Didn't know how far gone my sister was

>in a casual conversation with my teenage sister
>mentions she wants to have kids when she's older
>oh that's nice
>im not going to get married though
>so just a boyfriend than
>im going to have a kid from a sperm bank
>i don't need a husband
>but than the kid won't have a father figure
>she claims kids don't need a dad, calls me sexist
>but wouldn't you want to stay home with the kid
>I wouldn't want having a kid to I erupt my career, I'd put it in daycare
>it's so fucking sexist you'd even suggest I should give up my career, user
>are you sure you'd be happy living like that?
>she freaks out, yells at me, storms out of the room
>Tfw my sister plans to be single mother career woman with a sperm bank baby that she abandons in a fucking daycare

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repair her with your semen

If you're not talkin' turkey GTFO...

Just wait until her kid is an addict or a prostitute and laugh in her face. Its not like women carry on family lines anyway.

Well you better fucking do something about it other than blog here before she decides she wants nigger sperm to boot.

I should just euthanize her, right?
It seems like the least cruel option

I know a group of 5 females that are singles and raise their children as a herd , they leave one with them while the others go to work, to the cinema, to walk, to have sex, etc...
tell her to do that

If she goes through with her little life plan I honestly think her kid is going to be a school shooter senpai

Your sister sounds like a child, but if she finds a husband who can be a stay at home neet dad or online business, i dont see any problem in it.

Most women realize that any job isnt worth missing out on watching your children grow up.

It's why we have so few women in management. The extra hours/effort you need to put in and the potential money you could make are simply not worth missing out on your children.

Tell her if she does her son will end up hating her and will have a high chance of being a serial killer. If she has has a daughter she will desperately seek out men as a father figure which will rape and take advantage of her.

The Jews have fucking won..

>I know kids whose mother's were like that.

Kill your sister if you can't convince her otherwise. Do a potential human being a favor.

Make sure she always miscarries.

or a happy kid with 4 cougar aunties

>Have kid
>Decide to be single parent
>Then toss kid off at daycare
>Never spend time with your child
>Treating your own child like a pet or an accessory
Fuck this generation. Everyone in my family treats their pets better than OPs sister plans to treat her own spawn

She'd assault me if I said anything like that, she's a total feminist loon

What women say doesn't have any correlation with what they want or what they actually do. She'll drop that plan as soon as she meets a chad who's stupid enough to marry and finance her.

Why didn't you show her any single motherhood statts? It's the best way to ruin your life and your childs life, single motherhood.

How old is she anyway? She'll probably grow out of it; I was a retard for most of my teens too.

Either quit being an autist or stop worrying about her.

From what I've seen, most women realize far too late, and end up marrying losers because that think that having a man who protects/provides for you is an evil concept of the patriarchy. almost every liberal woman I know is a single mother who had a deadbeat or faggy husband

Why the fuck is she having a kid if she's not staying with him?

and? That would be her fault, just keep calm and tell her she is letting her emotions effect her judgement.


Reminder that liberals are psychopaths, science proves it.

She doesn't have any strong men around to look up to, hence she associates masculinity with weakness.

Instead of trying to convince her of anything, improve yourself and show her what a real man looks and acts like.

Sounds like you need to stand up to the plate, onii-chan.

Take a stand user. Don't be like your sister, a pussy.

That is the most vile thing I've heard on here all day

I fucking know
The people I know act like kids are goddamn pets

How old is she?

Fuck off cunt. It's theatre orchestrated by Erdogan anyway.

She, like most of her friends, have bought into the strong independent wymyn meme and think that ignoring everyone's advice and acting like a total bitch makes them cool. Shes totally un-reachable

Are we talking high school teen or college teen? Not pedoing but curious if she's just immature and finding herself, or drank the kool-aid bruh

Mum used the word "white privilege" in relation to my understanding when asking what the point of black lives matter was.

Your mother is too far gone.
It's time to move out of her basement.

The first two months requires 100 percent of the mothers time. It's impossible to work during this time. Who does she think will support her?

So, are ya gonna post pics?

Spics seem to do that degenerate quite often Jose.

OP, that's a 100% guarantee or your money back.

Worse actually. If what you said about your sister is true then I show more care for my cat and dog than she intends to show for her kid

People like that should not have kids

Have you ever even attempted to share some values with her or are you just now getting to know her?

