Erdogan appreciation thread
Single-handedly ended the unjust military coup. He has the coup supporters running to the hills now. It's about to be 1915 all over again. What the fuck are you cucks gonna do about it?
Erdogan appreciation thread
Single-handedly ended the unjust military coup. He has the coup supporters running to the hills now. It's about to be 1915 all over again. What the fuck are you cucks gonna do about it?
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typical amerimurderer cheering on the guy whos arming ISIS with them
Ankara is under military control.
You're just jealous.
fucking scumbag
he dodged the bomb
to bad
he got his rats mobiled to fast and the coup failed.
so sad this coup was low energy
Get ready for the end of the world I guess.
Kind of think we'd have been better off just getting it over with in the 60s if you ask me.
Why can't all the Nationalist Turks living in everyone elses country go back and fight their own military
>not being pro-coup/anti-isis
Erdogan is an Islamist who is running ISIS's oil into the global market. If you support him, you're against Western civilization.
Your country is destabilizing and destroying the world. I'ts not jealousy, it's anger.
You globalist nigger.
nice b7+1
I know, we're only the fifth biggest arms exporters in the world!
When your government becomes unjust, it's your duty to remove it. Roaches are actively trying to improve their country, while you're sitting on your ass, letting yours go to hell.
You're a disgrace to your own country.
ISIS loving piece of shit.
I hope you realize the entire coup was a false flag to further solidate Erdogan's position as a dictator. He wants to turn the fucking country into an islamic calpihate.
If I was a turkroach I would propably like the guy. But Im not. So fuck that cunt.
Sorry, what's the world power on Turkey's border who's done nothing but offer him support and membership over the last few years, because it isn't the US.
Fuck Erdogan and Fuck shitslam.
The Lion of Islam, supporter of Muslims worldwide! alhamdulilah the Turkish atheist's dream was shattered, the Western filth can't get their dirty hands on Türkiye, Allah protect Erdogan and AKP parti! TAKBIR!
>Do nothing.
>Bitch about everything.
Hate to say it, but Europe fucked the world up 20x times over compared to the United States. And then the United States rebuilt Europe after you Euros fucked it up in World War 2. Pssh, nothing personal kid.
Soon, he will get at least 60% vote. This blatant coup attempt will make him stronger.
alluhu Akbar
Allahu Ackbar
Ya rabbi shukran!
>what the fuck are you cucks gonna do about it?
Kill you all in the foreseeable future
It might be the beginning of the end.
Now that the roaches have repelled the army's attempt at total contol what stop them from doing the same for Erdrogan?
In any case the shit is going downwards fast for everone in Turkey.
>Ankara still under military control
>Jets and Helicopters dog-fighting
I feel so torn about this whole fucking this.
On one hand I spport the military goals but the fucking turkish majority seems to support erdogan and his dream to destroy turkey's social progress and Turkey into an islamic state with him as it's tyrant.
If the people want that shithole then on one hand I think they're welcome to it and it's wrong for a small group to fight against their will. But I do believe the military's goals are the right one.
Fuck this shit.
fucking kek.
>Islamists murder non-Islamists and discriminate against non-Islamists until Islamists are the majority
do you even have an idea you candy ass mofo
Well, if the non-islamist people let this happen then fuck them. They were the majority at some point and let this islamic filth wash over them.
>unironically using the year 1915 for a theocratic Islamist
Ataturk be spinning in his grave
>posts picture of malnourished dying lion
Good comparison!
I really just want World War III to break out so we can unite the scraps of civilization left under a new government tbqh family
It's symbolic you dumb kafir. Just like the Lion is hungry for food so is Turkey hungry for it's old possesions, and only when the Ottoman khalifa comes back will the hunger disappear
American """""""""education""""""""
I'm honestly pretty happy with this, I would hate to see another libya/iraq
I don't get it, why speak french when this has nothing to do with france?
Please don't let "je suis" become the next rad thing for people to say whenever shit goes down...
Who dat??
What I would do to that pooinloo.
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in. Watch