Seriously guys, we may joke about you and give you shit but i think i speak for most to say: stay safe and keep us updated, try recording some shit to catalogue the happening. but srsly stay safe. :)!
Be Safe Turk Bros
Other urls found in this thread:
praise kek
speak for yourself fag
I hope the roaches burn
Fuck that shit, I hope the roaches die by the millions
I think the general Sup Forums consensus will be that we don't care which side wins, as long as a lot of shitskins died in the process
t. Muhhamad Bin Fasal Al Ahemd Bin Mubarak Al Abdulaziz
Honestly feel sorry for the proper Turks (Kemalists).
Couldn't really care less for the Bedouin-worshipping insects that Erdogan imported from the hills and assholes deep in Anatolia. I hope they get pancaked by Leopard tanks.
One dead Islamist today is one less Jihadist you need to kill tomorrow.
They can survive nukes
Dont worry
All fucking Muslims must fucking hang
Don't stay safe, support the military in their just coup.
There is nothing worse than a coward who sits indoors doing nothing while saying
>gosh I wish those guys had some help but oh well nothin u can du
But user...turkroaches must be removed from the Earth.
Let the heathens continue to squabble and butcher eachother. I'm here for the show.
Turkposters are honestly among the worst posters here. I hope that faggot roach that posts dead American soldiers gets fucking firebombed.
Fuck that. I hope their nation gets consumed by nuclear fallout.
i am at ankara, metu right now. There was explosion and machine gun souns 20 minutes ago, and saw and heard a plane falling an hour ago. Coup infiltrated and controls the mit (cia of turkey) building, police HQ and official goverment channel TRT. Even tough they didnt, suprisingly, get any of the goverment officials, except erdoğans secrety and some minor figures, i dont know how erdoğan would get back control of the infrasturactare any time soon.
In very deep we lov you, mr roach
the more Turks die,the happier I am
Go stand in front of a tank.
yeah you dont speak for me cuckboyy
this is why new crusades will never happen
Even Anzu?
thanks lad. pretty comfy here, heavy gunfire behind. not shitting you
This. All roach steppe niggers must burn.
this, they should've stopped shitposting so much.
Anzu is alive in Japan
Literally every roach in Turkey can die, fuck em.
Sounds like there is an aerial battle. Is the air force loyal to AKP and the Bedouin Moon God?
Have you done your military service already?
When I was on a bus from Ankara to Istanbul I rode with this gendarme; didn't speak hardly any Turkish and he barely knew any English but we had a great time.
Stay safe.
Yea, you don't speak for me because I fucking hate Turks.
Even my grandfather who fought in wwii hated them with all his might.
thanks mane
No, if I can get out of the house on Monday I will postpone it till 2017 December.
>mfw they draft me nevertheless
Do you own a gun. You have shotguns there right?
We're coming...
Kolay gelsin!
What's the difference between what's happening now and a civil war?
If you love roaches so much maybe you should go join them. Traitor.
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in. Watch
Agreed, we need our turkroach shitposters. Place wouldn't be the same without it. Stay safe roach bros. Japan has your greatest asset and will keep it safe for you.
>PLease be safe
This is one of those pictures that just makes me laugh involuntarily.
spam it more and it still won't be true
no one wants to watch your shitty conspiracy videos, it's a meme you're taking way too seriously.
For all the wankstains that post pics of dead yank soldiers and whatnot, there are 5 to tell him to shut his fucking mouth.
Best of luck Turkey. Stay safe all Sup Forums turkbros.
.t British (Pakistani)
>glasses broken because of a sonic boom
>have heard explosions for 7-8 hours
>now shots fired near my neighborhood
what do?
Agreed, I hate all this Turk roach shit, leave them alone you cunts, seriously,think if this was your town.
Give it a rest Wyatt
Keep your wits about you m9, make sure your family is safe and you have a plan, get a bag ready encase.
Come to the UK ffs, dont stay there
>derpina says i wuv you mooslems
just shut the fuck up about muslims now
if you can't understand what the fuck is going on quit shoving in with your ignorant crap
>come to the uk
lock doors, barricade entrances, hide under mattress. safe safe turkbro
b-but user I love this city and my country. Everything turned to shit in the last 10 years.
I hope we are gonna be OK.
>pic is my lovely Bosphorus view
Bring honor to Sup Forums
Thanks user
This. Fuck these mouth-breathing mongoloids who unironically re-elected this fucking degenerate goat fucker. They get what they deserve. Cant even run a democratic nation without being fucked by the cancer that is Islam. These people are accountable for their own misfortune. Not a single tear will be shed for people who run in front of tanks because they believe in ALLAHU AKBAR-Dogan. Because those are the only people that actually are in dangers. The military doesnt raid fucking apartments. Innocent, decent human being arent at risk. Only the trash of the nation is.
Literally all you just said can be applied to yourself.
Learning the hard way suck ey Kraut?
I dont recall the German people re-elect some religious nut job who openly shuts down TV stations and basically turns his country into a monarchy. Might have missed something, though.
May only that 48% of adult male populaton in Turkey, the pedos, get burned. Same group as the hard core islamists. Would be a decent country without that trash.
Fuck off ahmed
This /thread
Obviously TURKS = Erdogan
but GERMANS = Totally separate from Merkel.
You're human trash.
>Merkel and Erdogan are even remotely comparable
>the political situation in Germany and Turkey is even remotely comparable
>the impact of religion on the governments decision is even remotely comparable
Anything else, Franceso?
No. You just have someone who panders to religious nutjobs, censors TV stations and is basically turning you country into Turkroachistan.
>who panders to religious nutjobs
Like the entire western world, good to know. Still not a religious nut job herself, neither is German politics overruled/rules by religion.
>censors TV stations
Again, like the entire western world, good to know. Also: Its a bit of a stretch to compare the covering up incidents to shutting up your political adversaries. But whatever floats you boat.
>basically turning you country into Turkroachistan
Not even remotely related to what I said. This is basically the equivalent to name calling at this point.
Grab a rifle and go help the Kemalists you worthless shit.
Especially Anzu
I'm with this user. Be safe guys.
Dare you to post "I don't like Syrian people very much" on fb. Come on do it. You are in a free country after all
Do you thinks all the memes are a joke?
No one likes turks
Fucking hilarious that you people think that criticizing the government and its decisions results in you being arrested. You can shit talk Merkel and Syrians as much and often as you want. Youre only running into problems as soon as you ask for genocides or the likes.
Same shit with the Holocaust. Youre not being imprisoned for arguing numbers. German law rather puts an emphasis on people not making fun of the dead. As long as youre not discrediting the victims the government wont do shit. But thats basically law in almost all European nations.
>I get all my Information at Sup Forums
the post