I'll basically be homeless and without cash for 9-12 days in Reykjavik, Iceland. How to survive /b? Where to sleep?

I'll basically be homeless and without cash for 9-12 days in Reykjavik, Iceland. How to survive /b? Where to sleep?

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just make sure to get out of the rain and you'll be okay

Icelander living in australia here. go to Reyðarfjörður. the people are nice there

First of all you split any food you have into 14 parts. 12 days, but 14 meals just in the event it goes over. 1 meal a day is better than nothing.

Second, find a nice secluded place in a forest, as deep as you dare go. Less chance of being harassed. Plus, you'll just 'feel' safer.

Thirdly, light a fire. Surround it with stones, as to not burn the whole fucking place down.

And finally, strip completely naked. Clothes will restrict you, and your sweat on garments will attract animals. Maybe some that will want to eat you.

Stay safe, and god speed.

Dont have food
Too far lmao

I can't help you, but can you help me? I want someone to go to the EVE monument and find my characters name that's supposed to be on there and take a picture

Idk dude its 1 hour walk for me to get there

farðu til Reyðarfjarðar og biðja hjaltason

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Sell whatever you're using to be on 4c for food and water? Wtf

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My plane ticket is on my phone

wow you should really plan your trips better you fucking retard. i hope you starve to death.

Get an emergency credit? Contact your embassy
Go see local officials. They can help you

can confirm this works, I've done it.

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what else have you got to do?

icelandic government is useless in the department

Somebody teach him about carding or how to steal cash online

Suck dick in exchange for food.

Walk to whatever looks like a nice part of town and offer to weed peoples gardens for $15. Explain your situation. After weeding a few someone will be overly nice and offer you food and a bed. If not you should still get enough money for food.

sit downtown with a sign where they can slap an american for a few bucks.

Hope this helps, OP.

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Get one of those part-time working abroad apps - I've seen somewhere you can work in a restaurant for a few hours and then you get to eat for free.


how can I do that?

how can i find somewhere inside to sleep? weather ir really shitty rn

Hah poor fag

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Pitch a tent offer to help someone with chores for food.

Where chu at fam? You can stay at my place