My question is not answered there.
Early Christianity as described by the Bible is identical to what we would, today, call an end of the world cult.
1. Claims world is ending imminently (1 John 2:18, Matthew 10:23, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 24:34)
2. Wants you to sell or give away your belongings ( Luke 14:33, Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22)
3. Wants you to cut off family who interfere, and leave your home/job to follow him (Matt. 10:35-37, Luke 14:26, Matthew 19:29)
4. Unverifiable reward if you believe (Heaven, i.e. the carrot)
5. Unverifiable punishment if you disbelieve (Hell, i.e. the stick)
6. Sabotages the critical thinking faculties you might otherwise use to remove it (Proverbs 3:5, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 28:26)
7. Invisible trickster character who fabricates apparent evidence to the contrary in order to lead you astray from the true path
8. Targets children and the emotionally/financially vulnerable for recruitment (sunday schools, youth group, teacher led prayer, prison ministries, third world missions)
Presumably you recognize this is how Islam and Mormonism began, founded by and centered around Muhammad and Joseph Smith, respectively.
But Muslims cannot see that from the inside. It is only obvious to you because you're not a Muslim. Likewise with Mormons and Mormonism. You are in the same situation they are but can't see that from within Catholicism as it is deliberately designed to prevent that realization.
>"But he performed miracles!"
Only according to the Bible. They are not recorded in any other text from that period. Muhammad also performed many purported miracles according to the Qur'an, but you recognize this does not prove Islam is true.
>"But Christ fulfilled the messianic prophesies of the Torah!"
No he didn't. This is something you were led to believe, but never investigated yourself: aish.com/jw/s/48892792.html