Believe in Liberty Prime

Believe in Liberty Prime

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Better grab all your shit and throw it into the streets now that the private property is outlawed

> occupy Wall Street, antifa, the 60s hippy movement, Cuban revolution, Italian resistance movement, pitchfork uprising, New York draft uprising

Because revolutions led by dumb young fucks have always known the difference between good and bad.

I prefer death TO communism.

>Daily reminder

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tfw you don't know the difference between private and personal property

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You do know the commies in the USSR took personal possessions when it suited them, right? There was nothing protected.

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tag yourself

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Arbitrary distinction made by the "People's Council", "Central Committee", "Workers' Republic", etc.
>But the current private property regime was just as arbitrarily set, but it was done over centuries and is polyfurcated across jurisdictions
Arguable, but it does not make Red nonsense any better.

Plz come to Canada

Newsflash, the CIA and sister spook agencies vilified socialists, communists, anarchists, nationalists, and ethic separatists for decades: these factions all disagreed with one another, and cannot all be correct, but they all had one thing in common: being threats to Atlanticist hegemony.

Did your parents intentionally drop you on your head as a kid?

Mmm, that's good irony. A commie defending the USSR and complaining about propaganda.

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excuse me sir, you might want to read that again.

Personally attacked by this relatable content.

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argument: communism kills people

counter argument: point it as popaganda

Your argument: "The previous argument defends the USSR"

Are you honestly positing that the communism doesn't result in:
- gulags and other death camps
- mass starvation (see the holodomor and Mao's five pests campaign)
- secret police and no free speech
- zero human rights of any kind
- no due process

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>oversimplify the top right corner

>specify the top right corner on the bottom left corner

Can you at least specify what is your argument?

Alright, so according to you having common control over the means of production directly causes this events.

Explain how this process works

Any economist will tell you that capitalism is the way to go and that socialism / communism does not work, ever. And no, the Nordic nations are not socialist, they're capitalist with welfare.

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Every time communism is tried it results in that. It's basic 20th century history. So we have evidence that it happens. Why? Probably because you need a violent revolution to seize the means of production, and then you need a deeply authoritarian state to keep the means of production and control the populace.

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>And no, the Nordic nations are not socialist, they're capitalist with welfare.


Now, how does the bottom left corner not fit in the top right corner, I honestly find no logic in that picture of yours

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Notice he visited the best supermarket in all of Havana. I challenge you to visit one of the average ones.

the fact so much commie scum try to justify their elementary shitty beliefs at all is just absolutely hilarious

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Well if you're looking for more than a meme, I'm more than happy to help! Start here

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Real talk here. I'm sick of the shit show that is capitalism and the neoliberal world order. Workers and the common folk are fucked over through outsourcing, little social programs, costs of living, you fucking name it. And don't get me started on the wealth disparity.

But what's the alternative? The fucking USSR? North Korea??? I'm at a loss, what the fuck works for the common man? Are people just fucked in whatever system?

I want off this ride.

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Ever heard on ancom?

Also there are plenty of ways to establish communism without being authoritarian or making violent revolutions.

An alternative to the previous mentioned violent uprising would be worker unions or organized desobidience.

I honestly disaprove state style communism because as you previously mentioned It starts a negative chain of events, the only thing Ive got a problem with is the use of this tragedies to shut down pacific movements like most worker unions.

The argument should be statist communism causes...

the weak are always trampled upon. the best thing we can do is make it easy for stronger people to rise from their depths rather than making it impossible like socialist pigs do

The joke is democracy like liberty prone, is just slowly moving towards mutual destruction.

If you make an argument even if it is with a meme you have to face the concequences of its fallacies.

So you've got industrial equipment and a distribution network in every home? Without a boss-worker hierarchy nothing more complicated than home-made artisanal goods can be produced.

Democratic socialism.

The soviets mistook personal rights for bourgeois rights, and dismantled them. The means of production shouldn't be in state hands, they should be co-operatively, owned, democratically administered.

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>Ever heard on ancom?
>Also there are plenty of ways to establish communism without being authoritarian or making violent revolutions.
Yeah, those guys in revolutionary Catalonia? The ones who had their own Red Terror and slaughtered tens of thousands of innocents? The ones that were crushed by the combined forces of the Fascists and the Soviet Communists? Wiped out by the enemy and the "friend" of their system. Unable to even defend themselves because... surprise surprise, you can't organize a defense when you're in a state of literal anarchy!
Let's recap:
- still blood thirsty killers who murder innocents
- unable to stand up to """real""" communists
- unable to organize anything
- wasn't even given enough time to collapse on its own

Super, let's try again!!!

