>tfw The Americas has the highest muder rate out of all the continents
>"America Is Most Dangerous Continent, With 36 Percent Of World Homicides, Says New U.N. Study. America is the continent with the most number of murders in the world and Honduras has the worst homicide rate of them all, according to a new report by the United Nations."
South America is just shitty enough to be a homicide haven but not quite so shitty that the deaths are reported in the first place.
When thousands die in a lawless African desert it's a war or an insurgency or whatever. When hundreds dying in a cartel beheading spree it's a crime. You need to have laws in order to break laws.
Liam Torres
>Combining the murder rates of places like Brazil with those of places like Canada
Blame is all on the spanish and portuguese They created a monster and let it evolve on its own
Brandon Parker
I'm sure those African figures are accurate.
Joshua Kelly
No, you dense spic shit. America refers exclusively to the United States of America, while you shitskins can be lumped into Latin America.
Asher Nguyen
Spree shootings are statistical noise.
You're more likely to be killed by lightning in America.
Nathaniel Walker
Luis Davis
it isn't one geographically or geologically referring to the Americas as a single continent is something literally only retarded spics do
Daniel James
They fucked the monster into existence. Can't keep their fucking dicks in their pants.
Carter Wood
Camden Smith
You're either trolling, or not very bright.
First sentence.
Kevin Richardson
Maple niggers are really draggin us all down.
Lincoln King
See pic, half our murders are by blacks
>the mass shooting that kill about 100 people per year are the reason
great work again mexican.intellectual
Gavin Fisher
>What went wrong? Niggers.
Nolan Fisher
Brody Green
You realize that the african statistics are grossly distorted due to lack of proper data due to poor management, right?
Some nignog and his entire family gets shot in the head in the middle of nowhere, who will report the deaths?
Aaron Ramirez
7000 more murders in mexico than the US.
Henry Martin
Yeah those aren't accurate. It's hard to get any information that's accurate out of Africa. Really, I k ow people see it in national geographic all the time but it's still an insanely remote continent with unexplored areas that whites aren't allowed in.
Asher Perez
Mexico, Belize, El Salvador skew the numbers the most.
Everyone knows Mexico is awful right now (and it is), but El Salvador is worse.
Julian Roberts
Brazil alone has 60,000 murders a year
Nathan Butler
>See pic, half our murders are by blacks
Still Americans, you made your bed by fucking them over for generations, now lay in it.
Nolan Morris
wow really makes you think fucking Paco. GTFO you piece of shit.
Oliver Young
>greenland I thought it was peaceful for the most part considering its cold as tits most of the year and it only has like 50,000 people.
Wyatt Moore
>Americas is one continent 1/10 bait
Aiden Nguyen
oh wait, here are some even more recent statistics, where white people commit less than 50% of murders compared to mexicans when adjusted for population. Fuck off and look at reality paco
Angel Campbell
Your fucking country.
Juan Allen
>mfw its almost all because of Latin America What happened? Brown people + communism.
Jose Fisher
Mexico is quite big (Not as big as the US of course). There are regions that are El Salvador tier and other that are quite peaceful.
Benjamin Kelly
Funny because BLM is going after you cucks also.
Justin Richardson
Well, i suppose it gets boring up there.
Owen Green
Can someone post this to Shuan King? I wanna see him squirm
Angel Ramirez
You could say the same about places like shitcago
Nicholas Barnes
It's you sudacas that did it.
Zachary Green
>What went wrong? Including countries without "united states of" in a graph
Christian Johnson
Niggers protesting for civil rights and eventually getting them. That's what happened
Easton Williams
Aaron Cruz
Is it really that bad there?
Justin Lopez
Carson Roberts
Aiden Gutierrez
Americans are the biggest ticket buyers for the Olympics. Meme on.
Colton Perry
blame blacks and democrats for that
Grayson Flores
please nuke us already, we'll never be able to be civilized
Leo Cook
>Europe >3.0
Fucking rusia making us look bad. without them the murder rate in europe would be close to 1.
James Smith
It's per 100k by the way.
