I have been told this is heavily monitored. By who?
Who are the people looking for the Jews? Nobody is. Just you. Jews in America do not own guns. We are 1 percent of the population.
We also have a free birth right to Israel; we can leave whenever we want.
Your government loves us, but even if they didn't we know how to sit on the sidelines. We know how not to get involved in revolutions.
While you kill yourselves in your revolutions and counter revolutions, us Jews will be sitting on the fence to see who comes out on top.
You are all very stupid. There is no hate from me. I only have indifference. I only have rationale. I know that I win.
Boker tov, you feygellahs. That means good morning, gaylords. You are a game to me.
Now tell me how you are so mad and that you're going to kill me. Haha, I don't want any of you dead. It is hilarious when your IQ gets lowered because of your rage.
Jackson Baker
I don't hate you people, I do know how you are though.
Jordan Rogers
Don't worry, Oh Chosen, us Shabbos Goys are cleaning out the islamonazis
Jordan Price
On a serious note why do Jews think people hate them? I mean I think you have too much power and influence but I don't hate you.
Wyatt Baker
I can see why the Nazis killed you fuckers.
Nathan Myers
Nice try Juden, I see you're sweating, it's check mate in 10.
Julian Watson
I want to live free. None of us want to get caught up in revolutions.
In 1980, Israel itself became the Nazi's in collaboration with Lebanon as the Christians slaughtered and genocided the Palestinians.
We lit the flares so the Christian phalangest could go into the Palestinian camps in Lebanon and committed genocide of the men first, then the women and children.
Personally, I think we are as guilty as the Lebanese even though we didn't do the shooting. We helped them, though.
And in 2006, HAMAS was draining our economy dry by launching 100 dollar bottle rockets into Israel while our Iron dome costs 20 fold to run and our intercept missiles cost 30 fold to intercept home made rockets.
In order to not get bankrupted, we went in and hunted terrorists. Whenever you hunt terrorists, it's the same thing when GWB hunts terrorists. It's bad
Adrian Cook
>I have been told this is heavily monitored. By who? everyone
>birth right to Israel it was real in your mind
>Your government loves us, but even if they didn't we know how to sit on the sidelines. We know how not to get involved in revolutions. This is jew speak for, "we profit either way".
>While you kill yourselves in your revolutions and counter revolutions, us Jews will be sitting on the fence to see who comes out on top. more of the same
>You are all very stupid. There is no hate from me. I only have indifference. I only have rationale. I know that I win Translation = I hate white people, but I'm white when it helps.
Aaron Foster
I don't have anything against Jews. I have amazing Jewish friends.
The only thing I will say is I dated an American Jewish woman one time, absolutely fucking gorgeous. Well anyway she kind of went crazy with anxiety after a while and she moved out to go back and live with her parents.
Made me want to kill myself. We had heavily discussed getting married, I was picking out a ring. Doesn't mean I hate Jews, I just don't want to date any more of them because they make you want to fucking kill yourself.
Shalom negrodamus lachaim
Samuel Rogers
Landon Watson
When the day of the rope comes We will not let you run to Israel You have to pay for your crimes here
Nathan Roberts
I thought they didn't though :^)
Alexander Hernandez
I am so scared. Oh no! Please don't hang me. Oh boy.
Ryder Cox
LOL, they can't make up their minds.
When the goys want to believe in the holocaust they will so as ad hominem.
When they want to say it is fake, they do it for the same reasons.
But they believe it happened (It did) because us Jews are already in control.
rofl lol jk, or am I?
Julian Barnes
I seperate myself in that I have no problem with judaism whatsoever outside of strict orthodox jews and any hardcore religion... That said, I do have a problem cowards and anti patriots who do not identify as american. Any jew that serves america is ok in my book. Any jew that laughs on the sidelines and threatens to abandon america is a traitor, as with anyone else who identifies with that course of action. I have been to US military graveyards across he world and they are filled filled with patriots flying the star of david and the cross together. Your willingness to abondon your country for another is shameful. Shame on you.
Parker White
Day of the rope is just a saying.
History repeats itself for jew
Daniel Miller
Oh don't get me wrong I'm hip to Israel and its ways, y'all helped ISIS invade Iraq too in order to destabilize the Shia anti Zionist bloc. Doesn't make me hate Jews, especially since most of y'all don't have the nationalist mentality, you're too worried about being persecuted to be bigots.
Evan Bennett
Ryder Martinez
Kevin Rodriguez
There's no Jewish conspiracy, Jews are just naturally cooperative because so many sand boogers and Nazis have been trying to exterminate them for so long that they have v always just been cooperative.
Life is a lot easier when you cooperate instead of compete and you value education.
Objectively people are fucking stupid for not seeing this. No I'm not Jewish.
Landon Brooks
The holocaust as reported:
>gas chambers >soap >lampshades >6 million
Did not happen.
Jews however, did die.
Lincoln Martin
I prefer enslaving your race Making you perform manual labor as penance And giving all of your women over to niggers when they turn 16 so you can live out the race mixing nightmare you have sought to afflict our folk with