga i've been here for years
i even started the whole "frogfu" thing on /got/, to my shame
i just haven't been on this board in a looong time so forgive me if my lingo isn't current
King of The Hill is Sup Forums.
yes purely because of contrarianism. sit a normal person down to watch an episode and they might chuckle a couple times. Meanwhile 4channers are shitting themselves laughing and if you asked them why they wouldn't really have an answer. ATHF is the literal definition of lolsorandum humor but because it's not popular at all 4channers eat it up.
You see everyone bitch about the burping and stuttering on rick and morty meanwhile you can barely understand anything that master shake says and its nonsensical whining and bitching. Meatwad is just as stupid as morty but of course Sup Forums loves meatwad. And then you have frylock pulling all this retarded science shit just like rick but of course frylock is super awesome and shit and rick is a pseuduointellectual douche bag
popular = bad
not popular = good
You think you are a big guy, huh?
I came here to post this
more like gamefaqs. You have to be a dumb underage shitlord to enjoy this cartoon.
kill yourself
Umaru is Sup Forums.
But Sup Forums is Rick and Morty. How would you otherwise explain all these threads about it?
who would win in a fight: hank or carl?
i'm inclined to say carl, but then again he regularly gets the crap kicked out of him on the show. on the other hand, i can't think of an episode off the top of my head where hank gets in a fight
>popular = bad
>not popular = good
Sup Forums in a nutshell
lol you really don't get it do you?
ATHF is a non-sequitur throughout the entire series. That's the joke. People who lack subtlety confuse that with shows, like Rick and Morty, that deliberately attempt to be lolsorandum and scientific but pretend not to be trying so hard.
It's the difference between making it to the list of Stuff White People Like or not.
Breddy much
But I'm the one who found the vampire shoe so I should get to go to the vampire olympics.
Arise thread
As a Jew I am deeply offended to be lumped in with Steven Universe. Kys OP
Hanks gets his balls busted by Bobby
Carl only gets his ads kicked more because hank doesn't have to go up with 1/10th of what Carl does.
>As a Jew I am deeply offended
We know
Ultra... MEGA Chicken?
No, shhhhh. He is legend.
SPIRITS that haunt this thread, tellll meeee...what was we taaalking about?
Sealab 2021, I think
Why does Sup Forums like terrible shows just to feel special?
>ATHF was made by the jew though.
is this real or a sesame street puppet?
Umaru is a fucking piece of shit and I hope you die in your sleep tonight weebnigger
you sound incredibly ass blasted user.
It is the FarChan, we can add a mohawk und wheelchair if you don't get it
Nah, the random "main joke" of each episode is never where the laughs come from. It's all about the dynamic between the main cast and the hilarious absurdist riffing when they argue. The lolsorandom element is just a backdrop for the real comedy.
Oh it's real my friend
>LOL u mad bro XDDD
shut the FUCK up you autistic fucking nigger and take your cancerous pedobait cartoons back to that cesspool you call Sup Forums. don't every post in my board again
Where did you come from? reddit?
i'm pretty sure ATHF actually makes an effort to paint frylock as a pseudo intellectual douche bag, though i haven't seen it in a while
Jesus Christ you guys have a huge inferiority complex.
Can you talk about something other than Reddit for a change?
Best character?
He's shown several times to have really terrible social skills.
4.0 is the best
being socially stunted does not mean you are stupid. the nerd stereotype is exactly that.
ATHF is the shit
You guys spend entirely too much time worrying about what people on reddit like.
Whoa slow down baby
Wonder shozen is Sup Forums. A bunch of incoherent shit.
ATHF gave you Carl
and Carl is freakin sweet
>stop obsessing over cartoons
>Sup Forums
>expecting autists not to get passionate about the topic of a board
Where do you think you are, partner? That's like saying, "It's just a TV show"
Nah it's just a good show.
>So the lesson here is: either you should definitely not play with matches, or you definitely should.
>Yeah. It's definitely one OR the other.
Which one you think it is Carl?
>foghorn leghorn.webm
The only correct post in this entire thread and it's summarily ignored. Sup Forums: a place for great discussion.
You don't get a prize for taking bait, user.
Holy shit you are just throwing a little baby temper tantrum right here on the floor in front of everyone aren't you? How embarrassing.
>It's all about the dynamic between the main cast and the hilarious absurdist riffing when they argue.
This is what makes ATHF one of the greats.
You know what else is embarrassing? Grown ass men who watch cartoons about little girls. Do everyone else a favor and keep your shit taste to yourself
I would say Xavier is Sup Forums
no, but this is
The Simpsons is Sup Forums. It started funny with some genuinely witty stuff, but slowly became a zombie of its former self, now obsessed with celebrities. Every little quirk is now blown out of proportion, becoming defining traits. It is now unfunny, lumbering, and well over due to be put down.
XRA is the best thing to ever air so yes
Nailed it.
I have no idea why I keep coming here.
Must be because I have nowhere else to go.
That's enough internet for me today.
I am Insert Name Here and I am the one and only Moon Master
>Yeah but this is my hobby man, like drinking beer is for you, or jerking off.
>I don't get any fun out of that. Sometimes i don't even know I'm doing it. I look down and it's in my hand, It's like an addiction, you know?
>But it's nice to accomplish something with your day.
>this entire post
You need to hang yourself.
No, not gay enough.
and just like everything else you'll do in life, too little too late. just kys.
>*throths at mouth*
>i can't think of an episode off the top of my head where hank gets in a fight
can it breed?
athf is old somethingawful