>Tfw you weren't alive for the golden age


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There was no golden age, every decade was complete ass

90's was probably the closest thing

>every decade was complete ass

I assume you're talking about Canada

No, every decade was just boring


The true Golden Age for white Europeans was the late 19th century.

>tfw look at this image
>glance at the boy and insert myself into his role in the photo and think about how much life would suck being bossed around by old men of the time
>tfw realize I am 31 and I ought to be self-inserting as the Dad by this point

I am a manchild.

Looks pretty comfy too, senpai

We weren't born in the golden age, but soon we will live through the green age.
So says Mr Kek

>he thinks leave it to beaver really happened

The fuck is this? Take your hat off in church you little brat


whoi th fuck wouldve want to be the fdad lol

This picture was me growing up from around 93'-98' going to a southern baptist church in a small town every Sunday.

Probably will be the best years of my life. Such warmth. Such happiness and simple trust in God, surrounded by a community that loves you and your family, always cooking for each other and being a small community.

I guess that was the afterglow of the 80s. Something nihilist and materialist seemed to enter our culture around the turn of the millennium. I'm sad for you anons that didn't live this way.

There was no difference except Chad's life was like that pic. All the betas lives still sucked

Yeah I'm sure it really was as glorious as your drawn picture made it out to be.

I've got some more f-a-m.

i was a financial analyst for morgan stanley in nyc from 1989-2002
escorts and yayo every day,cops only cared to bust niggers slinging crack
literally heaven





Be happy m80. You're around to bring the golden age back by becoming a white nationalist. We're making history, bro.


>90s kid misses the 90s
What a shock.


Late 19th century till sometime just before ww1.


same @ deutsche

I love how the mother look at them like

We are at church stop pretending that you don't fuck you daughter you sick piece of shit


>tfw you were.
But in my case I was the child. Who was fucking his sister every night when his parents went to bed.

After the fucking world wars, everyone had every right to be nihilistic

WW1 was the beginning of the end for western civilization

There is absolutely nothing stopping any of you from being hardworking, reliable, and at least somewhat successful people. You live in the first world; you have opportunities.

Yea, it sucks, it's unfair, and it's hard. But putting all that aside: you have racial, social, and economic advantages that you're not using.

Forget about the illuminati. The #1 thing that holds you back is you.

If you can find a way to carve a nice life FOR YOURSELF out of this hard and mean world, then you can find a woman who will respect you and follow you.


>people want to live in this
You would be bored as fuck and wishing you were at home playing video games.

there was no golden age
at no time in history has there ever been a golden age for any population

you are just a stormfag wannabe who is fagging for some old retarded cunt

you are like gollum still under the mountain gnawing on old cult propaganda like a faggot

>muh heritage
everyone's ancestors were scum
you worship dead shitheads
don't be digging up that shit here

Watch Midnight in Paris :^]

Thanks for the input, kike.

>posts drawn images
>thinks he has any right to any opinion


The 20s, 50s, and 80s have the only legitimate claims to being American golden ages. The 90s were good insofar as they carried some momentum from the 80s.



when will women learn

BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in. Watch youtu.be/XXRC4TfmHEs?t=15m and youtube.com/watch?v=4Gg_PHq5Tqk


>born literally at the worst time to be a straight white male in the USA

I don't get the point of these paintings. It's all rich fags and gold digging whores.


The last golden age was just before WW1. After that we figured out how profitable war could be and the fate of the world was sealed. We've been at a perpetual state of war globally ever since.

>Human blood is worth it's weight in gold.

>I don't get the point of these paintings

Because you aren't white.

>Australian shitposter

Lol, no


>we were always at war with Eurasia
>we were always allies with east asia
>we were never allies with Eurasia

>ad hominem
Am I wrong? It's like some weab posting an anime pic and saying "LOOK! LOOK AT HOW GOOD LIFE WAS BACK IN MY DAY!!"



