why does Sup Forums hate this man so much?
Why does Sup Forums hate this man so much?
hack idiot savant reddit
I don't hate him at all. I like most of his films. I do think he's pretty fucking funny in his public appearances, though, in ways that he probably doesn't intend
i like him though, he's a great stylist
Is it true he passed gas on national television? Everyone has flatus.
its because he reminds them how they're so much alike
>obsession with black cocks
>pleb entry level material
They're jealous because he's one of us only he did something with his life.
>household name
>invented his own genre
>sucked Salma Hayek's toes on camera and fucked Uma Thurman in real life
You're right, the pathetic sack of shit is just like us!! I sure do feel better about myself
you described the "did something with his life" part of the sentence
don't be so hard on yourself user. i'm sure your youtube gaming channel will pick up anyday now
All his movies are just QT dialog, no matter who speaks I see his Popeye mug and hear his whiny voice.
Otherwise he runs a cool movie theatre. This month he's shilling all his own movies, which he has a right too, since it's his theatre.
front with the calender
because normies like him, like with every thing Sup Forums hates. how new are you?
retarded postmodernist
Sup Forums sees too much of themselves in him
sure, if that makes you feel better about your shit taste
BRAPT 3:17
too much style, never enough substance. also, at this point everything feels like unintentional self-parody
Sup Forums doesn't hate Tarantino.
A small vocal minority who hate nerd success smell blood in the water and want to kill all nerds.
This vocal minority is angry because they want to be unconcerned with fronting harsh masculinity. But if they were soft nerdz they'd be called out as fairy queer pansies by the male figures in their lives who are generally repressed faggots who want dicks up their ass also.
TL;DR Tarantino reminds them of frustrated repressed homosexual tension in their lives. Meanwhile, Tarantino fucks every female prostitute he can get his hands on.
Wtf I love footfags now