Let this scar signify the first blow against the mortal world
From this seal shall arise the doom of men
Who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our fire as their own
Blindly they build their kingdoms upon stolen knowledge and conceit.
Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control.
Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair.
He's coming this year, user. This is the beginning of the end. The last 2 days, have been the most happening filled days of my life.
I am still debating if this world is worth saving
I got bad news for you OP
Oh look reddit found its way here.
Bible literally says in the end time dumb cunts will mock him saying "where is he? when is he coming?"
The fucking jews are scaring him away. They got him once.
He's not coming. He's waiting for us to fix the world, as He knows we're capable of doing.
shit hasn't even almost hit the fan yet.
>The beast was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. He was given ruling authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation,
we're still in for a bumpy ride
The second coming has been next year just about every year.
I'm back.
Dubs decides my first miracle
being atheist is the true red pill
What do you mean?
How is a dead kike on a stick used for a psyop to keep the masses complacent in servitude to the jew behind the curtain supposed to do anything but be a psyop to keep the masse complacent in servitude to the jew behind the curtain?
Go away, senpai.
he doesn't exist
"when is santa claus going to clean up this mess"
The world isn't degenerate enough yet. The rapture will only happen when the world is at its absolute worst. All these happenings make the world seem pretty chaotic, but it's still not as bad as it could be.
We are the world God abandoned
>red pill
more like the yellow suppository
Being atheist is literally serving Satan
He will be here soon. Turkey is involved in end times prophecy in Revelations. The temple in Jerusalem needs to be rebuilt, the Antichrist needs to rule there, and then Jesus will come back.
But user, he's already here. He's one of us.
The time has yet to come, you will see.
The appointed time might be when the full number of the saints is achieved. The world will start anew after.
So in my mind it's probably when the Spirit of The Lord can no longer be found among our young.
>christfucks literally believe that a wizard is going to materialize and save them
Did you ever make an acquaintance with a real life breathing demon before? I fret not. I said fret unironically. Perhaps you would like to make one tonight.
Jesus isn't coming back until the Kingdom of Israel is restored in its full glory. All of it. IT'S IN REVELATIONS LOOK IT UP IT'S WHAT'S PROPHESIZED IN THE BIBLE
But you dumb fucking alt-right storm-fag morons are keeping it from happening with your retarded "HURR DURR IT'S DA JOOOS" rhetoric. Are you fucking stupid? If you want the second coming, WE NEED A FULLY RESTORED ISRAEL WITH NO PALESTINE
Oh fuck. This ride never ends.
i thought he died like 2000 years ago
you know people can't come back to life right?
KEK told him to fuck off
Too many Israel haters.
Dumb shits dont realize we need all the Jews in Israel. Dumb fucking fake Xtians
The fuck you quoting? The Koran? Paradise Lost?
The year 2033AD is the year 6000 on the Hebrew calendar, there's your answer, not that it matters for any of you currently because none of you are Children of the Covenant. Go to blessyahowah.com if you want to know about the Covenant. Good luck
But atheist do not believe in any deities.
You're not supposed to want or not want the end times familia
his zipper is stuck
He's coming just give me 3000 dollars and I'll make sure you're going to be saved :^)
He was a myth and isn't coming back and there is no heaven.
No agnosticism is. Taking a position you have no evidence makes you a retard.
He's taking a shit on the toilet. He'll be back soon
Atheism means you don't believe in a god, not whether or not you think you know he does.
Yeah. Read up (or listen to the hardcore history podcast) on WW1 and the insane carnage of the first few months.
Shit was on another level compared to the pussy shit we're seeing right now. When casualties reach a few mil a week, then we might be getting warmer.
>Not knowing Revelations
It's not that extreme yet. Ask again when the seventh seal has been broken.
Doesn't want to come back as a white guy and doesn't want to come back as an arabic guy.
when this whole "SJW" and "terrorist" thing blows over he'll be back or he'll just wait tilll the asians take over.
He's constipated
So he's a certifiable maniac?
That's disappointing to hear.
The year 2033AD is the year 6000 on the Hebrew calendar, there's your answer, not that it matters for any of you currently because none of you are Children of the Covenant. The tribulation will begin 7 years prior to Gods Return on Kippurym in 2033 and the Taruwah Harvest will happen sometime during those 7 years. Go to blessyahowah.com if you want to know about the Covenant. Good luck
Was he a bastard child cult leader Sup Forums?
pretending ancient middle eastern warlords knew anything about the metaphysical world makes you a retard
Dude revelations takes over 2,000 years to finish
We wouldn't live to see any of it
If he showed up he'd be cast off as crazy anyway, even by Christians.