Jacob Parker
Maybe if Gandhi was still around, maybe
Adam Fisher
>blame blacks Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia
Only five out of the top 25 countries fall outside of the Americas/Caribbean
Ethan Brooks
>tfw when you run the numbers, and excluding a single ethnic group puts the US homicide rate right between Belgium and Finland
'blame blacks' should read 'blame niggers'. There really is a difference. Folks complain about the Somalis immigrants around here, but they aren't the ones shooting each other up. Them and the Liberians work there finger to the bone to take care of their kids. The 'native' blacks just shoot each other and blame it on the cops and not getting enough benefits.
Aiden Foster
Kangz of murder
Logan Jones
Sorry meant African Americans who continue to vote for their crony democrats since the 1960s and do nothing but act like pieces of shits.
Julian James
I will go out on a limb and say Central America
Jason Thomas
They actually realize what it's fucking like to have nothing, they come from a culture you don't work you don't eat period.
Eli Parker
Hopefully no one. No need to waste police resources on a drug deal gone sideways.
Connor Wright
Don't mind me, just chilling in my non-murderous country.
Austin Jackson
In that regard your country is more civilized than the US
Thomas Foster
If NZ had the same gun laws as a America we would have the highest murder rate in the world, I say bring it on cunts.
Brody Davis
Nathan Martinez
Blake James
Exactly, now imagine just how many murders happen withount anyone so much as warning the authorities about the casualties, any data collected there is simply distorted beyond use.
Justin Williams
>tfw your country gets lumped with the shitskins and the Basketball Americans despite us being perfectly safe >Buenos Aires below Fresno, CA
Julian Cooper
you literally have an active terrorist organization in your country thats what you get for not killing the useless natives
Adrian Turner
The Americas, the continent founded on principles of modernity, enlightenment liberalism, egalitarianism and progress has the highest murder rate
Asia, the continent that to a large part tried to hold onto traditional values and hierarchical, collective social structures has the lowest murder rate
Why is modernity so violent?
Carter Young
Latest UN map
Gavin Flores
>Buenos Aires below Fresno, CA
That isn't hard, Fresno is a terrifying nightmare of a place.
Jace Gonzalez
Freedom isn't free, Germanbro.
Nicholas Adams
Que opinas de este mapa? Para mi , villeros matandose con otros villeros mas que nada
Angel Wilson
Hmm, the US cities that are higher up have more niggers than the ones lower.
Dominic Cook
Niggers and spics
Aaron Campbell
La Pampa siempre me parecio la mejor provincia. Esta llena de alemanes, amish y menonitas. Super comfy
Juan Flores
Hello, Mr. Maduro. When will you leave your office?
Lincoln Allen
delet this Montevideo ruins our rates desu
Alexander Rodriguez
Camden Sanders
Africa is really weird because the difference between a good and bad African country is like night and day
Lots of African countries are complete dogshit, with failing Governments, terrorism, poverty, etc
But there are also lots of African countries which, while not developed on par with the rest of the world, are peaceful and for all intents and purposes, pretty normal countries
Juan Rodriguez
91st post worst post
Asher Williams
Nose por que en Neuquen esta tan alto.
Sin duda alguna, La Pampa me parece gran provincia, vos fuiste? me imagino que mucha gente con plata se debe mover ahi
Sebastian Wilson
yeah, that's wrong. Mexico's below 20 at around 13/100k and bolivia is actually a bit safer than Argentin even though it's a less developed nation. Don't get me wrong, Argentina is safe by south american standards but there's no need to cherrypick.
Ours is around 25/100k down from almost 40/100k a couple of years ago. It's been going down like crazy
Brody Robinson
Reagan's war on drugs caused massive homicide rate increases in the Americas.
Nathaniel Harris
Actually my ancestors fought on the side of the Union in the American Civil War.
That means BLM owes me reparations, right?
Aiden Morgan
>Somalia Seems legit
Bentley Sanders
they have such a low population that all that really means is they had like 6 murders desu it was probably just one dude killing his family