The Walking Dead Finale

Everyone's got automatic or semi automatic guns... but nobody's behind cover at all. They're just shooting each other from 10 yards but somehow none of the important characters die, even in situations where they have no guns and people have guns pointed at them.

So Rick gets shot in the stomach - a bullet ripping through his intestines - but he just walks it off?

ALSO the dead are coming back to life
like wtf so unrealistic

I hate retarded fucking arguments like this. We can acknowledge that a show is fantasy while still pointing out when it betrays its own logic. Did the zombie virus make their guns not work?

also they have 200 rounds magical magazines

That lion coming out of nowhere made up for the flaws

NOT TO MENTION you are boring AL MOST AS IF no fun or imagination is allowed LIKE WTF WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? AMIRITE?

kill yourself

Is this Battlefield Earth?

>Fat guy with a battleaxe

kek so glad I dropped this shit

you first faggot

he got shot in the hip

He'd be crippled. Did I miss him getting any kind of medical attention?

Look at the size of Ezekiel's bulge

The lion was so fucking stupid. Why would none of them shoot it? How did none of them see it? There was like 40 of them standing around.

Do you know how fast a lion can run?

Also, it uses camouflage in the wild

he got shot in the flab

The bullet grazed him.

That's because most of these people are civilians and none of them have been trained

Obviously you didn't see the prison shootout in the earlier seasons. Shootout starts with a precision headshot, then 20 minutes of automatic gunfire that doesn't hit ANYTHING. Haven't you learned how shit this show is yet?

>unironically watching a gazillion of 40 minute long episodes of this pathetic normie garbage

That old bitch is still in this show? holy fucking kek. Literally the worst character.

I haven't watched in seasons. Just watched this episode now because it was on.

Do yourself a favor and drop it. It's fucking awful.

>here comes the faggots who are "2patrician4TWD"
seriously you are not fooling anyone, you watch legion and GoT... you are just as bad if not worse

who unironically watches this show? what demographic? everyone that I know who discusses it says that it's ass, unless they're all ashamed to admit that they enjoy the show.

Really, really don't. My exposure of Walking Dead is limited to Sup Forums webms.

Not everyone is as brain dead as you.

I hope Carol dies early next season. I'm sick of her shit.

literally no one watches Legion compared to the ratings of TWD and GOT

I ironically watch it. I got hooked season 1 and realized it was garbage after, but didn't have much else to watch and figured I'd finish it. My cousin and I get drunk and watch it sometimes. Makes it bearable and funny.

This season is the new season 2. Absolute fucking detritus with nothing of note happening. wooooo ricks at war with negannn wooo, the finale should have been the first episode.

that's understandable. I just can't figure out the type of people who unironically watches the show. maybe it's the professional wrestling of post-apocalyptic television shows.

>king ezekiels kid gets shot in the leg

>rick gets shot in the stomach

>camo in the wild
>alexandria is now the wild, natural habitat of the chamelion

Getting shot in the stomach is much more survivable than hitting a major artery in the leg. Stomach wounds are famous for taking a long time to kill you, too.

Wasn't Morgan hitting people with his stick amidst all of the shooting too.

it gives me something to look forward to in the next week, I also only watch scifi and post-apoc television no bully pls

>that's understandable
No, you're both faggots. There's nothing more limpwristed than "watching" anything "ironically"

my stupid idiot room mate made me watch the first 3 season and now i feel as though i am too invested to back out.


Glad I dropped this shitshow.

Is she autistic?

So every episode of Sons of Anarchy?
>Alright, we need Jax, Tiggs, and prospect ricky to go on a gun run
>you'll never guess what happens

You've been watching the Expanse right?

neegans character bothers me

>dominate different tribes by brutally smashing in skulls of prominent figures and subject them to tribute
>protect your identity by having most of your subordinate leaders pretend to be you

could actually work

>puts himself into a dozen different life threatening and unpredictable situations every week
>keeps numerous people who obviously want him dead and have big festering grudges at arms reach


He's already a zombie so these things don't affect him for very long.


Is there a single heterosexual white couple in the show that is still alive?
I can't think of one...

Were there ever a hetero white couple besides that cunt X the Governor, Carol x Ed, and Rick x Laurie or whatever?

Merle >>> Abraham > Negan >>> Morgan (prior to Here's Not Here) > Dale > Morgan (after Here's Not Here)
This cannot be argued with.

I've wanted to see Jerry fuck somebody up with that axe since his introduction... This was the perfect opportunity..

Fuck this show

I think they keep her alive because they know people will keep watching just to see her die.

Most of BASED NEEGAN'S bitches are white

not an argument

When do the Borg show up?

>im just here to be a faggot, its not that i think im 2patrician
nigger you are gay as fuck

t. unironic viewer of the walking dead

carol and girl

Haven't watched this show since Season 3. The action looks absolutely terrible. Why does the black guy have dirty snow colored dreads?

>not an argument
go back to Sup Forums with the other faggots


it's actually more realistic than you think. they're mostly just average retards, not trained special forces. give a bunch of retards guns and tell them to shoot at each other and 99% of the shots won't hit anything. people think shooting a gun is easy, well shooting one is, but hitting a target isn't

You seem upset.