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>Democratic socialism.
Forgive my skepticism, but wasn't the USSR supposed to have been democratic? And North Korea? They're the Democratic People's Republic of Korea after all! I've heard some commies argue that the USSR had human rights enshrined in their constitution. Funny how they never followed it. Why would -your- brand of communism be any different?

And what happens if/when the people want to democratically go back to capitalism? Even just a tiny bit? Are you saying there won't be a bloodbath by the communist state then?

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Yup. That's the democratic part. Factions and parties must be permitted. Otherwise, who chooses which candidates can run and who can't?

But if we go back to capitalism it won't be through the vote. The owners will wage war, as they always do when their interests are threatened.

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I made a reference to anarcho communism to disprove you argument about "all communism is authoritarian"

And separately mentioned pacific ways to establish it, I never coorelated one with another retard.

It cant be democratic socialism unless it practices democracy even if the state names itself democratic socialist.

Its just basic critical thinking.

Eh, capitalism-socialism is a sliding scale. The US is one of the farthest towards the capitalism side but it is not burying the needle by any means. There wouldn't be government-owned roads in a purely capitalist state. Same with government-run fire departments, dams/levies, public schools, or any of that shit. Hell, even things like national parks and monuments aren't capitalist. Early in our countries history these things were not government-controlled. Shit changed because it was found that the market wasn't great at all things. Especially when one portion of the market used their power or the government as a cudgel to suppress other portions of the market. Monopolies are the classic example but there are others. Like with passenger rail service in the US. The auto and airline companies had the government build and run all the infrastructure they needed while the government taxed and regulated the rail company's infrastructure up the wazoo. Any pure form of government doesn't work where there are humans in change. Too many conflicts of interest and self-serving influences.


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>implying these aren't valid arguments
cope harder didn't refute anything I said there? You didn't explain how your special version of communism won't be an authoritarian nightmare?

This is just capitalism. It requires profit, but on a finite planet the amount of profit possible always falls.

Capitalism is inherently unstable, it creates its own crises. To continue to profit it colonizes weaker countries to open up markets, improverishes workers, piles on irresponsible debt, and promotes speculative bubbles. None of these can go on forever.

The end result is depression, or war. It's socialism or barbarism.

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And you missed the part where they had their own Red Terror and held collective power through violence and fear. Like authoritarianism, but different?

Just take a look at those filthy capitalists.

Cant they understand that monarchy may not be perfect but its the best thing weve got so far?

Just look at how the french are doing after they killed left us.

Its not the entire world marginalizing them into submission, its thei retarded economical system.

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What I was saying is that they all call themselves democratic, why wouldn't your version of socialism be the same? Sham elections and all that. Socialism has never been truly democratic in practice.

The only authoritarian state that doesn't hold sham elections is Saudi Arabia. Democracy is wildly popular, dictators recognize this and put on a show of it.

Its not my version, if ots called democratic it has to be, if it isnt then the name doesnt apply for the system.

Then I ask you for examples of this existing. Given that you need force to seize and hold the means of production, how would democracy work? People would merely vote back the old system for the prosperity, meager it may have been.

>> Socialism has never been truly democratic in practice.

Except for all of the socialist programs in stable first world democracies.

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Meet your boss.

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>Except for all of the socialist programs in stable first world democracies.
Learn the definition of socialism before commenting. Socialism: where the workers control the means of production

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Honest question: why does the American government allow that plaque to be there? Memorializing labor is the most unAmerican thing I can think of.

There's this thing called the first amendment.

When has that stopped the government?

Worker unions and syndicates are an example, their meanso of existance depende on the approval of its members and the public around it.

With these you can gradully seize the means of production, the process would only work with popular approval and the means of production would directly owned by the workers.

So this means Bernie isnt a...

We need to go 1960's on this commie shit. Just have your name mentioned on the same sentence as the word would land you in prison.

This I like

>Worker unions and syndicates are an example, their means of existence depend on the approval of its members and the mayority.
>With these you can gradully seize the means of production without any violent uprising, the process would only work with popular approval and the means of production would be directly owned by the workers.

Had to correct that

>seize the means of production
Socialists are all about how the rich steal from the workers and how it needs to be stopped but as soon as they are the ones doing it...

Seize the means of production?

I think you are confused

When you get something back that was stolen from you, it isn't theft.

