Turkish Captain AMA

I'm a Captain in the Turkish Army on leave.

Ask me anything.

need proof

First of all I dont believe so proofs pls.

Secondly had you been there today would you have been a part of this and if so willingly?

Ass or titties?

what is your view on the coup?

Did you have foreknowledge of today's events?

How much of the military was part of this?

Are you part of the coup?

Why aren't you helping your people?

When that shit goes down all leaves are recalled. Fake.

Why isn't the Army backing up this coup? And why does the coup seem to be doing better in Ankara which is more Islamist, but less well in Istanbul which is more secular?

Is the coup fail?

Kill all the Jewish puppets and establish true Turkish state when?

>1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID

How long do you microwave a frozen burrito?

Are you for or against the coup?

Was getting caught part of your plan?

My COs have no clue. They are all secular, loathe Erdogan, but are against the coup.

They literally say "Feto" is behind this. He used to be a CIA asset boogeyman, and nobody gave credence to factions under their command. But 3 colonels and a couple of LTC's remained.

It wasn't a coup.

Land Forces, Special Forces Command, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Armies, Navy and Air Force all issued statements that this was outside the chain of command, and an act of treason.

I am against it because coups have no place in modern Turkish democracy.

Erdogan isn't a dictator, he's just a shithead with 55% of the vote. One day he'll be defeated.

Coups in Turkey need mandates.

t. increasingly nervous JEWISH PUPPET erdogan paid shill, coup will be victorious.

lease tell me this is the streets of Turkey

Why don't you support the proud patriots fighting for the dignity and honor of Turkey against the roaches?

So who is behind the coup?

So you be sayin election results arent rigged?

No idea.

Either its our own little Reichstag to make sure NATO gets more power in Turkey, or some Fethullah Gülen sleeper officers staged an unsuccesful move against stability.

This was your last chance. Erdogan will now consolidate power and a coup or even any semblance of 'democracy' will be gone.

Not possible in Turkey. It isn't electronic and all opposition parties keep handwritten records to triple redundancy check.

He actually gets 55% of the vote, no question about it.

Not now. Because of this he is going to push through extensive constitutional changes.

He might well declare himself President for Life and say he is going to take over Cypress.

So you are a roach who supports the roaches?

Shame on you

>3 fucking minutes
Ameritards, c'mon.

a (((reporter))) in London literally confirmed this masquerading it as a good thing.

Stop talking roach, get outside your queen expects you to get rolled over by a tank.

The secular army still stands. This coup attempt wasn't them. Literally all Kemalist force commanders condemned the attempt.

If he tries that shit, a real coup will happen.

Won't you have your testicles hosed by the police when you get back to determine if you're a seekrit coup supporter?

>Erdogan isn't a dictator

Jesus. Give him a chance to reply.

How many soldiers participated in coup?

this was a fake coup
erdogan will now be president for life

Why the fuck aren't you helping

That is the definition of a coup captain roach.


Roach, you aren't secular, you are scum.

are there many kürts in your unit? do you trust them?

>on leave
why aren't you summoned back you faggot

Kurds are our mexicans. Majority are ok servicemen.

Couple of hundred for show.

It was most likely a fake.

If you really believe in secular rule, it should be enough for you that Erdogan is an Islamist. Remove him now.


Not on B-Real's watch homie... dontchu know he's loco???

To prove that Secular Democracy can happen, we can't do that. If you coup every elected Islamist, there is no democracy.

Get the fuck out. Take Erdogan with you pls

He already has begun suppressing the Kurds.

Whatever is the end result of the coup, Turkey as a modern state is significantly weakened.

Erdogan kept talking about a purge. What are the chances of this happening? Will he be able to remove kemalists from the army? Are kemalists in the army the vast majority or are they part of a complicated power balance?

What was erdogan popular support before this?

Post proof that you are a captain

You're brainwashed or dumb if you think the world works that way.

Oh wait, you're in the army


Every time democracy has truly worked is when voting rights are severely restricted. Universal suffrage is terrible and modern democracy is garbage.