Jesus would have to fucking lower down from the clouds in an epic Hollywood movie tier light beam for people to believe.
He could have already shown up and been shun at such a small level (such as their community) that Jesus is a boi pussy crack faggot because no one cares.
This, his brother destroyed his movement by letting non-jews in. He ain't coming back for a flock full of goys
He doesn't exist, never has. People and their imaginary skynfriends
He is risen.
And he believes he's insane.
Sorry, hammered... So my thoughts could be retarded.
>People seriously think the revelations wasn't an attack on the Roman empire at the time
Do you even history?
Tru dat yo.
you can believe that a conscious being created the universe without believing in any religion's god
Agnosticism is the only logical conclusion, but once you arrive there you have to decide whats best for society and in my opinion that's Christianity.
That's what faith is. Believing in God despite a lack of sufficient evidence.
Jesus return will literally usher in the apocalypse, people wouldnt be in a position to cast him off.
>Bible literally says in the end time dumb cunts will mock him
Bible literally says there are fucking unicorns too so I don't have to much confidence in whet some insane nomadic jews wrote
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in. Watch youtu.be
You wait upon me at my leisure.
yeah ok I am not real nice one shithead.
when isis was killing a tonne of kids I took this form.
Read revelations. It's going to get worse before it gets better
this is like those who sin asking "when will my punishment come? hurry and make things right!"
we should be glad God has such patience and mercy
>>The final anti-christ has not come yet.
>This religious figure isn't right because my holy book says so
My book of dubs says you're a faggot
meme magic
Governments haven't turned on religion and declared peace and security yet
World of Warcraft.
I'm right here guys but I'm kind of afraid of coming out and saying it publicly in case I offend some Muslims, or black people over the color of my skin.
soon friends
theseals must be opened first, but the beasts head is about to be bruised. stay safe friends, and ignore the hate and anger
>implying Jesus would reborn as a Potato eating ginger
Fuck off. Everybody knows you guys dont have a soul.
there are so many christians that live in my town that are like this. not a single person has any rational reasoning for the bible. its all wizardry and magical bullshit. and they accept it because "god"? if some ghost like figure honestly does appear and take me away to heaven and leaves nothing but my clothes behind, or on the other hand takes other people but leaves me? then shit, i fucked up and i will admit it. ill take full responsibility for being a stubborn retard. but that fairy tale shit aint happening.
yea. there are some people who i think are pretty lost. some people take it too literally.
>Jesus Christ is the only way to knowing God
this is still true though. i think everyone is seriously taking this out of context or misinterpreting it.
Jesus is in New Zealand? What are you doing down there?
>pro-tip: youre dead
Bros, nobody knows when and how.
It's our job to keep it up as long as we can. Fuck Satan. Fuck Lucifer. Fuck Assholes. Fuck Dickheads. Fuck lying filth. Double-fuck lying, scheming filth. Fuck them.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, bring doubles this post or at least bless it that we all might make it.
Where in the bible does it say that?
stop half assing it you fickle faggot and pick a side
He is too bussy not existing.
kek is literally from WoW
>you being this new
>No one knows the hour, but the Father
Hey user. Jesus man :D
Silly drunk jungle monkey, everyone knows Ireland is one of the most Christian countries in the world. Of course I chose to reincarnate here.
I would post my pic for proof but I cant compromise my human identity. First one to roll dubs gets to choose which miracle I cast.
Why do atheist always picture God a man with a beard in the sky?
>>John 1:18
>>No man has ever seen God, but only the Son.
No man has ever seen God.
Only Jesus has.
Revelations was a metaphor for Rome under Nero.
Jesus is not coming back.
The muslims have got the gatekeeper hidden away in the well of souls beneath the dome of the rock. Unless we send american troops to fight Desert War 3, gozer the gozerian will keep Jesus trapped in another castle for eternity
gib monies pls
(it's trash)
it's a KJV error, or rhinoceros
>Is the wild ox willing to be your servant? Will it spend the night at your feeding trough? (NET)
>Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? (KJV)
God works on his own time
The anti-christ is not just one person.