Ok boys give me ideas

Ok boys give me ideas.
Its for a sociology component on my 3rd year medicine course (uk)

Attached: Screenshot_20191021-203434_1.jpg (1080x623, 116K)

bring yourself as a representation of mental illness

Bring the dsm diagnosis for gender dysphoria.


Someone put a tube of glitter in my backpack in high school. Shit got fucking everywhere and it took weeks to get it to dissipate.

Screencap of /r9k/ = instant A

36 chambers is pretty fuckin ill

Why would you take designated sheboon classes?
This and record it secretly

Its a compulsory class

you're in the UK, bring in a picture of trump or something and you'll get put in the local paper for bravery

> a photography

Attached: 1510007906031.png (649x611, 363K)

Women are an example, use them for experiments

yeah wtf

Bring your computer and open Sup Forums dot org slash b slash catalog

get a pretty good neckbeard greentext
introduce those faggots to the world of Sup Forums

Bring in a gun


We dont do that in europe

Picture of a painting by Van Gogh?


A bottle of lucozade. It's a solid representation of the bullshit spread about illness because everyone is recommended it when they're ill and it's actually bad for you in the long term.

Thanks bois for the actual suggestions