I'm a tuna ask me questions

i'm a tuna ask me questions

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Are you a tuna


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Why are you a faggot?

i'm a thunnus thynnus

coz i love tunboys

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Do you approve of the lobster-codfish pact?

Are you related to the tuna who swallowed Lazarillo de Tormes?

A yellowfin by any chance?

I'm a codfish itt and i HATE tunas!!1

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The great fish war of 2019 this one will be told in the history books

i haven't read any book i'm a stupid tuna i like doing sports instead

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OMG fuck tunas dude

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I applaud you, OP.
I love you and hope you’re doing good

thanks humans!!

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Is that real

What are your thought on bears?

Who said Lazarillo de Tormes is a book?

You're doing Cod's work, son.

Yes tuna can get very big

Why haven't I caught one of you fuckers this season? I went out like twice a week this summer and only hooked into one of you, but you broke off. Ask your faggot tuna friend if my colt sniper feels good stuck in his mouth.

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tell your brothers the sushi is good

If you're not good at fishing you might need to learn how to tie a knot or use stronger line

>((hungry bear noises))

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way deep into my braid the line got underlooped and as soon as it reached that the line just snapped.

Tuna aren't really close to where I live, they're all in Mexico which is too far for my boat to reach. A couple weeks out of the year they'll swim far enough north for me to be able to barely get to them.


Bears eat salmons, retard.

It would be happy to get its paws on a tuna tho

Equatorial bears eat tuna.

is2.Sup Forums.org/b/1571806289101.png

a bear would definitely eat a tuna if the opportunity arose