Who the fuck is this?
I want to believe this is some sort of 4D chess move I can't wrap my head around.
Why did Trump pick him?
Who the fuck is this?
I want to believe this is some sort of 4D chess move I can't wrap my head around.
Why did Trump pick him?
He was the only mainstream conservative willing to be his VP.
Cuckservatives just got served, hard, and have no more excuses
Why a mainstream conservative? Isn't the whole appeal of Trump is that hes not more of the same, worn out establishment conservatives who have blown it the last 2 elections?
I honestly don't think this was a smart move by Trump He should have picked Rand Paul who is a reliable politician and is antiglobalist
I'm sure a bunch of neets have a better grasp on this choice then Manafort and co.
Because he is the opposite of trump and will appease the cuckservatives who have their panties in a bunch. Softens his edges for them.
what the fuck is this 4d chess meme
All of the prefered options declined.
At least Pence appeals to conservatives and will help gain Cruz votes.
Looks like me if I was 30 years older desu. Hope I keep my hair.
Think of it this way: at least it wasn't Newt or Christie.
>rand Paul
>a libertarian focused republican joining up with a fascist
Lol in what universe?
He's on Hannity right now
Guy looks like face is made out of fucking play dough or something.
he's just a safe pick. he'll have Trump's balls in his mouth for 4 years if he wins. He'll be a puppet that follows orders. Nothing more and nothing less.
>anti globalist
Get a load of this guy
>A literally who?
Should have picked Kasich and made Ohio a lock.
Most of his advisors wanted someone the Republican establishment would respect. He blinked and gave them what they wanted.
Jesus you fucking delusional retards. He's clearly trying to throw the election. He's been fucking up ever since he was presumptive nominee. He's a fucking Shillary puppet.
It's the only way he will get support and money from the Republican leaders.
I believe Trump picked Pence because he is a literal nobody, so the spotlight stays on Trump and Pence doesn't try to mess anything up
Doesn't make sense, idea is to not use any of them, using right in the head competent people from the outside/business instead.
Trump, in the unlikely case he wins, will be impeached immediately as soon as he fucks up. Guaranteed. Whether or not he picks a mainstream VP or not, this will happen. He picked Pence to calm the GOP down and say that he'll play along if he gets into office.
He's Trump's Biden
Bland as fuck
appeals to the conservative base without rocking the boat
Gov. of Indiana might help with Trump's rust belt strategy
voting record mostly in line with Trump's platform, with the exception of his support for TPP. Hopefully Trump will force him to bend the knee on that issue.
Even with the TPP issue, I'm voting for Trump, not for Pence. I'd rather take a risk on Trump who claims to be anti-TPP than lose to Hillary who is guaranteed pro-TPP
trump went full retard to win the primary
never go full retard
>idea is to not use any of them
He needs money and the Republican have huge donors.
he's showing his true colors
he's playing ball because he knows that's the only chance he has
he's not gonna win shit by pandering to the likes of us
I bet Trump doesn't give a fuck what you think. The man will always be 20 moves ahead of you user.
He negotiated with the GOP for their support.
He didn't pick him
>Master negotiator
you're a terrible shill at least try to be subtle.
No one in Trump's position would give up that office.
It's a boring choice to counterbalance his wild stallion persona.
12d chess
that worked well for obama we sure impeached him fast for his fuck ups
Trump had two options, appeal to bernouts who'll probably stay home cause they're fucking 20 something year old cucks or appeal to the Christian conservative demographic THAT SHOWS UP TO VOTE. It's a no brainer although I wish it wasn't Pence he's not the worst thing ever either.
This but I'd say he's the Bush Senior to Trump's Reagan.
>Why did Trump pick him?
It's simply actually.
They both have weird hair.
ron paul better be sec of state. Flynn or Mattis as Sec of Def
lets look at who Sup Forums and leddit wanted him to pick
>a democrat military expert
yeah, great choices. how about you look at their logo before jumping to conclusions?
Securing America.
Trump is a fool... Surprise!
All I'm saying is that when Trump loses in November, even though I love the guy, this vp choice will be a contributing factor
anal penetration?
the right of association isn't globalist
Cause he has weird hair.
It's a weird hair ticket.
Trump knows that on a head to head matchup this election this is the only time the Republican voters outnumber the Democrats.
If that means picking an establishment cuck to raise republican voter turnout to its maximum potential then so be it.
>BTFO Fags
What else do you need faggot?
Bread Pilled leaders are best leaders. He's got mere Christianity on his bookshelf and a heavily annotated bible.
Pence is almost as based as trump.
>Atheists are shitting harder than the faggots who wanted that pizza party wedding
I agree. The guy is like the opposite of trump, tho see them together is just jarring, they clash.