Why didn't you kill erdogan faggot?

read this, it's from May

So, you're a roach that choose islam, over turkey?

This is not true. No one takes him seriously anymore. He said he wont get mroe than %30 percent votes in one election where as he got %45. He cried twitter on that day.

>kurds are our Mexicans.
I like this guy.

Seems like they rushed Erdogan off the plane, the plane took off, now they've probably got him secure in some random building staged last minute to look nice for his broadcasts.

If they can find him they can kill him. Somebody should have shot him down while he was landing to be honest.

You think they can still find him?

If he's right, and it's a couple of hundred soldiers and a few seniors leading the 'coup', finding and killing Erdogan is the least of their worries.

Try running a country for even a week with no ability to enforce martial law, no legislative authority and no access to funds to pay the wages for basic service providers. This was never going anywhere.

Coup his over bro. If it wasn't, erdogan wouldn't have stressed out the purge he promised in the press conference. If the coup wasn't over erdogan wouldn't have cornered the military by promising them a purge.

Let's see how this develops tomorrow

Fucking beta Turks. This is why you cockroaches deserve erdogan.

He is a Islamist trying to recuperate the Ottoman empire.

Do you not remember the father of Turks?
Do you not know Mustafa Kemal brought down the Ottoman empire?

He is trying to undo what the father of Turks have done.

It is outrageous that Turks have not raised to the occasion.

The republic must be restored.

Kurds are our pals homie.

under who support does he say that he will purge the Turkish Army? Wouldn't the strong secular officials fuck him up for trying to do such things?

This coup is really weird


It is just the beginning.

I believe the Turks remember Mustafa Kemal. And they will do the right thing for the republic.

>under who support does he say that he will purge the Turkish Army?
Public demonstrations were very strong on erdogan side.

Also he won't get rid of every kemalist in the army. He will only get rid of some troubling officers an replace them by loyal, islamic officers.

His buddy is a Kemalist named Hulusi Akar.

Chief of General Staff.

This was the absolute wrong time to stage a coup vs. Erdogan.

Its either a false flag, or Fethullah Gülen sleeper cells activated for one last attempt.

Erdogan may be a moron, but which patriot does a coup when your country is at war vs. ISIS and PKK at the same time.


What is exactly this gulen thing i hear about? Aren't they aligned with Erdogan ideologically?

>His buddy is a Kemalist named Hulusi Akar.

So kemalists are still strong in the army? There won't happen a purge?

>fighting ISIS

What?! You are joking, right?

Why don't you recognize the Armenian genocide?

Holy shit

Fethullan Gülen is a CIA Asset imam from Turkey living in USA. He has cryptoislamists embedded in Turkish Armed Forces as well.

He is Erdogan's nemesis because Erdogan is a thieving fake muslim, Fethullah is the real deal.

>he doesn't know

>war against ISIS


Where do you get the info on Gulen being a cryptoislamist from? All reports I have seen have him playing the young turk card pretty strongly, even going as far as to condemn the gaza flotilla.

I'm not underestimating the possibility that he is duplicitous, but all signs point in the other direction though.

Have you wondered why there's Isis in the first place?

Secondly Mustafa Kemal fought against multiple enemies to bring back the motherland.

Do not forget his fighting spirit and the bloodshed that brought you the republic.

Earn your title as a Turk, if not you will be a neo Ottoman cockroach.

You fucking suck and so do everyone who didn't assist in the ouster of that Islamic asshat. Enjoy your radical shit hole.

Hahahaha holy shit, so this is why Ergodan wins. Turks are fucking retarded and don't realize the Islamists will use this to purge society.

Why aren't you fighting you commie faggot?

Kurds are with the west shit head. Turkey is supporting ISIS, while the Kurds are fighting ISIS.

seriously these cucks should straight die.



>Kurds are with the West

As an Iranian I can tell you this is bullshit hollywood two-side simplification. Kurds are multi-polar group with many factions. Turkish Kurds are typically nigger tier and communistic and until the last election with the biggest supporters of Erdogan. Iraqi and Iranian Kurds are much better.