She's a teenager. Teenagers say and think silly things. Sure she thinks that, but who knows the chances of all of that happening consecutively.

If you want all discussion to be about a single topic you may as well just make a subreddit m8.

theres ya problem
she'll grow out of it

Another acquaintance that goes to my high school played me fagglemore's latest classic "white privilege 2" during a car ride.
Link: youtube.com/watch?v=Y_rl4ZGdy34
I told her i didn't support the BLM movement and she yelled at me about racism and the patriarchy until we got to her house. Her rant was so stupid and stereotypical i couldn't help but laugh. Those insane progressives you see in campus videos are super common, the just don't dress weird or dye their hair that often

>erupt my career
Guess retardation runs in the family.

Your sister should be sterilized. And I'm serious about that.

You would laugh at your niece or nephew becoming an addict or prostitute?

Sperm donation is eugenic. Only men with a high enough IQ and physical fitness can become sperm donors. So your sister's kid would be genetically better compared to if she married a beta cuck. And her kid would have more money from her working.

Don't worry user.

She'll work in fast food or some shit and get knocked up by whatever desperate guy she found in a bar.

That guy and our tax money will pay for her life.

if you try to fight the idea by being so obvious about it, she will just want to do it more.

make it subtle. show her pictures of extremely poor single mothers once in a while, things like that

Kids don't need a 'father/mother figure'. You just ruined your relationship with your sister because ideology.

Most high IQ kids raised by single mothers either end up dead or on heavy psychiatric meds.

>this is what the third world actually believes


Men and women are different and have different ways of dealing with life, other adults and children.

Fathers encourage competition; mothers encourage equity.

Fathers Push Limits; Mothers Encourage Security

Father’s talk tends to be more brief, directive and to the point. It also makes greater use of subtle body language. Mothers tend to be more descriptive, personal and verbally encouraging.

Dads tend to see their child in relation to the rest of the world. Mothers tend to see the rest of the world in relation to their child.

>tfw never met my father
>I don't even know what he looks like

I can at least donate my sperm if you want,

having a guaranteed white child should lessen the trauma

My parents divorced when I was 14 or so.

I can feel the deteriorating state of my mind.

I cannot imagine how doomed I'd be right now without those 14 years.

Ask her if she's doing it for her child or if she is doing it for herself? also ask her how she will explain herself to her child as he lives amongst his peers with everything they have and he lacks.

I hope she outgrows that phase.
Dont ask her direct questions.
Just subtly tell her stories sbout kids raised by single parents.
Say that most school shooters are raised by single moms.
Dont forget
Be subtle

>everything they have that he lacks

wont work senpai, the people my family knows are leftist cancer, most all from broken homes. The poor kid will fit right in :(

>sister wanted negative attention
>instead of saying "that's nice" and ignoring her, you fell for it and argued with her
good job

>talking about current events at dinner
>day of rage comes up
>sister says they just want equal rights bla bla trump racist bla bla you're a white male bla bla
>bring up the fact that black males commit over 50% of the murder in the U.S.
>nuh-uh that's not what my sociology prof says
>cite FBI statistics
>wow why are you getting mad user

Fucking females don't know how to argue and just cry when you bring up facts

Would a sperm bank even allow that?

I mean it's better than daycare I guess

You sound rude but actually that's pretty much true. every political argument I've had with a woman's ends with them crying or rage quitting, I'm not rude and my opinions aren't even that uncommon, but saying shit like 'I'm not sure that's true' or 'why do you think that?' Makes then freak out

>>honor killing

the only thing muslims got right

what the fuck are you talking about better than daycare? at least daycares have structure and supervision, single mothers raise failures

kill your sister, no joke

Do people not understand how ridiculously expensive child care is? I like to read personal finance blogs alot and its amazing to me how many women effectively work for less than minimum wage (after subtracting daycare costs) just for >muh career
But then they use the excuse that "its just not possible to raise a family on one income" even as the personal finance guru shows them the numbers proving it would be better financially for them to work weekends at the local mcdonalds than have a full time job. Women are so fucking stupid.

>we live in a world where it's common and accepted that tons of unmarried women simply have "baby daddies"

>Fucking females don't know how to argue and just cry when you bring up facts

Check your privilege. Respect the narrative and her subjectivity. Why would you deny someone subjectivity with your problematic objectivity?