"Trump / Pence"? what the fuck?
Seems like this guy was about to lose his reelection and is just trying to bail out.
>Why did Trump pick him?
The only logic that I can get out of it is that he's the governor of swing state (IN) near other swing states (OH + PA).
I think Trump hopes this will help him win the midwest.
But, as a Wisco fag, I know us in the upper-midwest (MI, MN, WI) don't relate to OH or IN.....so I don't know wtf he's thinking to be honest.
pence BTFO libs ages ago and that's why they're so angry over it
literally his first response to the media asking him about the religious freedom act was:
"clinton and obama both voted for it"
Why didn't he pick Flynn?
Literally this
Holy shit watching his interview on Hannity right now and I now see the genius in picking Pence.
Trump wants to use his provactive straight shooter talk about his policies that the media always jumps on as not having any substance.
Pence is going to be able to more coherently speak and explain what Trump says.
the GOP forced him to
He did a bad job there. Pence is shit.
Logo looks like penis in vagina tbf
He was the condition on Trump getting the full GOP support.
the ticket sounds sort of like money
so cash
some pro-fag group made it. Its a gif where the T pounds the P making it look like buttsex.
He's not gonna win by pandering to fringe christfags either.
I remember a few days ago people were saying I was dumb for asking why Pence is going to be VP
>he's not!
>4D chess
Sup Forums was wrong again
Boring TPP supporting random guy
I wanted Flynn but Trump probably didn't want to go for "le military industrial complex" meme.
Plus he really needed someone from government. I'm not a Pence fan, but he's a decent enough choice.
I have to say it...
Why didn't Trump pick a Hispanic woman? Or something other than another old white Republican guy?
A hispanic woman would be blatant pandering, and they would literally have to dig up some nobody local canidate to fill that role.
Obvious take- He did it to pander to the core GOP voters who are butthurt he won
4d chess move- A pick so that libtards will be scared to assassinate him.
Appeals to the GOP gaining GOP support, secures voters in rust belt states necessary to win the election, provides a reputation for having a stable platform, wildly popular in a swing state. It's actually a boringly safe choice.
Soros and Tavistock by extension would absolutely make plans to assassinate Trump with Pense.
Libtards are useful idiots programmed by Tavistock.
You guys are underestimating how stupid normie conservatives are. My mother in law voted Cruz in California because she thought Trump was mean. She literally bothered going to the polling place to vote for a suspended campaign.
Look at the close polls or the ones where Hillary is winning. It's not because republicans are choosing Hillary (they hate her), it's because they're claiming to back third party candidates or are undecided.
Trump needs to unify republicans, if he does he will win the election. Pandering to the alt-right or ex-bernouts wont be enough. His real supporters aren't going to change sides because of his VP pick. Anyone with such little conviction would probably stay home on voting day anyway.
I'm sorry it's not a flashy, dramatic pick. But Trump is trying to wIn the election... Not just scam idealistic kids out of hundreds of millions of dollars.
We have to be realistic. If you want Trump to be president, he needs to win over the voting grandmas. And since the VP is pretty much powerless, this is a very cheap price to pay for their support.
I have no idea how this will play out. On the one hand, he's shit on immigration, shit on TPP, and shit on bible-thumping. On the other hand, the fact that nobody has heard of him means he's a fresh face instead of names that everyone automatically know are establishment jackoffs(not saying he isn't from the same stripe, just that he's largely unknown). One issue he's been persistent in over the years is pushing for charter schools, which have been a hot point of desire across all races(and interestingly, even more for blacks and Hispanics than whites) polled. I don't know if that could actually swallow up minority votes or not.
All the VP does is kiss babies and break Senate ties. He needed the Evangelical vote and this was it.
I don't even like Trump and this is a pretty straightforward move.
>knowing what they're voting for
Not a chance.
>Not Rand
>not Carson
>not even Jim Webb
into the trash it goes
>fringe in america
I said fringe christfags, not christfags.
>Taking someone good as Paul out of the senate
>Same thing with sessions
Stop bringing this up. It's fucking retarded. You don't take a guy out of the senate who supports you.
The VP is a fluffer if nothing, and is wasted.
Sounds about right.
if you thought any of those three had a chance you're a fool
Turnbull you cunt, youre supposed to be fucking up my country not theirs
>Makes El Rato look agnostic
>Boring choice
Pence will probably be to Trump what Palin was to McCain, a veep so crazy that it drives independents away from the candidate they would otherwise support.
I'm hoping it's all a ploy for Trump to show he's willing to respond to public backlash by choosing someone else.
you dont know what this word means so stop using it kike san
This is as stupid as McCain picking Palin to 'shore up the base'.