Found the shitskin who has no connections to the USA other than his welfare check

Thanks for your input nihilistic faggot.
Now follow your nihilistic beliefs and go jump off a cliff.

That is so stupid, get the fuck out please


fuck the 50s


>threat of nuclear annihilation
>korean war
>no Internet porn
>shit movies
>going to church sundays or else
>living under the shadow of the Establishment
>garbage music like Lawrence Welk

yeah, great

fuck off, grampa

>says it's stupid
>doesn't explain how



Youre making me jealous, senpai
I live in Memfrica (Memphis TN, one of the highest murder rates in the country) and it fucking sucks here. grew up with a single mother too

>drug use and crime rampant


it really bothers me how any time someone says 'maybe there was another point in history i would have been happier/better suited for living in', you get bombarded with a tirade of ad homs and personal attacks about how stupid and dumb you are because society today is literally the pinnacle of human history, but of course these people are not interested in history, all they ever do is watch MTV and check facebook. it's never the guys with bookshelves full of history and philosophy literature that criticize you for saying you'd rather live in another century

Chin up, our best years are still ahead of us.


I'm playing but not your game, I can smell how pathetic you must be

I think you replied to the wrong post there, buddy

STFU you dopey cunt. You're a fucking embarrassment. Kill yourself.

when use to go to church every Sunday and fall asleep on the floor. Went on the big church trip to the beach. Went to camp. Went to swimming class.


Best time, my friend.
It is our sacred calling to free this nation from (((globalism))) , and not only preserve but empower the single greatest race on this planet, the White Race.

That's the equivalent of watching anime and thinking you would be happier living in Japan.

Not at all.
One is fake, the other is real. History happened, a cartoon is just a cartoon.

Move to Eastern TN, preferably more north. It's almost all white


>work for 2 hours a day
>go home to a clean house and hot meal
>kids always respectful and polite
>everyone loves you and respects you as the breadwinner and father
>play ball with son
>help daughter with homework
>fuck the shit out of wife and slap her around because domination has been a female fetish forever
>fuck daughter in her mouth because her ass is still too tight
>fuck son and teach him the pleasure of being cummed inside
>fuck the babysitter while you drive her home
>go on a family trip to the local jello factory and sample the newest recipes from the newest jello cookbook
best decade


Golden Age That Never Really Existed - the thread


>you will never not worry about you children becoming degenerate

Fuck yes.


>reading a history book and wanting to live in a time and place that actually happened is just like watching a fictional animated tv show and deciding you want to live in the place it was made

cub scouts for a few years.

Sure it is. It's based off an idealized view of something you hadn't experienced personally. The only thing that has changed from the 50's to today is technology.


Economically, our statistics are better in every way except growth. If that was a golden age, then this is the next best thing. So what's causing our slowdown? Graduates can't get jobs because either they're the wrong demographic (literally racism/sexism against the majority) or that hirers know the graduates HR will actually give them don't actually perform differently to outsourced work.

"Good," the Marxists sitting in HR say whilst rubbing their hands. Now capital will flow to less privileged, marginalised countries who, despite rejecting western advancements because muh culture, somehow deserve the jobs and capital more than western young adults.

I'll wrap up my sophistry, this is a silver age because the problems in this age are deliberate and self caused. People chose to start degrading capitalism with Marxist influenced policies.

If we told Marxists to kill themselves, meritocracy will flourish and we're back to 3-6% growth. Good times.

this is the golden age faggot


tfw we're alive to retake the golden age

But it's wrong because it never fucking happened the way you or your history books describe it. You would be bored out of your skull every day, you would not be able to get laid until marriage (with a woman who was more unattractive than the women of today), companies would work you to the fucking bone, you would be at bigger risk of dying because medical advancements (and psychological) were not nearly as far as they are today.

The list goes on. Life was fucking shit back then.


>I know more than history books

the mormon dream

>you will never be a high-class Victorian woman who gets to wear corsets and elaborate dresses all the time

why live