So why did the coup fail?
So why did the coup fail?
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toxic masculinity
It has neither succeeded nor failed. The situation is on-going and what looks like is that the coup supporters have control of Ankara, and Erdogan supporters have control of Istanbul.
It is the shilling of erdogan and cucks. Coup is going well army is getting the control of strategic places and people. They already took half of the government as prisoners.
It wasn't backed up by Jews i guess.
They didn't arrest the president first.
hope you're right
I really hope somebody is screen-capping all these delusional posts about the coup doing well long after everyone with a brain knows it failed, for a massive "Sup Forums is retarded" collage.
underestimated how many civilians would turn out against it
they were literally disarming the military guys lel, should have given them orders to shoot to spice things up
Military has 100% control of capital, they haven't lost yet.
Because Germany didn't accept erdogan as a refugee. Now he's taking back turkey and he's going to fuck you up even more.
Practice your Muslim dicksucking skills. Turkey will join the EU and flood the west with Muslims and then it's bye bye western civilization.
Erdogan's body is still connected to his head. They win otherwise.
Fuck off shill
This is the plan of the juden. Turn greater isreal into a sea of shit. Then conquer, kill whats left & rebuild.
And a literal 0% support from the turkish people.
NO way they'll stay in control
Yep, start from the top down, not the middle up.
you dont udnerstand propaganda do you?
Erdo is probably livecasting from some random fucking house that was staged to look nice.
Its a wonder they havent traced the signal and bombed his ass on live tv. Though given the state of things thats entirely plausible.
Rookie cop forgot to read the Miranda rights.
0%, are you a çomar or what? I'm pretty sure Erdoğan is very unpopular in coastal Mediterranean regions in Turkey.
You can count on the folks at le reddit to do that on their Sup Forums sub.
Based IRA man knows the score
it didnt fucking fail stop believing pro-erdogan media its pure information war
reminder if the shill says 0 or zero they are shilling.
nigger merchant nigger
>middle of the night
>coup declares martial law
>authoritarian rallies his rabble
>coup doesn't gun down all the roaches
let's see what happens after sunrise before saying coup has no support
Fuck off frog eating baguet loving frenchman, don't you have a cartoon of alla to draw? or maybe a concert to go to? or maybe a truck to catch? oh, wait...
>presuming a republic flag means IRA
Why do that? Some 20 year old youngster from Limerick is not the IRA.
IRA is gone.
completely failed to take control of media
completely failed to arrest high-level government officials
comppletely underestimated popular support for erdogan
seems like a sloppy job tbqh
we'll see how it develops in ankara though, the clean-up might take a while
It's been hours and the military has zero control of the media, communications, or the streets. Ergodan was up in the air for four hours dicking around on his cell phone on live television and you expect me to believe the military are on top of this?
This is a botched operation from the get go. Not one officer has appeared at one press conference. Not one statement. Fuck all. Conscripts and tanks with not so much as a baton left standing in the street with their dicks in their hands while smartphone flash mobs literally jump up and down on their bonnets -- on air!
Whatever was supposed to go down, hasn't.
Whatever was supposed to be done, wasn't.
Whoever was supposed to be in charge, isn't.
I'd put an easy 50 on that the colonels or whatever in charge of this were taken out in the first hour and the rest of the geniuses involved have been flailing about at random objectives for the last few hours. By tomorrow morning everyone will be tired of coordinating a coup via text message, any fence-sitters will have been called off by the US/NATO, no-one will be returning their calls, and when the first guys is publically seen to cut a deal by, oh, say, 11:00, the dominoes will fall all over themselves to surrender/get the fuck out of Dodge.
The odd holdout will be found dug into some important state building or museum or some bullshit for maybe a day or two before they gear up the police/Islamic militia to smoke them out, but the smart guys are already in taxis headed for the Kos shoreline with bags of cash to pay for the first refugee boat to Sweden. Personally I'd take my chances in the nearest opium den.
