Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

who will play her in the inevitable biopic?


I like how she stays out of the way.
Best first lady.
Unlike Michelle, pretending that she's important and shit, telling fat kids to eat vegetables, or holding signs on social media telling warmongers to give back child slaves. What a stupid cunt.



>I like how she stays out of the way.

It's because she doesn't want anything to do with her husband. She's staying with him for the kids and because she knows she's too deep to get out now.

Will she ever come out of retirement?



You know traditionally the first lady was not supposed to stay out of the way. Or at least that's how it had been during the 20th century.


t. CNN

>biting the bait

t. RT

Yeah, and it's retarded.
They married into that position, no one voted for them, they have nothing good to contribute.
They need to stfu like based Melania.

>RT draws conclusions from facts
>CNN makes baseless allegations

really makes you think

Esperanza is underrated. Is she still active? I haven't seen her in ages. There's a Dick Bush directed scene with her and Danny in which Danny says "Woah, who's that big guy over there?" about a security guard/henchman.

I think she's planning to return as soon as/if her back allows her to.

how is that bait you stupid faggot?

>RT draws conclusions from facts

Name one thing wrong with

Ivanka is First Lady

Melania said she wanted to fight cyber bullying. They're both stupid cunts.

>0.01 rubles deposited into your FSB account

spend wise comrade

Cate Blanchett

>Melania said she wanted to fight cyber bullying
That was just bait.
She isn't doing anything.

Madison Ivy

Any fake dumb slut will do really.

Why doesn't Drumpf visit his wife and son on weekends instead of golfing?

>She isn't doing anything.
No shit. She's getting fucked by secret service fags in Trump Tower while we foot the bill.

>0.01 (before tax) freedom tokens deposited into your (((bank account))) (14% interest rate)
Shareblue™ thanks you for Correcting The Record™

I hope Obama leaks the tape

t. CNN

shut up faggot

>talk to your retarded wife and autistic son
>golf, drink some, relax
think you answered your own question there

god she is literally perfect

Her and Marisa Tomei can suck me dry in order to sustain their never ending hotness

t. Don Lemon

Yes, Yes Comrade. Much good, shill for RT and great Putin puppet. He make America good again, keep voting for Moscow friendly politikcians.

>That was just bait.
>tfw you only know how to speak in memes and lose all grip on reality

They can just open the Ukranian mail order bride catalog to any page to find an actor capable of tackling this challenging role.


Nobody hot enough.