Is the Air Force a respectable career path?
Is the Air Force a respectable career path?
>Is murder a respectable career path
>is being a cuck a respectable career choice
Only if you go to OCS
>chair force
They're a bunch of nerds playing the system so they can live comfortably with no costs and retire early
Not right now when the war is about to start.
If you have a game plan for when you're out, sure.
Only if you pledge yourself to honor the spirit and life's work of Curtis LeMay.
chair force lol
Yeah if you want to do something Aerospace related
Fuck no pussy army navy or marine Corps
>breh dont join now the online drone match is about to begin
He'll more than likely be fine unless he actually fly's.
Or gets exposed to toxic gas refueling a jet...
Or another "work place violence" t. Obongo
You dont even need a plan if you do 20 years
Working for the military is respectable, period.
If you know you'll enjoy that, and good luck having a relationship or steady homestead if thats what you want.
May as well try for officer school then imho
>no distractions
Tbqh, you wont be an unemployed neet or libcuck so you'll have more pussy than is healthy
if you want a career in technology and a good career outlook after then yeah.
fuck off this "hurr chairforce" bullshit. My coworkers niece is making bank because she joined the airforce to work as a dentist and then made a good career after it
>risking actual death
>Better than Air force
Are you having a laugh?
Air Force is the ivy league of the military so yes.
Only the smart ones get in. All else get filtered down through the other branches.
>he thinks it's "murder" when you kill muslims and not just pest control
My gf is getting back from basic training from the air force, what am I in for dating somebody in the military?
Everyone else but you fucking her
No. Unless you're a faggot, join a real military branch.
Not every chick in the military is a whore, if she's just trying to get her school paid she'll be fine and if you guys like sports they sell tickets cheaper to military people
Yep. Engine troop here. I have 9 months left. Have been contacted by Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, SpaceX, and even JPL for positions. They get sad when I tell them I can't start within 60 days.
The military itself sucks because you're a baby sitter when you reach E4.
And risk dying in a most likely pointless war to further fund the military industrial complex, fuck off
I live near a marine base and it looks the opposite, these guys marry the first girl they meet
Navy > Air Force
What exactly do you do as an Engine Troop?
All branches of the US military, if you're an officer, can provide you with a legitimately very nice life.
>better salary and benefits than most jobs will give a shithead 22-year-old
>tons of respect from civilians
>30 days paid vacation per year
>immense job satisfaction
Air Force is OK if you're enlisted. Don't enlist in any of the other three.
t. Army officer
Respectable? No.
Comfy? Yes.
Muhreens :^)
>Not every chick in the military is a whore
[Citation Needed]
Takes things apart and puts them back together. Shits like LEGOs since you have to follow strict TOs or get paperwork.
Then he kicks back with his other maintainer bros after work and they all talk about how much their lives suck.
Maintain jet engines from turbo props to propellers. F-22's to C130's. You either get lucky and go into a comfy engine back shop, or unlucky and have to work with crew chiefs on a flight line.
Wow, sounds uhhh... respectable
I had a friend whos an Army ranger now. Hows that pay compared to regular infantry.
Sure, just don't get stuck with Open General and get placed in the Security Forces
depends on your job also officer or enlisted im a 1C852, I can answer any questions you have no BS
go usmc if your not a faggot
t. 0203
>all these anti military fags ITT
we get it you failed the ASVAB or failed MEPS
I would love to join, but have no fucking clue what I would do because I feel like its more than just flying jets and all, also never took SAT so thats that.
"Respect" is a meaningless, valueless word. A mechanic is a mechanic is a mechanic. You think flipping burgers in Services is more respectable than flipping burgers in a McDonalds because one uniform has a fancy pattern on it?
You described it perfectly.
le globalist goon face
I'm grabbing my Bachelors in Computer Engineering and am gonna join the Air Force after that.
This happened yesterday
>be ex-Navy fag with corporate job
>be friends with older ex-Army officer colleague
>new position gets filled by retired Air Force E9
>at team meeting bullshit
>CEO hey we filled that job, he's a retired -err....hey what's that rank Army guy
>Army guy - Uhh "Master Sergeant"
>Me to Army guy quietly - "Chief"
>Army guy - sorry Chief Master Sergeant
>CEO continues
>Army guy looks at me and says, "Yeah, but I mean... Air Force"
>Me "Well it's like the military"
The pay is the same save for two exceptions:
1) They happen to jump out of a plane that month
2) They deploy to certain locations which may effect their pay in different ways.