Stfu Colton

Kek, my little sister asked me when the race war is happening already

Everyone here is forgetting how boring it is FOR THE KID to stay home with the parent. For half of every week I would go to daycare and it was infinitely better than being stuck at home. Daycare memories are the shit

>watching big kids play super mario world
>building block towers with complete disregard for daycare rules on their maximum height and then toppling them over
>sharing tiger electronic handheld with your best daycare bro
>hilarious short-lived playground episodes that always ended with somebody getting hit with something

Good times.

You don't stay in the house, you're mom takes you around or you fuck off for a few hours

Weak OP. I'll show you how its done.

>father i was taking care of passes away
>finances interrupted so mother lets me crash on her couch til i can find a new place
>little sister is there
>bullied her a lot when we were kids but
>as i got older took care of her and became close friends
>coming back to the house she was full blown SJW
>wants art career
>pretentious "communism is cool" friends
>wanted to name her pet mouse "mouseandry"
>in passing conversations we discuss politics lightly
>keep a cool head and with a sense of humor red pill her
>in a matter of months she hates feminism
>no longer considers herself liberal
>we laugh at tumblrite faggots and some of her stupid friends
>never attracted to blacks

Should have kept an eye on her user.

>Kids don't need a 'father/mother figure'
>50% youth unemployment
>hasn't been relevant since the Seven Years War
Hmm. Really makes you think.

At least you get affirmative action.

I was 5. I grew up to be the personification of insanity wolf. I get by alright, but everything I do is painted in the colors of my childhood, and I know that will never change.

I made up my mind as a child, to never risk having children with a woman I'm not married to and trust completely -- and if my wife ever decided to go rogue, I would rather murder-suicide us all than let my kids grow up like I did.

Yeah, get the navy to give her a good seeing too.
Those guys can fix anything.

>not knowing females operate on emotion and not on logic
you did this to yourself
have fun not getting invited to christmas parties

The ovens take a while to reach temperature, user. Be patient.


It's not really about figures. It's knowing who your biological parents are. It helps you know who You are too to avoid confusion.

>This is spreading like cancer on todays youth

Blood moons, why haven't you taken us all with one fell swoop?

Sperm bank babies. I like the happening when a fertility doctor in America used his own sperm to inseminate a shedload of women in a fairly limited geographical area.

Many sperm bank babies will grow up to hate their single mother for depriving them of a father.

Oh, I must have forgotten all of that fun stuff

That must be a nightmare for family medical history too

Maybe you were bad at being a kid?

This is a perfect opportunity for you!

Let her have her kid, when she realizes that daycare isn't enough time away from her child she'll dump him/her to you. From there on raise the child, teach strong conservative Christian values and watch as she realizes you're more of a parent than she ever was.

Watch as she gets shattered by her own spawn disowning her.

Japan, I want to visit nagasaki and hiroshima, they wouldn't let me do it in the marines. I'm out now, can I visit? Also, why do you guys always visit pearl harbor

>>she freaks out, yells at me, storms out of the room

I have a SJW sister too. They ALWAYS do this. They can't ever have a rational conversation. It always ends with them storming out after shouting.

>yfw your sisters are fucking chads and you're out here lonely fapping to anime

this Sup Forums degeneracy shit is just a cop out to make you feel better about your autism

hey man you should be thankful your sister even WANTS to have kids, mine doesn't even though I constantly say a childless lifestyle is degenerate.

Kids from sperm banks are usually 10/10 aryan mustards anyway, good genes will make up for lack of father figure.

I would understand if I said "we should kill all those fucking niggers" or something like that, but most anything with a hint of social conservatism makes them freak out

Women exist via bad faith.

She'll just claim she was disadvantaged to begin with as a single mother and then tell everyone it wasn't her fault. The argument between her and OP will somehow become lost in memory and never actually happen.

>tfw I realised Sartre's entire philosophy was about simultaneously appealing and refuting feminism, Marxism and everything in between
I can't believe I ever disliked Sartre...

so this is how sjw's keep increasing.





So you're implicitly defending the destruction of the family and unironically support the idea of women just having kids as if they were toys to put on the shelf and depriving the kids from a wholesome environment to develop in. Wew, lad, your brain must be completely fucked up to call it "this Sup Forums degeneracy shit".

Let's be realistic here. It was you who shitposted
>to make you feel better about your autism

Damn your sister is fucking degenerate. You should really fix that. Get that tumblr shit out of her head.