Turkey is going full Ayatollah after this. The funny part will be seeing western leaders lining up to clap and cheer this as a great victory for "democracy" while Ergodan is shocking people by the kilo-nuts. After that the "revolution" continues its sweep further west and we'll all be living under Ergodan's within a decade or so.
No one is sure what's going on right now. For all we know the coup could be successful.
They had no military support
No civilian support
They had no top generals or leaders on board
They attacked during the day
They failed to capture the president
They failure to control key buildings like the media stations
All the troops look extremely young and inexperienced
This definitely wasn't a fully fledged coup.
gotta wonder were the rest of the army is though
reports of soldiers taking back control of ataturk airport, but we don't know who they support
it didn't.
i think they expected help from the army. because several hours after the coup started suddenly there was a news that the general of the 1st army (biggest) one doesn't support the coup. and then some other generals folllowed
but the point is they wated 2 hours to say this.
Ankara is in military control, the rest of the military will do the final stab soon.
all they managed to do was end secularist rule
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in. Watch
soon to be RARE FLAG save it while you still can
I hope you're safe user. Take care, you're one of us.
i was willing to die just to provide the happenings. there's huge unemployment anyway and life is shit, so i thought why not end it with assisted soldier suicide and let my meme buddies who call me a roach have a good laugh
unfortunately nothing happened to me and i'm still alive and can't kill myself because i believe in god :(
Mate, you're a faggot. We don't do dying. We report happenings. Watchers.
UK has no say in anything, you're slaves.
Trumpening soon. You will live to see your country become great again, just not Ottoman again.
but i want ottoman though :(
Shut the fuck up, Ottoman now and KIKES OUT.
King Roachogan scuttled under the fridge and they couldn't reach him anymore.
erdogan stronger and more popular than before
it's venezuelan 2nd coup all over again
dont kill yourself roach-bro. Join the coup.
but the coup has 0 support even amongst my secular buddies
Venezuela is in a world of shit right now.
It's a meme you dip
Lurk moar
They are indoctrinated by erdogone, when Military gets the media they can say what they are fighting for.
Forgot i wasn't posting /new/
I think when the president has to use a phone Skype call in a hideout to make a national adressment it means the coup is doing well not bad
didn't have full military support before going in
unfortunately many high-up turkish military officials are corrupt and on the Erdogan dole.
They don't need the majority, as long as they take control of key military assets/bases; they basically have full control. Aircraft superiority would be the number 1 priority, then missile defenses/anti-aircraft.
they saying that "even shit democracy is better than no democracy"
i was actually surprised. a lot of seculars i know went out on the streets to stop the soldiers.
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in. Watch
The whole point of the coup was to put it in the media cycle to psychologically prime us for the coming collapse. Aka it was a destabilization a la Bezmenov.
They literally "did it for the vine"
Dubs say Yuri is right
>/new/ doesn't address posters by the stereotypes associated with their flag
Sounds like no fun at all senpai
FUCK rr this
>"even shit democracy is better than no democracy"
as the saying goes
tyranny of the majority is still tyranny
alright forget it
We didn't have flags then
Hey fuck you stop posting pictures of my mom
If it fails, it was in my opinion, staged.
I believe Erodgan and allies planned it so that
Erdogan could push for a Presidential System
and gain even more popularity in rural and uneducated areas.
He will look like a hero. He will turn the country in an absolute dictatorship.
You're cruel.
Froglads gave you uranium for babbys first nukes.
You should respect them.
don't lie, she looked nothing like that last night :^)
it is still going on cuck
I think it's over. erdogan is already saying how he'll make the insurgents suffer.
Dude there is intense fighting.
Navy has sided with the coup.
Stop trusting the media
I'm not cruel i'm just stupid and i have a bad sense of humor.
It's a well known fact we jews can shape shift into various forms.
I'd be surprised you don't know such a basic fact of science but well, you're a cockroach kebab so i'm actually not surprised.
Only thing that surprises me here is how come no one came with a shoe in your last coup and just squashed everyone all the way to victory