What are some good movies about humiliating, dead-end jobs?

What are some good movies about humiliating, dead-end jobs?

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I think there's a docu about Sup Forums janitors

if you consider working for free still a job.

definitely still humiliating and dead end.

You never answered my question about your twitter image spamming


office space

Is there really?

>I think there's a docu about Sup Forums janitors
No, there isn't. That would be interesting doe.


One Hour Photo.

Pulp Fiction
End of Watch


The ultimate dead end job movie

This is such a great movie.

literally me

Ryan Gosling was in is annoying stage of acting during the mid 00's

>Clerks for millennials

the ultimate kino

Is that Eddie Haskell?

did they use the pictures off the actor profile page or some shit

What is the purpose of this image?

I love Sup Forums drama. Tell me what happened.

fucking bishop man


Is that guy a washed up actor?

I don't recognize him by name but he looks familiar.

prepare to laugh your fr*ckin *ss off

Why did they photoshop in Anna's head?

Also a good movie.


movie reminded me just how much I hate cooks, bunch of fucking assholes

whatever happen to Dane Cook?

>Mfw there was a sitcom pilot for Clerks with Jim Bauman as Randall

None of these films capture the true misery that is being a bottom of totem pole wage slave with no future in sight, normalfags would not be able to stomach it. The only thing that comes close is Taxi Driver.

His parents died, his brother embezzled all of his money, and Louis CK turned him into a professional embarrassment.

Not a movie, but Malcom in the Middle.

Obviously, movies like Clerks are supposed to be the shit you'd want to say to asshole customers, or stuff you'd want to do on the job and it pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Falling down too.

And pic related of course.

You mean ryan reynolds.
If the question were "whose dick do you want to suck," then you can write gosling.

The dude in Falling Down had a good Government job though. He got mad because they unfairly fired him, and his wife was leaving


arguably the greatest tv comedy ever made in my opinion, an absolute classic. Also Lizzy Caplan in this was the most wifeable women i've ever seen.

oh man I don't know what it is about lizzy caplan. She's one of those girls who looks much more beautiful in motion than in pictures. Also her personality is wonderful. Gillian jacobs is kind of similar.

Career Opportunities

Criminally underrated. Adam Scott joining P&R putting the final nail in Party Down's coffin s yet another reason to hate P&R
