why did he need orange slices?
Why did he need orange slices?
>everyone laughs
This line honestly summarizes all of the problems with Civil War. It's a cutesy, tryhard, not-funny quip that hangs a lampshade on how low the stakes are at all times, likening the entire conflict to a pre-school soccer scrimmage.
They explain in a deleted scene that turning into Giant Man depletes his body of vitamin C.
Why are you, some sort of nerd? It was HILARIOUS AND FUN, not like those DC movies where the lighting is dark.
Weird because I thought when I watched it that he must've been low on Vitamin C.
There's nothing wrong with superhero movies being funny, but if your movie is going to heavily feature action, it should also feature some risks and danger for the characters.
Kick-Ass did this pretty well.
>DC moron tries to turn people shitting on Marvel into praise for his special personal favorite variety of capeshit
Why do you keep making this thread? what purpose does it serve?
Honestly that's just marvel. Everyone fights each other all the time for literally no reason while making quips the entire time.
mad DCucks trying to make their movies better buy highlighting perceived flaws of other movies
Two different kinds of shit writing.
Harder than ever thanks to Logan and Split.
anytime anyone has a successful thread based off 1 line, expect retards who need validation through attention to repost the thread repeatedly
See also the retard who constantly posts Colbert thread with "So..."
Fuck orange slices and fuck white people
It was a Donald Drumpf reference. Colbert wrote the script.
>its another capeshit debate
Why did Tony shout "Underoos!"? i thought his name was spiderman? or are they coming up with a new origin for him?
That'd honestly have made this joke somewhat work
There are a few dedicated autists that try to force the next meme without knowing what a fucking meme is. Like the catposter. Or that one faggot with the poorly looped gif of will farrel squirting lube.
Man this thread never gets old
Wait yes it does ... I was thinking of another thread. This thread sucks balls.
Civil War would have been so much better if the whole middle act with the airport battle was removed and replaced with something different/better, and more consistent with the tone of the 1st and 3rd acts.
Maybe the Civil War title wouldn't work (though it already didn't work, it was just one fight involving 12 people where no one dies) but the whole thing would be much improved, it would have pushed it in the direction of grimdark "serious" capeshit, in bold contrast to the rest of the MCU.
It's really weird to have the jokey quipping and cartoonish stuff with Ant-Man and Spider-Man in the same movie where:
>a guy gets dangled upside down and drowned in a sink
>a UN conference gets bombed, with accompanying 9/11 imagery
>Peggy Carter fucking dies and gets a dramatic funeral
>Bucky is shown somewhat brutally killing Tony's parents
Its almost as if all you fat neck bearded autists have never played sports in your life or something. Strange.
Why does punching a guy who's wearing armor hurt the guy without damaging the armor?