What the fuck is going on? Is the coup dead or not?

What the fuck is going on? Is the coup dead or not?

No one knows tbqh famalama.

It might be a mix of the coup and ISIS taking advantage of the chaos

take the media sayings with grain of salt
things will only be revealed after the dust

The government is insisting the coup has failed, but it seems like soldiers are still scuttling all over Istanbul exploding things. So regardless of how the coup turns out in the end, the answer is "not quite yet" either way.

nope it's a civil war

>things will only be revealed after the dust

Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree Turkroach coups suck the big one?

Except the army isn't fighting it like a war, for some reasons.

Saw a webm of a bunch of dudes climbing on a tank. How the fuck do you allow that without a few warning kills?

So much of this is fishy.

It's almost certainly a planned "coup" arranged by Egrodan to make him the savior of the nation and president for life

Except some of the commanders really want a coup, so they're going all out and gunning down civilians with 30mm guns and such

The army controls Ankara, Erdogan is in Istanbul, MSM is in maximum overdrive shill mode.

anyone saved the pics of Erdogan's plane GPS thingy we were all following? Some twat in b/ says I'm lying.

If the military overplays its hand and kills too many people, then any support for a secular figure they put up to lead Turkey may find itself on the CIA shitlist. They need to take over, and make sure that their own guys don't get fucked over by their western masters.

I didn't see much of that to be quite honest.

There were a few incidents of police shooting, but if this was done properly, they would declare a curfew and arrest/kill everyone that didn't comply. Simple and clean.

So what happens to you as a military member in a coup? Do you just take the orders of your immediate superior? How do you know who is with you or not when you see another tank or jet?

People saying the coup has lost are full of it, I think.

Not hearing much of anything at all about the coup forces fighting other military forces.

It's obvious propaganda by Erdogan

Not at all. Its standard procedure for coup/civil war.

"There is a national security situation under way. All civillians stay in your homes or you may be targeted as insurgents or militia. This is for your own safety"

That is from US standard procedure.

Erdogan media says it is, Ankara is still fighting.

This isn't Brazil. Unlike your shithole, the military and policemen still know they are both Turks and countrymen. Only in hellhole countries like Syria the military doesn't give a fuck about the people that they should protect. Turks are very patriotic

Exactly because they are patriotic that they should issue warning kills.

A coup is the use of force to destitute a government and institute a new one.

If you aren't willing to use force in the process, you didn't need or want a coup to start with.

Suppose merkel decides to bring 50 million refugees. Germans revolt en masse. The numales and feminists try to protect the government. You tell them to move aside, if they refuse, you bash their skulls in and move on. Your weakness is what brought us to this horrible situation.

as long as mudslimes are killed, who cares?

Was wondering the same thing. It's not like the lowly enlisted guys out enforcing a curfew were consulted on this before it went into effect. I think Turkey was ripe for a coup as the military has historically seen itself as the moderating force in Turkish politics and has enacted several coups in the past when they viewed the leadership as straying from Ataturk's vision, as many believe Erdogan is doing. It seems like one of the main reasons this coup failed though was because Erdogan was able to get a message out to the masses before the military was able to gain full control of all media. Operating under the assumption that this was a legitimate coup attempt, it seems like it was fairly well coordinated among various military units considering it included elements of both the army and the airforce. I think the military units who planned this anticipated on gaining full control over the media in order to control the narrative, which likely would have convinced other military units not directly involved that this was much larger than it actually was and it would be in their best interest to join it. But Erdogan was able to get his message out right before the military took over the news broadcast outlets and this resulted in what we saw unfold.

Damn you are actually right

favela boy has a point