The base isn't enough for Republicans to win nationwide. Especially when it turns off the centre, and potential Democrats who want to MAGA. A social conservative Christfag pick ruins any chance of getting votes beyond the base.
Obama picked old white guy Biden. Why? Because he softened his image to the centre and right.
>Well maybe he's not a Muslim terrorist if Biden's with him...
That's how he won the presidency.
Either Trump is retarded, or he's deliberately throwing this.
Say it now:
I liked Flynn but honestly his 2 (that I saw) media appearances showed that he does not have what it takes to be a public speaker style politician. Hes a good boy.
Gotta say I hate hate hate the trump + pence logo. Every leftist fear of president biff's corporate circus tent america come true looking at that logo
nah buddy, it shows trump is willing to play ball with the koch brothers all he has to do is continue this, and then once he is president send Pence to South Korea so he can't leave since it's waifu heaven.
I don't get why people are surprised. He said for several months now that he would be picking an establishment cuck for VP. He wants to make people get along, not burn down the other side.
This, no difference between the two as far as appeal/policy goes, and Indiana is a red state anyway. I could imagine that he approached Kasich but didn't follow through.
Mitt Romney all over again
I'm sorry but the traditional style GOP nominee that conservatives so desperately want will never win the election.
Im took the biggest red pill I could find but my wife is a teacher who has worked at charters and public schools. And honestly charters are the joke. I really think that if people with kids paid to fund schools. No handouts the world would be a better place.
If single people without kids paid half tax the world would change.
Charters pass everybody so they can brag about their graduation rates
Pence is not a Great pick but it's not a horrible pick either.Pence is a better pick than Gengrich, Christie or Ernst to be honest.
How will he win? Hillary doesn't have to win over any new states from Obama's 2012 victory. She could even lose a couple and still be fine.
It's TRUMP who has to actively turn states, actively take them. How is he going to do that with just 'muh base'? The 2012 map shows the absolute limit of what the Republican base can win. Not enough by far.
This pick is suicide.
is it confirmed?
He is already tied or ahead of Hilary in the most recent polls. Hilary Clinton is going to stagnate even further once the GOP machine fully backs Trump.
couple more chimp outs and terrorist attacks people will start waking up
This is merely a development move, wait for it.
Okay, pol, I've watched this closely and actually made a significant amount of money betting that he would choose Pence on Predict it (full disclosure - I lost half my money betting on session, then nearly tripling my money with Pence brought me to a mere 8.9% loss). Because Pence is the best pick. Here is why:
(1) He has executive and legislative experience. He is governor of Indiana and was a legislator for about 12 years. Also, interestingly, he almost became speaker of the House in 2006 - he lost by one vote. Trump wants someone to push through his agenda and Pence can do this.
2. He was the appropriate ate. VPs have averaged 53 in the post-WW2 era. Gingrich and Sessions were too old, although Christie was 53, he does not add to his base or appeal, will not bring in evangelicals, and has low ratings in NJ.
3. Geographic (and by extension) cultural diversity. Pence is Midwestern Nice. That appeals to many Republicans. He can help Trump flip Ohio and PA and maybe even WI or MN.
4. Trump is thinking about the party as well. Pence will only be 64 after 8 years and can run himself.
5. Worst case scenario, Pence can assume the presidency and for all of his flaws will be far better than Clinton. Also, he is insurance for Trump, for most who hate Trump will hate Pence far more (at least on the Left).
6. He had a limited range of choice, as many cuckservatives rejected his candidacy outright. Also, he needed someone not fully invested in the neocons.
Your welcome.
> a veep so crazy that it drives independents away from the candidate they would otherwise support.
Pence seems the opposite of the colorful Palin. He's a BORING guy. A generic, white haired, monotone voiced, "presidential looking" guy.
it might be just what Trump needs to win. Both Trump and Hillary are colorful personalities. A lot of conservatives want the boring, white-haired, no nonsense Midwesterner. Pence is the type of guy my father would support in an election. My father is your typical Evangelical type who supported W Bush both elections, is anti-abortion, wanted Cruz or Kasich to win, and doesn't like Trump all that much.
Pence does see appealing to the baby boomer Evangelical type generation. He has an "every-man" Midwesterner personality.
It's called balance.
This is fucking offensive why didn't he pick an Italian like Christie I'm offended and Italian.
hes been saying since the beginning that his vp is gonna be an insider
Was he losing the Evangelical vote? Why did he have to side with this shithead?
This Pence seems like the kind of guy who would kill Trump for the presidency. Still mad.
Donald "Friend of the Clintons" "Art of the Deal" Trump is finally showing his true colors. He's been very close to the establishment and he will forever remain close to the establishment.
All this roasting of "losers" from the "establishment" was merely a choreograph to make him appear more radical and out-of-the-box.