so did mcdonald's pay them or what? all this sperging out and inadvertent shilling from normies seems pretty fishy to me. is it another reason to hate this show even more?
Other urls found in this thread:
No the writers are just your average autists who talk about that shit and go "Remember that sauce McDonalds had for Mulan back in the 90s? That was so fucking good, hey why don't we write that into the show"
Every time a real life brand is mentioned or shown in a production, it is product placement.
If a show does not invent their own brands they are being paid.
reddit reddit reddit
it could fall under parody law though
le chicken nuggets wubba lubba ding dong haha bazinga!!
so random xD DAE nihilism and atheism???
what if dan actually wants to bring it back?
if i could move a horde of autists to start a campaign to bring back oreos cereal or some shit i would
Season two was fuckin epic sauce, the opener was a bit of a letdown.
Le sigh
>they could have used their power to bring back amazing 90s and early 2000s Taco Bell shit
>instead pick mcdonald the plebs of fast food
t-thanks reddit
It's funny how specific it is. Did you think the offhanded Pogs reference was an attempt to shill Pogs?
At first it was unfunny having so many R&M threads
Then it was sort of funny the predictable hipster >reddit posting
Then the fags that got mad at >reddit posting were actually funny
Then it kept going for 4 months and became the fucking worst
2 years later its starting to turn back around I think
My thoughts exactly. We all have that one weird/obscure food that we once loved, but got discontinued for whatever reason. Me, I really liked Burger Kings "Rodeo Burger". I think they brought it back though... Maybe
t. Sup Forums sociologist
The whole thing is a great social phenomena, you can come here any day of the year and you'll find at least 1 thread in the frontpage with people calling something reddit, and other people complaining about that and then half the thread turns into why or why not something is reddit.
It's pretty funny considering it's obvious most Sup Forums users use both nowadays, just not the other way around.
So apparently the chick fil a Polynesian sauce is the same.
I had some today and it was so fucking good. Once I ran out of the sauce I threw away the rest of my food.
I can't stop thinking of accuses to get more of it. The shit is really fucking good.
It's too sweet. Probably their 4th best sauce after Chick-Fil-A Sauce, Garlic Ranch, and Sweet n Spicy Sriracha.
Sleep tight porker
it aint the same burger....
dae go 2 mcd's n order tha reddit & morty sauce? *BURP*
>so did mcdonald's pay them or what?
Considering the whole point is that they're not still selling the sauce, not likely.
are you really this stupid? no wonder you dont like the show - you just dont get it at all.
wrong. you didnt get why they put the reference in there, then you just dont get this show. stick to friends and big bang theory.
its a fucking reference man. thats what dan harmon's shows are all about you stupid mong
ahah lick lick lick lick my ballz
*le burp*
Why don't you enlightened gentlemen rest your hat on the rack and sit down with me to explain it?
This show is Reddit incarnate
I've never been to reddit, in fact I don't even know the url. You have to go back
There's a value item rodeo burger buti doubt it's what you're talking about
This joke was very reminiscent of early Rick and Morty, felt like I was watching the very first episode. It sucks that some people here are so deluded by reddit that they could not enjoy it. That site isn't worth it, just let it go.
Fuck, this is one of the gayest posts i've seen in a long time. Good job.
>being this butthurt you didn't get it
>keeps telling everyone they don't get it
>he can't explain it
>waahhhhh spoonfeed me!
>this reference is so deep unlike the references in the big bang theory
this desu, the show thrives on throwing in random shit that makes no sense whatsoever, yet they use that shit in a way that is funny. Other examples: get schwifty, mr poopy butthole, bird person, the entire commercials that we saw on the intergalactic TV..etc
It's not really meant to be explained and analyzed and submited to the "what did they mean by this?" meme. The parts you should analyze as an audience is all the metaphysical and inter-dimensional shit, possibilities and all that stuff, not the fucking Mulan sauce.
OP here, my post doesn't even mention reddit once, you and other people are making it about reddit. it's all over the internet, on facebook, there's even articles about it.
I will give a thorough analysis of why the bit is funny once you admit that you don't get it.
I don't get it. Please explain.
If you don't get the joke you just don't get the joke.
Give me a burgueddit with memey sauce
Kill yourselves redditors, you HAVE TO GO BACK
I don't know who is more mad in this thread.
The people who are defending rick and morty or the people who are shitting on it.
If you ever get the power, don't forget me.
I applaud him if that was his intention. This show is starting to make me sick now though, fucking normies love it for some reason.
It's comedy 101. Create an expectation for one thing (the setup) and then deliver something completely different (the punchline).
When Rick says he's going back to where it all begin, it creates the expectation of something deep or meaningful. It turns out to be an incredibly specific reference to something completely mundane - some limited time dipping sauce from an animated movies from the 90s. And as he continues to insist that the sauce is his primary motivator in the show's ending rant, the incongruity (and consequently humor) is intensified.
They use the same structure during Morty and Summer's trial in front of the Council of Ricks. When we see Morty's lawyer whisper something into his ear, the expectation is that he's receiving some law advice advice (the set-up). It turns out lawyer-Morty was inviting Morty to see his Pogs collection (the punchline).