> hurr durr I'm a neet faggot POG who has never sacrificed or served a day in my fucking life
Luckily we still have men who can do what needs to get done
You mean the Army Air Corps?
The only vets I have some degree of respect for off the bat are marines.
A mechanic is not a mechanic. Huge difference in types of mechanics. Vehicle mechanic fucks up, call a tow truck. A&P mechanic fucks up, better hope you're either in a fighter jet or extremely experienced in crash landing.
everyone knows a usaf chief is equivalent to an army general
All branches of the military are Earned Welfare. Go into a STEM field or a trade.
We got 3 Alphas. so that meme is a lie
t. Air Fag
>chair force
lol no
>STEM meme
>Better than Air Force
Oh I'm laughin
>tfw Air Force and deployed to a location with a pizza hut and dairy queen.
>tfw whole deployment tax free
If you go air force
>go officer
>get an office job
If you're enlisted you'll probably hate your life unless you get finance or personnel. Maintenance jobs are shit.
The sad thing is I'm actually a veteran with an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and I have no idea what the Air Force even does. Guessing it involves golf.
if i get lasik am i disqualified from applying to be an air force pilot? think they changed the criteria, not sure though.
Fuck Finance and Personnel fags
You forgot enlisted aircrew. Thats the life right there.
Fuck yeah it is, especially if you had good grades in high school and test well on your ASFAB. If no degree, go in man, it will set your straight, give you tons of valuable skills, and teach you how to be a good person. It's not just skills for work, but skills for how to live your life. Times that by two if you have a degree, if no degree, no worries, this is better than college and you're paid to do it.
Don't need SAT, if u go in enlisted you have lots of opportunities don't let the recruiter fuck you over and say you have to pick from these jobs, you can pick any job u want wait wait for an opening. You can be a X ray tech, finical guy, mechanic, avionics tech, or a flyer, 1a jobs are flier jobs. you can even be a flight attendant no joke, but you need top secrete clearance for that job so hope you have good credit in ur family
maintainer detected
How mad are you you didn't get a nonner job?
provides 24/7 global firepower for when your cuck boys fight over fleshlights
its objectively the only branch that matters
Last I heard was that the military has to perform the procedure for it to be overlooked.
My job I take care of and repair ATC [air traic control] equipment so radios and navigation aids for aircraft. it's nice job since I can work for the FAA but I hate my shop
>Is the Air Force a respectable career path?
not any more.
t. retiree
I am a Triple Delta, aka sitting in a comfy server room desu
How does the CO"s semen taste like?
So is this a meme?
The Military is a jobs program for boys who can't make their own way in the world like men.
Can a non-American citizen join the US army or Air Force?
Top Kek marines are nothing like the Spartans.
That's officer requirements.
t.hanks will look into it
Flight Attendant is retrain only
>implying enlisted Finance and Personnel don't hate their lives too
Their job involves dealing with a base full of people with every reason to hate them
Oh ok, thats all I could find for requirements to join, what are the reqs to just join without becoming an officer?
good to know...three deployments, never even heard them mentioned.
lmao where the hell did you get that info? if u want to get in with more pay college is nice if u have an associates you go in as A1C if u have some college u go in as AMN and if no u go in as AB, I'm an eagal scout so i went in as AMN but now I'm an A1C. they really only care about ur asvab score which aslong as it's 50+ ur fine. I got an 85 with an 97 in electrical, better score better jobs, IMO flight jobs are most fun med jobs are best for civi life
You need to at least be a permanent resident (green card holder).
BTW the "kek" thing isn't fags who got bored with "lel" it's fag satanists and ignorant fools eager for chaos and pain, because they are pathetic losers. Don't buy in.
woah really? LMAO cross training here I come
Not be fat and able to duck walk.
upon graduation of basic training we had people automatically get naturalized as a US citizen so look into it
>you will NEVER be in NDI
fuck you NDI youre like the nonners of mx playing ping pong all day fuckers
>The sad thing is I'm actually a veteran with an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and I have no idea what the Air Force even does. Guessing it involves golf.
>Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Whoa, look out guys, we got a badass over here!
Just off google.
Just enlisted, 99 ASVAB. Did I do got Sup Forums
A Diploma from a High School
Naturalized or US citizen
A clean bill of health (this can get waivered off
Atleast 18 but no older thna 37
A non shit background (ie. you a full on nigger)
That's it
Oh, sounds easy enough
A high ASVAB score is good. A 99 is borderline autistic
only if you're massively ghey and jesustard