Profit is theft

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>Seize the means of production?
It's all fun and games until it's your production being seized.

>When you get something back that was stolen from you, it isn't theft.
My dad worked at a factory for 25 years. He didn't build it, he didn't pay for it, he didn't design the things he made in it, it wasn't his. He operated a press. When he retired he built his own machine shop with his money and he eventually had 30 people working under him. He designed the factory, he paid for people to build it for his specs, he bought all the machines, and trained most of the staff. It was his and any shithead that would "seize the means of production" from him would be deadbeat in my eyes. Do you know why socialism doesn't work in counties that have nothing? Because they have to STEAL the means of production from someone first. When there is nothing to steal, no factories to take over, no capital to build anything with, you don't get very fucking far.

Now, you can argue that workers aren't being paid enough, or the conditions are poor, or that they need job security. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. But taking someone else's property just because you think it is yours is bullshit.

anarchism doesn't work because socialism can only be maintained with the efficient use of state power. Marxism-Leninism provided the best living conditions and protection from imperialism

Looking at “Liberty Prime” I’m left wondering just what exactly is your definition of “Liberty” and why you can’t have “Liberty” in a communist society?

>> Do you know why socialism doesn't work in counties that have nothing? Because they have to STEAL the means of production from someone first.

You have that confused with capitalism.

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Property rights are granted by the state, they don't hold any weight beyond what is legitimized through the use of force. The workers sell their labor power to a capitalist in exchange for a wage that satisfies their basic necessities; the relationship however is inherently exploitative because the capitalists profit is the unpaid labor of his employees. Read Wage Labor and Capital by Marx

literally everything you are attributing to capitalism equally has been done by cumminist regimes
* colonization and exploitation: eastern European countries by the Soviet Union
* impoverishing and enslaving workers: Korea, Soviet Gulag
* piles on ressponsible debt: the Soviet Union was bancrupt in 1989, that was the main reason they had to accept the fall of communism in eastern Europe. They had a severe economic crisis and were standing on the edge of a famine

economic crisis are an intrinsic part of communism, much more than in capitalism (e.g. the famines in China in the 60ies and the Soviet Union in the 20ies that killed millions). Only the reasons are different: in capitalism they are bubbles and greed, in communism it is mismanagement.

Also: remember that the falling rate of profit actually is a good thing. It means that less of the GDP goes to the capital owners and more goes to the workers. The rate of profit in the 1970ies was much lower than today, and it was the time with the highest workers income (in percentage of GDP) in the history of mankind.

>It's all fun and games until it's your production being seized.

By who?

In China the deaths were calculated by comparing projected birth rates with the actual birth rates (which had decreased as a result of the greater drive to industrialize) which is shitty for obvious reasons. As for the Soviet union, the holodomor was the result of bad harvests and grain hoarding by kulaks, and every socialist republic in the USSR had the right to leave the union as written in the Soviet constitution

>Property rights are granted by the state, they don't hold any weight beyond what is legitimized through the use of force.
So, you are saying you don't want anyone to own any property? I can't retire out to my cabin in the woods because some shitfaced neckbeard might decide I'm the bourgeois elite and take it from me?

>the capitalists profit is the unpaid labor of his employees
Profit is the returns of the owner or the investors. You wouldn't put your money in a bond if it wasn't paying you interest. You wouldn't have a savings account for the same reason, right? Why would anyone build a factory if they weren't going to see a return? If 'the workers' are such hot shit why don't they just build their own factory? Why do they have to take someone else's stuff?

>By who?
Why are you playing dumb? 'The workers'. I guess every shop better be owned by 'the workers' or be a sole proprietorship for fear of the shipping department taking the pace over and having the old man taking out back and shot.

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No, profit isn't the unpaid labor of the employees.

Just because an employer isn't directly making widgets on the assembly line doesn't mean he's not contributing, else janitors are also picking the pockets of the assembly workers by virtue of not directly making widgets.

Value is a collaborative, multiplicative, function -- not additive. A worker able to make 10 widgets per day at $10 each ($100) at the factory, at home, if the worker is able to produce at all, is maybe only able to produce 2 widgets due to lack of efficiency due to lack of collaboration and is unable to sell the widgets at a competitive price if at all. If a worker's value is $100, where did all that money go then? Thus value is not a sole product of a worker's labor.

This strikes me as a very “millennial” attitude.

Millennial to Boomer... you did all this stuff and reaped all the benefits from it and while doing so you didn’t make my life easier. That’s not fair.