It doesn't have to be Szechuan Sauce or Pogs, it can be anything that's sufficiently unexpected given the set-up... but generally something this specific is MORE unexpected. Also Harmon likes references.
Rick openly started his character's goal is to get that sauce, but that sauce was only available for a brief period 20 years ago, around the time he lost his wife and abandoned his daughter.
It's not about the sauce, it's about Rick getting back to that period of his life, which he can never do.
Of course! R&M is being payed off by big pog
0.05 cents deposited goyim
overhyped reddit tier turd of a show
only plebs praise it and constantly try to shill it because it cant stand on its own merits AKA actually being good
The problem is that format is used in every joke in the show. Literally any time anything is set up I'm already expecting it to be something random or "unexpected." It becomes tiresome because the surprise is gone and it's just a series of "I wonder what wacky random thing it'll be this time!"
It looks like Teriyaki though and Mcdonalds has sweet and sour
So much this.
what the.. LMAOO!!
My favorite fast food sandwich. They still serve it but I'm not sure it's on the menu. Had one the other day.
>Anonymous makes a funny cartoon full of incest, Summer's lovingly detailed brapper, shitposting
>Reddit loves it because Reddit steals everything from Sup Forums
>Sup Forums now hates the cartoon
You're overthinking it.
Can't expect cartoons to be like your Kino.
Just enjoy it stop trying to find deeper meaning or finding ways to criticize it.
I literally never use reddit, been on there maybe a couple times total. I really like R&M though.
reddit the post
I know you haven't seen it but stop parroting the shitposters, it's a great show that's why people talk about it. Check it out.
It's not about deeper meaning. It's about writing a variety of jokes. If every single joke is "Set up one thing, THEN IT'S ANOTHER HILARIOUSLY SPECIFIC THING!!!!!" it just stops being funny. When the entire crux of your humor is doing unexpected things it eventually becomes mundane.
They still sell those though.
be honest guys, do you really hate the show, or do you hate this i've seen one or two episodes and thought it was alright. would you recommend it to someone who generally prefers dry/british humor?
They ad lib a lot of shit.
>If every single joke is "Set up one thing, THEN IT'S ANOTHER HILARIOUSLY SPECIFIC THING!!!!!"
But that isn't every joke.. Many other jokes are just ridiculous characters with retarded names and quips.
I want to slap the shit out of this bitch.
What pissed me off was how in the purge episode they openly break the 4th wall to acknowledge viewers are going to work out that something will happen and they'll get trapped in the middle of the purge instead of just watching it, and then they go ahead and do that exact plotline. It's literally just: We know this ep was a lazy storyline, but we're admitting it at the start so it's self-aware.
Consider that he didn't use this joke until we were a year and a half away from the release of the Mulan remake.
If McDonald's was going to bring it back, it would be soon.
shill your meme cartoon somewhere else
yeah! fling that turd, monkey boy!
It's just "le wacky random" "humor" that somehow makes people that watches feel smarter than the rest.
Not at gas stops where I live.
Are you talking about the warehouse boxes you find on the internet? I'm curious as to how they would taste now, considering their age.
Then you should use it from now, you clearly belong there
which is worse this show or archer? i didn't find archer funny at all.
Anyone with half a brain could guess what would probably happen, usually is the case with shit like that. The fun is how it happens and what happens after the fact.
So you wish the show was more predictable? Subverting the viewer's expectation is pretty much the core of any comedy show, even anti-humor.
This pisses me off too. Self-awareness isn't an excuse for shitty writing.
Stay retarded, rick and morty is fucking 10/10 animated show and probably the best on TV right now. If any show takes the torch next it's R&M.
R&M haters confirmed for shit taste. Both are great fuck you pleb.
>likes archer
>calls other people plebs
>actually liking something not Sup Forums approved
holy shit you have to go back to plebbit top kek
What does hipster mean?
thats really the opposite of an autist thing to do user
Archer and R&M are pretty much the best animated shows though. Sorry you have terrible taste/
You're a fucking autist if I say you're a fucking autist
It's a great show, I wouldn't let a bad fanbase influence whether you watch it or not.
It also has humble origins and the fact that the show exists is funny in and of itself
(YouTube the adventures of Doc and Marhti for reference)
Archer is more formulaic and has worse animation but Rick and Morty makes me much angrier
maybe cartoons are just for kiddies and manchildren?
an autist thing to do would be to spend weeks inventing an alien language only for it to be used for 15 seconds. "dude 90s lol" is really more normie behavior
>tfw I enjoy FG unironically
>tfw people can't hurt my feelis because I know I will never have it as bad as the Reddit and Mortimer fans have
>So you wish the show was more predictable? Subverting the viewer's expectation is pretty much the core of any comedy show, even anti-humor.
No, I'm saying that trying to subvert EVERY expectation the viewer has makes it just as predictable and that's a bad thing.
B-b-b-but the Sup Forums memes the reddit! the reddit! REDDIT! REDDIT!
>I expect it to be unexpected therefore it's predictable :^)
I don't have to use it to know there's a plague.
Here's an experiment you can try from the safety of your PC.
>go to reddit and look for literally anything tv related.
>post it here with a similar title
>watch 90% of the thread call you out on reposting shit from reddit
Alexa Pro data has recently proven that Reddit and Sup Forums share 98% of the same user base
Your life must be ruined