The only explanation for the bullshit baby speak of the Scavengers is that they broke out of an adult autism institution when shit went down. Also explains why they like collecting things.


Season 7 wasn't that great, they didn't have to drag it out so long just for that battle at the end of the season. I can't imagine negans war lasting more than a couple of episodes of season 8.

This season was lacking on account of there was so much less gore and close quarters fighting, suspense, and fucked up shit that makes the show so great.

Finale was okay

Yeah. The placement of the cameras and the blocking made it much worse than it could have been. A skilled director would've handled the scene differently.

What we got was Morgan hitting people with a stick in the foreground, whilst Negan's guys stood with their guns by their sides in the background.

>1-arm rick in the comics is more badass and dangerous vs negan than a full body rick in the show

why did the show writers make rick such a nu-male cuck?

Why is she a bad character? I haven't watched it for a long time.

Haven't they all been survivalists for 3 years at this point?

I appreciate they're not soldiers but those final scenes were plain retarded.

>Ctrl+F: Tiger

>Ctrl+F: Lion

Are you fucking serious?
CHILDREN get this right.. How the fuck do you not?

A pack of tigers would be unrealistic. Even for a show that's this shit.

>all these people not having bought the blu ray
nope, you don't get to judge until you have bought the blu ray.

I thought this was adult autism school?

She's just an old dusty cunt. She hasn't added anything to the plot the last few seasons but she somehow has the thickest plot armor.

Not having seen this show and only having read the first 5 pages of the comics I can't tell which of these posts are jokes or not

nope, she adds quite a bit more on the blu ray.
don't judge her writing before after having had bought the blu ray.

Exactly what I thought lmao glad I dropped this season 2

negan is a saving grace of the show really.
i heard he's even more handsome on the blu ray, i really gotta buy it one of these days

>negan flipping off everyone when he drives away
shit was funny

Garbage finale fitting for garbage people. All I wanted was negans speech. I knew I wouldn't get "Carl you little one eyed asshole" or "you skull faced fuck" but I thought wed get the big dick swinger speech. So done with neutered Negan

Why is he so emaciated? He looks fucking stupid with his narrow shoulders and stick legs, carrying that bat. He doesn't look like he has the upper body strength to beat someone to death.

>The Walking Dead has more than doubled AMC's ad revenue since 2010 due to their insane ratings
>they still can't spend enough money to make it a little less shitty
>All Out War will probably be a snorefest due to budget constraints

God damn it, I hate AMC.


have you tried buying the blu ray?

No. How many copies of the bluray should I buy?

the more you buy, the better the quality

nobody on Sup Forums enjoys this show we just watch it for shitposts and giggles

I watched the first 2 or 3 seasons with genuine interest, but now I feel I watch it for the potential it rarely carries. More often than not I have it on in the background while I fuck my duck.

>walking dead
Sorry season 2 ended a long time ago

Yeah, that's when it turned to shit.


>implying you wouldn't bow down in awe and fear

A better director would hide this - make him look more imposing.

...They're all wearing hockey pads. That's not even body armor.


I really love how there's so many fatasses during the downfall of society.

Faggots like yourself are why we have trash like TWD that never improve because you like to eat shit.

I don't get it. He's skinny as hell. Looks ridiculous. As if one dude wouldn't just beat the shit out of him and take over. At least comic Negan looks like a big guy 4u.

God imagine what it would be like if Enid is killed in front of Maggie after she loses Glenn, like Maggie is pined down and forced to watch the zombies feasting on her thicc thighs and and buttocks, with her round jewish face screaming for Maggie, all her teenage sullenness gone and replaced by sheer fear and helpllessness. The sound would drive a spike through Maggie's heart but she would be unable to do anything herself, only watch Enid try to crawl away before the zombies grab her again, tackling her, pushing her face into the dirt, the fear of suffocation mixing with the pain of all the teeth gnawing into her ribs and eating her organs like the small tasty morsels that they are... kidneys, fallopian tubes, uterus maybe with Carl's fledgeling baby inside, spleen, and so on. She would still be alive throughout this, although she might black out from the pain once the zombie teeth begin to scrape against her rib bones and pelvis, the entire lower half of her body devours, blood pouring out of her mouth and nose so that she is choking on it, but not enough to actually kill her, only adding to her misery, as well as being barely able to breath as the zombies' weight crushes her into the ground, harder and harder, their rotting stench in her every choked sticky breath. She tries to crawl away again, but the zombies grab her arms and begin to gnaw away at those as well, biting off her fingers, gnawing them, leaving blood-tinged bones like snapped toothpicks sticking out of her hand, like half-eaten corndogs with the stick sticking out, the zombies finally biting into her neck and face to finish her off, pulling off her ears and ripping away her scalp as they pull at her hair. Eventually her eyes would fall out and she would no longer be able to see, except maybe a few seconds of the ground, perhaps being able to look at her own face with one eye. At least they would reach her brain, finally killing her after so many minutes of suffering..

And yet they constantly make head shots when the plot requires it.