What other Asian character should she be cast as? My vote is 2B for the inevitable Nier Movie
What other Asian character should she be cast as? My vote is 2B for the inevitable Nier Movie
Maria Ozawa
I wouldn't mind seeing her as Lightning for a FFXIII movie
she should be cast in a remake of the Nanjing massacre
Yes, cover the bitch's face for christsake.
Toyko Rose in.. GI Your Wife Is Getting Plowed
A Sumo Wrestler, she's fat enough.
She'd have to feminine hips to play 2B.
>ruining 2B's godly ass by casting this fat cunt
>2B for the inevitable Nier
literally who/what
Aren't 99% of women in anime based off western women anyway?
>there are people who don't find Scarjo very attractive now
What happened?
Kike blood came into effect.
I think Enji Night would make a much better 2B!
Hot new Sup Forumseddit meme all the spic shitskins love
She got fat and ugly. The Island ScarJo was 10/10.
she will play the little girl in the spirited away movie
She is not fat
>Nanjing Massacre
Hasn't she ruined enough scifi
all the attractive ones are yes
How with that flat ass she looks like a fridge, you know they use a stunt ass for her now since she been popping kids out
Disproportionate then, its just not aesthetic anymore
>Flat ass
Wrong faggot
Shoo shoo ScarJew.
Reminder that she loves polygamy.
how do we fix asian americans, Sup Forums? they have so many mental illnesses that asians don't
What's wrong with Lucy Liu, ming Na and Karen Fukuhara?
How the hell do the cosplayer whores get bodies looking like that?